2011 IBR - The Inside View

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Well, at least my final drive is making good time. :D

Looks like "RW" and "MEJ" are about to do a fly-by of each other. :lol:

Best part of this thread, now that the vets are discussing routing, is some insight into what goes into the route planning before the start of each leg. Thanks for sharing. I'm beginning to see what is so addicting about riding this almost impossible rally.

And we get to do it with a beer in our hand! :D

The best year ever for us following the event ! What a blast so far. Doug Barret is riding the FJR I sold Him so I hope to see a good finish. He is very well prepared and determined. O.K., a car tire might seem a bit of a stretch . . . Awesome Dale & all involved !!
NO car tire for Doug. A cracked rim spooked him. See the Darksider thread. And to my disappointment, Doug has chosen to ride in a team with another rider - never a formula for a top finish imho. Still, I too with him the best. Good guy.
I was a bit dissapointed when I read about the team decision. He has everything going for Him to be a very good finisher without a partner. Wish I knew His spot...

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Looking at the Spot page now (20:29cdt) it looks like Fargo and points south are on their mind. I really hope they know parts of I29 are closed. That would be a bad surprise.

Some riders are in nebrasuck...fools :)

Ok so here is Leg 1 route including Hyder that I threw together VERY quickly.

The thing I like best about the route is the chunk of I-90 between Rockford (where I live) and Chicago, or even anywhere to head south after you stay on I-90 past Rockford. Why do I like it, well it is all under construction. A good 40 miles of it. I have made it from Rockford into dowtown Chicago in as litle as 1:15 when leaving in the wee hours of the morning. This morning, with leaving Rockford at 5:00 am it took me 2.5 hours. I don't want to think about what it could be like at rush hour, or if there is an accident.

I was a bit dissapointed when I read about the team decision.
I was quite surprise at this as well.

He was wise enough to dump the ct and was raring to go... dunno what's up with his decision. He is a thrillseeker, pairing himself with a dude on a BMW GSA.... I mean, a beemer, really? If the beemer's engine/tranny/final drive grenades itself, it's Doug who gets the DNF! :huh:

OTOH.... maybe Doug considers that all part of the IBR adventure, too... :D

After reading Jeff's excellent analysis this armchair rally rider is changing his mind. With the uncertainty of getting a computerized receipt and gas the timeline and miles are just too tight. My analysis was based on rolling into Hyder, getting a receipt and back on the road.
The lack of a fuel log requirement this year does bring up the easier possibility of buying gas off a citizen out of their garden shed. Of course, they would likely have a hard time convincing someone of that at 0200. :blink:

It will be very interesting to see if all three make it to the checkpoint before the penalty window and which states they're able to collect on this leg.
I expect to see them make it to the first checkpoint. Where I think it won't pay off in the end is in what states they needed to skip on this leg in order to get to check 1.

Side note: two of the three riders that went to AK are carrying spare final drives. Guess which one isn't. :lol:

You know what? Getting Blaine, and Madawaska on Leg (1) is doable, more doable than Hyder if you ask me. You stick to pretty much the base route, get quite a few capitols (low hanging fruit along the way) just a couple out of the way, and blow off Penn until Leg 2, by cutting up through Canada after getting MY, to Madawaska.

Tight, very tight but I've ridden that, and it's doable. I'll freely admit that I probably wouldn't have though of that, and probably wouldn't have run that scenario and would already been hosed by the time it dawned on me in oh, North Dakota or something like that.

But I do think it's doable, and that *might* make Keywest doable on leg2, maybe.


And to my disappointment, Doug has chosen to ride in a team with another rider - never a formula for a top finish imho.
So how does team riding work? Different riders take different legs or they split up and take different parts of each leg? Kind of like tag team? And why is that disappointing?

Be kind... I'm new to all this. :dribble:

But I do think it's doable, and that *might* make Keywest doable on leg2, maybe.
Oh, it most definitely makes getting Key West doable on leg 2, but I am increasingly thinking that the 4-corners is a bad idea. A lot of miles and hassle for not so much points. But I need more info. Like how many points capitals are worth, and also, how much points go up in leg 2 and leg 3. In the end, the 4800 points for the 4-corners might not be so much compared to the points for snagging capitals. I am increasingly inclinded to believe this the case. But I would want to know how many points I anticipated getting in leg 1. Depending on that, I think there is a good chance I would blow off 4-corners altogether.

