2011 Blizzard in Wheaton

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Interesting camera work. You got the outside and the screen pretty much in focus. What was the f-stop?
Actually, was meant as a serious question. That kind of depth of field usually requires a really small aperture, which usually means a lot of light. There didn't seem to be that much ambient light. Maybe the new digitals have more flexibility. At any rate, nice pictures. ;)
Depth of field is related to f stop which was f3.5 in Wheatie's pictures, the focal length of the lens and the distance from the target. The greater the magnification the shorter the dept of field. A 200mm lens at f8 at 10 feet would have a sharp focus dept of field of 0.73 inches! A 50mm lens at f8 at 10 feet would have a sharp focus dept of field of nearly 5 feet. Most point 'n shoot cameras have very short focal length lenses -- look at the lens and where the CCD is located in the camera. This extremely short focal length gives outstanding dept of field, where you have everything from a few feet away to infinity in focus. With my DSLR loaded with my 200mm lens I could have shot the same scene from in the house and the screen would appear to have disappeared because it would be so far out of the focal range.

The brightness of the pictures is in part due to the camera compensating with a +0.3 EV shift. This would be the equivalent of ~1/30 a second of shutter speed or a change of ~f1.2 aperture.

I took the following two pictures at the Boston Flower Show, same camera, same lens, same distance but with focal length lengthened (and camera rotated). No Photo Chop. At the distance I was standing the last picture had a depth of field of around 9 inches; f5.6; 200mm; 1/15 second; +0.33 EV; ISO 1600. Cage be gone!!!



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I don't care how much lipstick and airbrush you use, that is still an ugly chicken.... <_<

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"After shoveling" pictures...3 hours of shoveling bliss.





"I'm the King of the world!"




Making a snow cave in 5 ft deep drift



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Well, that's one way to lose weight. :unsure:

My neighbor, who works for the power and light, tried to open my 300 ft driveway up today and got his dual wheeled salt spreading big blade bad boy stuck sideways. :angry2: Had to be winched out (no photos to protect the innocent). Later in the day another neighbor with a BIG tractor came in to get the job done. Kicked some snow ass, and I am once again mobile. :)

Good thing.... I was getting low on beer and library books. Gift certificate to a local restaurant will be on its way soon.

Be a long time getting a bike on the road this year. :huh:

Wheatie, this pix of you is priceless, you poor phooker!

Captions -

  2. get me outta here NOW!
  3. Spock! Beam me up. NOW!
  4. ? How many more days of this crap ?
  5. Do these sweat pants make my ass look phat?
  6. Do these sweat pants make my *#ck look small??


I guess I won't tell you about how I got cold riding to work today, Mark..

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I don't understand the shovel part. All my snow removal involves gasoline or diesel. The shovel gets used only on the front steps. :yahoo:

Mark, I understand that shoveling snow is hard work and it's cold.

But couldn't you have done a little better job of cleaning off the car.


But couldn't you have done a little better job of cleaning off the car.

Actually Karl, that's how I usually do it.

...but this time I had the slave women of the household scraping and brushing off the snow from the vehicles. Now THEY get it done right! :clapping:

I don't understand the shovel part. All my snow removal involves gasoline or diesel. The shovel gets used only on the front steps. :yahoo:
Yeah...I'm a cheap bastard. No snowblower. Also explains why I still don't have a GPS.

Plus, I've got teenage indentured servants, Ray. I only got 'em for a few more years, might as well get some use out of them. Plus, while I'm out there "bonding"...I figure if the shoveling doesn't kill me, it will make me stronger. So I always check when the shoveling is done...am I dead...no. Then, I guess I just got stronger. :clapping:

Then I came inside and posted rants about how awful winter is... :lol:

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I don't understand the shovel part. All my snow removal involves gasoline or diesel. The shovel gets used only on the front steps. :yahoo:
Yeah...I'm a cheap bastard. No snowblower. Also explains why I still don't have a GPS.

Plus, I've got teenage indentured servants, Ray. I only got 'em for a few more years, might as well get some use out of them. Plus, while I'm out there "bonding"...I figure if the shoveling doesn't kill me, it will make me stronger. So I always check when the shoveling is done...am I dead...no. Then, I guess I just got stronger. :clapping:

Actually, it was just one more day in winter paradise... :lol:

Then I came inside and posted rants about how awful winter is... :lol:
Never assume the young willl be gone in a few years. My youngest just returned at 24 years old. Brought a dog,cat and a blown up car. :angry:

We're moving in a few years and not telling them where...

...that's okay though. We'll still send 'em Birthday and Christmas cards from the P.O. box.


We're moving in a few years and not telling them where...

...that's okay though. We'll still send 'em Birthday and Christmas cards from the P.O. box.
Your still screwed !!! That's what I thought when I moved but they are like a sticky booger and you can't hide. I even ended up with the MIL in the same town. :angry:


We're moving in a few years and not telling them where...

...that's okay though. We'll still send 'em Birthday and Christmas cards from the P.O. box.
Your still screwed !!! That's what I thought when I moved but they are like a sticky booger and you can't hide. I even ended up with the MIL in the same town. :angry:

Maybe you should have moved to Wheatieville ! :D


We're moving in a few years and not telling them where...

...that's okay though. We'll still send 'em Birthday and Christmas cards from the P.O. box.
Your still screwed !!! That's what I thought when I moved but they are like a sticky booger and you can't hide. I even ended up with the MIL in the same town. :angry:

Maybe you should have moved to Wheatieville ! :D
I don't think I want to be east of the Rockies :rolleyes: I am sure I could see the Mississippi river when I went to NAFO :p

As soon as Wheatie moves to SC, where it's nice and warm, he really thinks the kids are staying in Wheativille? Ah, youth! Doode, you are screwed and tattooed. :****: :lol:
