2009 FJR constipation

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Well THAT'S one way to bump a thread! :rofl:
Age here 63, and it's a miracle that I can even use the damn computer thing, kiddo'. The second post was an honest mistake. BTW, I was riding a motorcycle in 1960 at age 14, what were you doing?

Gary in Fairbanks

Humping Marilyn Monroe when Jack Kennedy wasn't lookin'.

I was riding a motorcycle in 1960 at age 14, what were you doing?
Patiently waiting for a broken condom to make my getaway.
I don't care WHO you are....that there is phunnee! :rofl: Whodda thunk a Canuckian could make a phunnee. :****:

[SIZE=8pt](translation for Odot and Bustanut: "I wasn't born yet")[/SIZE]

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There seems to be a common misperception about the dealer stocking process. Dealers order their inventory once a year, and schedule it for delivery during the following twelve months. If the factory's production is all allocated, there won't be any bikes available for special ordering. Your dealer may tell you you're making a special order when you're actually just waiting for a unit he already has scheduled for delivery sometime in the future.

[SIZE=8pt](translation for Odot and Bustanut: "I wasn't born yet")[/SIZE]
Translation for Howie, I was born in Nov 1960.

Ermmmmm.....I got it the first time. :)


Hamster [SIZE=8pt](bet ya didn't think anyone saw that, didja?)[/SIZE]

Thank gawd you didn't say "gerbil". Not with Odot listening, anyway.

There seems to be a common misperception about the dealer stocking process. Dealers order their inventory once a year, and schedule it for delivery during the following twelve months. If the factory's production is all allocated, there won't be any bikes available for special ordering. Your dealer may tell you you're making a special order when you're actually just waiting for a unit he already has scheduled for delivery sometime in the future.
Yea...but, dealers trade with other dealers all the time -- to unload non-moving product for something that might (or, something that someone distinctly wants?).

Dealer-to-dealer phone conversation: "I'll trade you an FJR for a Rhino..." :eek: :dribble:

Comments on great replies folks:

Good stories all around...I was just cranky late at night from a sore back when I posted...apologies, and nothing personal meant RH.

I used to fill the condom machine at the Wisconsin gas station I worked at in the early 60's...some turned up missing, 'cause at the $0.50 cents an hour they were paying me then I couldn't afford to pay until I got a raise. I was up to $1.00 an hour before headed north to Alaska. They were paying $2.50 up here for an hour's gas station work in 1965, and I knew was home.

Yes Dealers order once a year, and mine ordered two '09's for Spring delivery. However, due to the ignition switch change-out, they will be delayed for delivery for some that weren't already shipped, and I didn't want to wait a few more months.

Yamaha is offering overstock or unsold '08s to Dealers at a good price, and I jumped at the chance to save some big bux for essentially the same bike. What is left will go at auction later this year.

Gary in Fairbanks
