2006 Gauges

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Jul 15, 2005
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Is it just me or have they made the '06 gauges even harder to read than the previous models? I for one do not like the guages on my '05 because of the layout and tiny digits on the analog speedometer.

Look at all the wasted space on that dial of the '06...Geez 65 Mph is at 9:00 O'clock position, and the digits are even smaller and closer together. I don't like it...What is up with FJR designers...Can't they make a decent gauge cluster like the R1?

Dissappointed....I was hoping they would improve the gauges.

'06 Gauges

I dunno - looks pretty good to me. I think with the new colors, it will make it even easier to see at night. Perhaps the wasted space you reference are for the warning lights? (they aren't lit up)


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I hope the LCD is as easy to read as the o5, even in broad daylight I have no

problem seeing any info on it, when I tried a friends ST1300 i was very thankful

for ours !


I too like the new dash - that LCD panel is schaweet! But why did they stop the speedo at 180 mph? Where'd 'Holy Shit!' go?

Did I see correctly that the LCD has a "MPG" readout?  I assume that's for miles per gallon.
I understand there's both an "average" and an "instantaneous" MPG readout. :eek:mg2:

I also read that the "MPG" display gives both real time and average MPG as well as alternates in that location with the Ambient Air Temperature readout!

scarfe-- just figure when the needle is pointing at 6 oclock, your stopped--9 oclock is in town speed, 12 oclock is crusing speed, 3 oclock is kiss your ass goodbuy!

If the big hand is on the 6o and the little hand is on the 11 :D

it's pretty close to time to hit 2nd gear! :lol:

One more reason to trade up to the new one. Sure wish the gear display went up to 6.

The overall new look of the instruments is schweeet!. But I'll vote nay on the numbers orientation on the tach and speedo. Looks odd and unbalanced, with 130 mph at 12 o'oclock. Also, I'll stick with the soothing green lighting at night instead of the new redish tint.

The new LED display looks way mo betta. Gear indicator, why not! I'm not sure if one of the 'trip meters' allows you to go beyond 999.9 miles--that would be an improvement. Kind of worthless not having one meter available for tracking a multi-day trip.

Ya…with all the room they could have made the speedo go up to 240mph enough to kick in the nitro! LOL! They should have reversed the tach and speedo position and I agree with Uncle Fester…where are the nice big turn signal lights?
