2009 FJR constipation

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I did find it surprising that the Yamaha folks I spoke with today couldn't offer an explanation for the unavailability... They are going through tough times Worldwide just like everyone. Patience required.
Gary in Fairbanks
If you've been up there 44 years, I'm sure that you're familiar with the following expressions. At least they didn't give you one. <_<

It's on the barge.

We don't control the boat.

Seattle's slow/backed up/weathered in/etc.

Sent back because of shipping damage.

etc etc etc

Hang in there. It'll be shiny and black! ;)

I did find it surprising that the Yamaha folks I spoke with today couldn't offer an explanation for the unavailability... They are going through tough times Worldwide just like everyone. Patience required.
Gary in Fairbanks
If you've been up there 44 years, I'm sure that you're familiar with the following expressions. At least they didn't give you one. <_<

It's on the barge.

We don't control the boat.

Seattle's slow/backed up/weathered in/etc.

Sent back because of shipping damage.

etc etc etc

Hang in there. It'll be shiny and black! ;)
Hell, if he's been there 44 years, he should know by now it takes 3 months for a milk order to show up.

I did find it surprising that the Yamaha folks I spoke with today couldn't offer an explanation for the unavailability... They are going through tough times Worldwide just like everyone. Patience required.
Gary in Fairbanks
If you've been up there 44 years, I'm sure that you're familiar with the following expressions. At least they didn't give you one. <_<

It's on the barge.

We don't control the boat.

Seattle's slow/backed up/weathered in/etc.

Sent back because of shipping damage.

etc etc etc

Hang in there. It'll be shiny and black! ;)
Hell, if he's been there 44 years, he should know by now it takes 3 months for a milk order to show up.
You guys all have it right! Back in 1965 when I moved to Alaska at age 19, ALL our food came from Seattle via barge or steamship - frozen. Vegetables, milk, eggs, meat, bread, you name it - all frozen. Had to eat quick before it got soggy. True story. Finally they separated the soft stuff from the rest and life improved. TV was a two week delayed taped affair both in Sitka, and later in Fairbanks. Old news was good news.

Times have changed and we now enjoy all the amenities and most of social ills that plague the Lower 48. The chronically unemployed and bums in general get gone when it turns cold, which is good. Truckers or container ships bring goods and produce daily. Motorcycle shipping is a 10 day affair from Seattle. A few days of delivery and longshoring from Yamaha's distribution warehouse, 5-7 on the container ship to Alaska, and the rest in trucking from Anchorage to Fairbanks. Real uptown.

The '09 FJR release hold is on new bikes not yet sent to Dealers. Speculation is that they are fixing the ignition switch. Hopefully they will continue production of the model even as the economy takes another downturn.

We in Alaska have not, nor likely will not, suffer as much as many States as the economy corrects itself. Work up here is strong (but seasonal unemployment is as much as 10%), jobs for the motivated available, and like in past economic downturns, we will carry on as always by helping each other. The Winters are rough, but getting through them is the secret to enjoying the great environment and warm Summers with perpetual daylight filled with mosquitoes.

An hour on a motorcycle and it's time for a wash job from all the bug splugie. Shut the bike down and the cooking bugs on the hot engine smell like Colonel Sander's finest. Gotta' love it. Can't wait for Summer.

Gary in Fairbanks

Are we on the west coast the lucky ones?

Nah... Just Ghey.

Carver, David Bowie, Old Fuk Micheal, Bluenutts, Liberace, MM2, Jed Clampet, Toe, Iggy, George Micheal, Old Micheal, Boy George, You, et al... Prove this out.. :clapping:



And just how is it that you know so many "Ghey" people? :confusedsmiley:

I am in LOVE with Mizz Bustanut! Lady, you are "Da Bomb!"

Ya Happy now woman?? Ya got ol' "underwear pulled to the armpits" all excited.. :blush2: anddd.. You've undoubtedly tarnished my good reputation here :black eye:


Why are you watching FJRFORUM at this point anyway? Shouldn't you be out on a snowmobile about now?
Well I would be, but the kids off with it right now.



Why are you watching FJRFORUM at this point anyway? Shouldn't you be out on a snowmobile about now?
Well I would be, but the kids off with it right now.


Polaris' first and finest, but Yamaha still rules! (but is heavy). Rode one of 'em at some point or another, can't recall exactly when. There's still a few around if your needin' parts. There's a Tired Iron race up here every Spring. Fun for all the old rigs. Polaris just won the Alaska Tesoro Irondog race, but the old iron is the best, 4-Stroke Kohler engine and all. Just put it in the tent at night so it'll start in the morning. Three dog night, etc.

Gary in Fairbanks

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Heard from a helpful Yamaha Product specialist today. All undelivered '09's are being held back for the ignition switch conversion, and Dealer orders should be filled eventually. No word on any surplus production. Now I know, and can sit on my mittens and wait like an old Eskimo hunting Caribou.

Gary in Fairbanks

Ya Happy now woman?? Ya got ol' "underwear pulled to the armpits" all excited.. :blush2: anddd.. You've undoubtedly tarnished my good reputation here :black eye:


I do believe that you owe that woman ANOTHER apology, what with your reputation being what it is and all.

I do believe that you owe that woman ANOTHER apology, what with your reputation being what it is and all.
What you mean another? Hell, I ain't done the first one yet.... an that was form sumpin that happened 30 years ago :blink:

Keep it up an I'll send ya a case of Rust starter. ;)


Ya Happy now woman?? Ya got ol' "underwear pulled to the armpits" all excited.. :blush2: anddd.. You've undoubtedly tarnished my good reputation here :black eye:

....what with your reputation being what it is and all.
:eek: :rofl:

That's exactly what I was thinking!!!!!

One hopes he gets on his knees every day and thanks some benevolent being for keeping her in the house (or blinding her so she stays). :bleh:

Ya Happy now woman?? Ya got ol' "underwear pulled to the armpits" all excited.. :blush2: anddd.. You've undoubtedly tarnished my good reputation here :black eye:

....what with your reputation being what it is and all.
:eek: :rofl:

That's exactly what I was thinking!!!!!

One hopes he gets on his knees every day and thanks some benevolent being for keeping her in the house (or blinding her so she stays). :bleh:
Oh yeah, Keep it up guys :ermm: Keep encouraging her.... :not_i:



[SIZE=8pt]Damn. I wonder how long I'm gonna sleep in the garage this time......[/SIZE]

End of story. I started this thread to alert other potential buyers about the recent unavailability of 2009 FJR's. Today my Dealer called and said that while the '09's were still unavailable and were a ways out for release, he could offer me an excellent price on a new '08A model, with warranty of course, well below used '08 retail book. Given the choice I took him up on the '08. It should be here in a couple of weeks.

Others still looking to buy a new year-old '08A/AE might want to check about ordering one. There's substantial money to be saved by buying last year's leftovers.

Gary in Fairbanks

Well THAT'S one way to bump a thread! :rofl:
Age here 63, and it's a miracle that I can even use the damn computer thing, kiddo'. The second post was an honest mistake. BTW, I was riding a motorcycle in 1960 at age 14, what were you doing?

Gary in Fairbanks

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