2011 Blizzard in Wheaton

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As soon as Wheatie moves to SC, where it's nice and warm, he really thinks the kids are staying in Wheativille? Ah, youth! Doode, you are screwed and tattooed. :****: :lol:
Yeah, but they won't like the rent I will charge for the doghouse or tent out back. That will fix their wagon.

Do not have that much snow in town, the mountains are different. But this is what I woke up to the other morning.


Do not have that much snow in town, the mountains are different. But this is what I woke up to the other morning.

Man, I hope they have indoor toilets out by you. You could freeze your penis to the ground just taking a pee in those temps.

It is snowing today so it warmed up to 8. Yes we have indoor plumbing. But some found out that it freezes also. When it is this cold peeing outside is hazardous no matter how high offkthe ground you think you need to get. Exposing skin in any size amount still freezes quick,especially if it gets wet.

You could freeze your penis to the ground just taking a pee in those temps.
Or just stand on a cinder block or something like I gotta do.
Yeah SacramentoMike, that would work for you Non-Fenians! For Old Michael, ShinyPartsUp and Papa Chuy: We Hibernians have to stand on a 55 gallon oil drum, so our Irish Shillelagh's don't hit the ground! First bullshitter doesn't stand a chance here on the FJR Forum, on dog pile Friday!

You could freeze your penis to the ground just taking a pee in those temps.
Or just stand on a cinder block or something like I gotta do.
Yeah SacramentoMike, that would work for you Non-Fenians! For Old Michael, ShinyPartsUp and Papa Chuy: We Hibernians have to stand on a 55 gallon oil drum, so our Irish Shillelagh's don't hit the ground! First bullshitter doesn't stand a chance here on the FJR Forum, on dog pile Friday!
The above measurements were quoted from your imaginary lovers, right? :blink:

Besides, we know that the Irish need assistance to get on the ladder to climb the 55 ga. drum....and in their condition that's not going to happen so they layon the ground and .......

As soon as Wheatie moves to SC, where it's nice and warm, he really thinks the kids are staying in Wheativille? Ah, youth! Doode, you are screwed and tattooed. :****: :lol:
Yeah, but they won't like the rent I will charge for the doghouse or tent out back. That will fix their wagon.
That reminds me of a conversation with "The Princess" when stopped by for a visit as I was painting her ex-bedroom to make it an office...

"Dad, I'd really like to move home."

"Sabrina, that would be great and I'd love having you here. First, the mean S.O.B. who lives here still has the same house rules. Second, let's discuss rent."

"B-b-but...Dad, I don't want ot pay rent."

"B-b-but, Sabrina, I don't want to make the house payment. Now that we each know what the other doesn't want, let's discuss rent."

Funny thing...she didn't move home.

It's nice being Dad....Father, not so much.

Now that she has a permanent living arrangement (with her husband) and a daughter of her own...life is good!

I spent the day using one of Satan's tools against the devils handiwork. You warm weather guys have probably never heard of a roof rake, let alone seen one.

Having a well insulated roof means that the snow doesn't melt. Building codes in the North East typically ask for roof strength to withstand 30-35" of snow. We dun exceed that so it was time to move it. There is more snow, rain which the snow soaks up like a sponge and freezing rain due tonight so the roof snow had to go. The snow on my garage, shed and low slope entrance porch had to be shoveled by hand but the roof had to have the roof rake.Take a pole that is 24' long and hold it by the very end, over your head. Slam the blade end down on the snow hard enough to cut through the crusted layers then pull roughly 30 pounds of snow down on your head. That will remove roughly 1/4 the thickness of the snow, roughly 1/8 the way up the roof. Repeat, repeat and repeat until 4 or 5 hours have passed. Unfortunately I have a very steeply sloped two story house so the reach is as bad as it gets.

The up side of this is that I have reduced fears of my roof collapsing during the middle of the night.

Motorcycle content: I was wearing my high traction, waterproof and insulated Gaerne motorcycle boots and my goatskin Thinsulate waterproof winter riding gloves.

This is similar to a typical roof rake, my rake has a metal blade:



What scares me is them icycles! Nothing like being speared whilst reaching above them for some snow, which might knock them things off. I saw Ice Age so I know what them things will do! :lol:

Hmmmmm....somebody needs to invent a contraption that vibrates sections of the roof to induce a structure saving "avalanche".


Wheaton - is that your FJR wrapped in garbage bags out in the snowstorm?! OUTSIDE the garage...?!
Nope, its a Weber grill. The FJR is comfy under a cover inside the garage. However, it is hard to get psyched up go out there and do the maintenance during the winter in that unheated garage.

...and was that a coffin I saw in one pic in the backyard?! :blink:
Nope...picnic table.

...and why all the wussy from-inside-the-house shots?
Just got back inside from 3 hours of snow shoveling. How bout I put a boot up yer arse! :D

Wheaton has been a great place to grow up, get married and have a family in...but I am counting the days...3.5 years x 365days/year = 1278 days till I/we move down to upstate SC.

Less than 4 hours to the beaches at Myrtle Beach or Charleston, 1.5 hours to mountain riding, 8 hours to Tampa, Florida. Riding 10/11 months out of the year.
Riding and weather from your future home, Upstate SC. Rubbing you're nose in it or just giving you a little something to look forward to, y'all decide.


Miniblizzard on 01-10-2011


Sunday 01-30, 60+ degrees and sunny. We took the FJR out for a spin to evaluate the Forum Vstream. Didn't take the camera though. Hwy 39, just out side of Laurens, through the Michelin test track (check it out on Google Earth) would be a great place to check for high speed buffeting, if the speed limits allowed.

Sunday 02-07



Clear enough to see Ceasar's Head and Table Rock from the driveway today (not enough zoom on my little camera to capture the image, unfortunately).


Took the spouse's hobbies out for a spin



From my POV


Took the Yamahammer out for a spin around the neighborhood, took a pic at Lake Rabon


The big M/C show will be in town 02-25 thru 02-27. A little group ride based around the show would be cool if we get lucky with the weather.

FLFJRS, the Vstream will ship out tomorrow