I am liking the 4-Corners option less and less as we go along here... some of these corners are just insufferably long to get to, eating valuable time. Madawaska is forever north, and Key West can be insane with it's slow-ass 2-laners. Heat/humidity will not help the situation there, either. :blink:

I am liking the 4-Corners option less and less as we go along here... some of these corners are just insufferably long to get to, eating valuable time. Madawaska is forever north, and Key West can be insane with it's slow-ass 2-laners. Heat/humidity will not help the situation there, either. :blink:

what twisted mind(s) that put this together. so many ways to go and so many variables... :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:

So how does team riding work? Different riders take different legs or they split up and take different parts of each leg? Kind of like tag team? And why is that disappointing?
They must ride the ENTIRE rally together. NO EXCEPTIONS. They BOTH have to document the bonus locations and states. And they CAN NEVER QUIT BEING A TEAM. If one goes down, due to fatigue, crash, mechanical failure, then the other rider's rally is through also.

Lots of disadvantages.

The only primary advantage is that they can plan together and it's not considered 'cheating' or 'assistance'. Though in reality I'm not sure how much of an advantage it is. That and the small advantage of comraderie and sharing the experience with someone. But overall, it's a huge negative as far as I am concerned. Potty breaks, meal breaks, sleep breaks now have to be done together, not just when one rider feels like it.

Call me a purist, but the Iron Butt Rally is supposed to be an idividual experience - one rider's challenge against extremely difficult circumstances. Personally, I want to fail, or succeed on my merits only. I want the experience to be mine. Afterwards, I don't want to look back and play the "well, if I was on my own, 'I woulda, coulda, shoulda', game." Realistially, due to the cost and huge committment, a rider may only run the IBR once - the experience of a lifetime. I want that experience to be my own and one with no regrets.

Most feel similarly, hence why Doug is the only member of a team that is not a married couple.

Damn! I wish I was running the damn thing!

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I am curious, what is the average age of the pilots ??

youngest is 24 I think I read and oldest is ???

Possibly Art Garvin, who had his birthday on that first day of Tech Inspection... Art is well into his 70's...
Frik ,,,,,Art -- if 70 he does not look a day over 50 !!!! Are UUU sure WOW !!!
He looks about 3 years past 50 to me. At least that's what his birthday cake said.

So the general drift I'm getting here is that Hyder and the 4 Corners are probably not the ticket but big miles and state capitols might be the winning program?

BTW, apparently, yet again, the FJRForum is THE place on the 'net to follow the IBR. Well done, ladies and gentlemen! :clapping: :clapping:

I am liking the 4-Corners option less and less as we go along here... some of these corners are just insufferably long to get to, eating valuable time. Madawaska is forever north, and Key West can be insane with it's slow-ass 2-laners. Heat/humidity will not help the situation there, either. :blink:
From a newby standpoint, when I first read the reports I thought this was a great format.

For those that wanted to just obtain finisher status the objectives were clear and VERY doable.

I leaned heavily towards the 4 corners with only capitols in direct path. Butt now I see most are

doing capitals and going to great distances to bag them. This leads me to believe their point value

is "Worth" it.

My original thoughts were Madawaska on Leg 1 and Key West on 2. Key West at night is better

now. They have erected large fencing which helps with the key deer, and LEOs are fewer and further

between... IMHO

I sure appreciate the well informed posts in this thread, with special thanks to the IBR vets and Warchild. Thanks!

But I do think it's doable, and that *might* make Keywest doable on leg2, maybe.
Oh, it most definitely makes getting Key West doable on leg 2, but I am increasingly thinking that the 4-corners is a bad idea. A lot of miles and hassle for not so much points. But I need more info. Like how many points capitals are worth, and also, how much points go up in leg 2 and leg 3. In the end, the 4800 points for the 4-corners might not be so much compared to the points for snagging capitals. I am increasingly inclinded to believe this the case. But I would want to know how many points I anticipated getting in leg 1. Depending on that, I think there is a good chance I would blow off 4-corners altogether.

Right and when you get Madawaska on Leg 1, you'll need to get all those New England states to make Key West feasible on Leg 2. That means that you'll be sacrificing any potential points in those capitols before knowing what they may be worth. Would you like those 4800 points or what's behind door #2?

Or maybe I'm off base here. I haven't fired up the routing computer yet tonight.

Damn cool to see veteran IBR big dawgs posting up here -

(I just wish I knew who the icons on the SpotWalla map were)

so sayeth the CandyButt Association prez :rofl:

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