2008 Land of Enchantment 1000

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Great rally put on by great peeps! One of my favorites.

You can be sure I'll be signing up. Just hope I have the time to make it.

BTW folks, this is a great rally for beginners. Always challenging for experts too, but only complicated if you want to make it that way. So if you've never run a rally before, and have been considering trying one, I highly recommend you try this one. I personally guarantee you will not be disappointed!

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Great rally put on by great peeps! One of my favorites.

You can be sure I'll be signing up. Just hope I have the time to make it.

BTW folks, this is a great rally for beginners. Always challenging for experts too, but only complicated if you want to make it that way. So if you've never run a rally before, and have been considering trying one, I highly recommend you try this one. I personally guarantee you will not be disappointed!
Jeez....nevert thought I would want to do a rally...but now that I have completed a SS1000 and a BBG1500, think I might like to try one, specially if there is a personal guarantee that i won't be disappointed!

I had a great time last year & hope to again this year !
Bump up this upcoming event.


I am sending my application in today. I talked to Chad, from the MTF 50CC ride to Jacksonville, and he is signing up as well.

I know that there will be many forum members participating, and I very much look forward to seeing those I already know and meeting those I have not yet met.

I have also signed up fo it a couple of weeks ago. This wil be my first rally.



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I'll see you all there. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm especially looking forward to the Trinity Site visit (even though it will probably be a brief visit.) :rolleyes:

I would love to do this, and several other rallies, but when you have 3 to 4 days travel to just get there, it makes sellign the idea to the wife more than a little challenging.

going to try for some of the rallies here in the Midwest next year.

I would love to do this, and several other rallies, but when you have 3 to 4 days travel to just get there, it makes sellign the idea to the wife more than a little challenging.
going to try for some of the rallies here in the Midwest next year.
3-4 days? You a snail or sumptin? I made it from Phoenix to Chicago in 23 hours and this would cut 450 miles off the trip. 1 day. It's not even a BBG! I'll expect to see you there. :p

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Sure, no problem at all. A BBG on the way out, then the rally, and then a BBG on the way home. You think my name is Dale or sumptin?

I have wanted to do this rally for about 3 years now. I can't wait :yahoo: I got most of the new toys instaled on the FJR lastnight, the seat should be here just before I leave. This will be the FJR's first rally I was planing on bringing my Intruder which all I had to do was change oil and hit the road. Like stygr8 told me it will be a good shake down run for the new scooter :D Should have 1/2 the NPT tour done on the way down and back if the weather holds!!

I have wanted to do this rally for about 3 years now. I can't wait :yahoo: I got most of the new toys instaled on the FJR lastnight, the seat should be here just before I leave. This will be the FJR's first rally I was planing on bringing my Intruder which all I had to do was change oil and hit the road. Like stygr8 told me it will be a good shake down run for the new scooter :D Should have 1/2 the NPT tour done on the way down and back if the weather holds!!
Wow-That is great that you are coming almost 1500 miles each way to participate in the event. You will be ready for an oil change after your trip there and back, right?

Look forward to seeing you there.


I have wanted to do this rally for about 3 years now. I can't wait :yahoo: I got most of the new toys instaled on the FJR lastnight, the seat should be here just before I leave. This will be the FJR's first rally I was planing on bringing my Intruder which all I had to do was change oil and hit the road. Like stygr8 told me it will be a good shake down run for the new scooter :D Should have 1/2 the NPT tour done on the way down and back if the weather holds!!
Wow-That is great that you are coming almost 1500 miles each way to participate in the event. You will be ready for an oil change after your trip there and back, right?

Look forward to seeing you there.

Actually I will probably need a tire change somewhere along the way back, know of any decent dealers in NM? If the seat gets here in time it will be about a 2000 mile trip down working on the NPT.

I know there is a bike shop a few hundred yards from the Hotel, don't remember the brand though.
I think it's a Suzuki franchise so it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe Google Suzuki and Los Lunas and you'll probably get a hit. Let me know if you don't have any luck and I'll see what I can find out for you.
