2009 2 million mile push !

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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158 miles today

triple digit temps, but Cooling Vest sure saved the day

let's see...meet Jeff Q in Covington for Burger King chicken sands (times are economically tuff - Applebees next door)

head back roads to Cabela's in Gonzales

part ways to return to homes

let's ride safe and be careful out there,

Mike in Nawlins'

Lots of local putting around, and a trip to Alaska. I don't check in here often enough, so don't add these to the total, if you don't want them. 32,177 miles so far this year, all on the FJR. I hope to have the K75 back on the road soon.


1747 for the CFR run and 3700 for the year prior to that. 5447 so far this year. Thats not near enough.

A bit late, but put me down for 13,093 miles year to date. Most of those miles were chasing dams (www.damtour.com), but also included a trip to Death Valley and the Cal24. Most of those miles were in March, April and May.
