2011 IBR - The Inside View

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Call me a purist, but the Iron Butt Rally is supposed to be an idividual experience - one rider's challenge against extremely difficult circumstances. Personally, I want to fail, or succeed on my merits only. I want the experience to be mine.
Concur with this assessment.... for whatever reason, Doug decided otherwise, so... he is paired with rookie Chris Ogden on his BMW R1200GS. Do they even know one another before Seattle? I don't know... I wish them luck.

Call me a purist, but the Iron Butt Rally is supposed to be an idividual experience - one rider's challenge against extremely difficult circumstances. Personally, I want to fail, or succeed on my merits only. I want the experience to be mine.
Concur with this assessment.... for whatever reason, Doug decided otherwise, so... he is paired with rookie Chris Ogden on his BMW R1200GS. Do they even know one another before Seattle? I don't know... I wish them luck.
I talked with both of them at the no-host event Saturday evening. I stressed that they have have a "pre-nup" agreement to split up after the first leg if isn't working out.

That means that you'll be sacrificing any potential points in those capitols before knowing what they may be worth. Would you like those 4800 points or what's behind door #2?.

Sacrificing known points on leg 1 to get to Madawaska, and sacrificing as yet unknown points on leg 2. And the frustration of perhaps having to doubleback after the first checkpoint to get capitals of the states you have already been to just because their point value is so high? The gamble is getting bigger knowing you are only going to get 4800 points. And I would not do the 4-corners unless I could do it that way. Corners 1 & 2 on leg 1, corner 3 on leg 2. I most definitely would NOT bag Key West after Jax (Chkpt 2). That would just be too big a time sucker. No doubt in my mind that other leg 3 destinations will yield a far greater reward.

So, I *might* still get Blaine as a time sucking insurance policy just in case they do something REALLY strange on the leg 2 bonus listing. But I don't really see them doing that. At least not anything that makes getting the 4-corners more valuable. Only less valuable. Time will tell.

Where's my beer?

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But I do think it's doable, and that *might* make Keywest doable on leg2, maybe.
Oh, it most definitely makes getting Key West doable on leg 2, but I am increasingly thinking that the 4-corners is a bad idea. A lot of miles and hassle for not so much points. But I need more info. Like how many points capitals are worth, and also, how much points go up in leg 2 and leg 3. In the end, the 4800 points for the 4-corners might not be so much compared to the points for snagging capitals. I am increasingly inclinded to believe this the case. But I would want to know how many points I anticipated getting in leg 1. Depending on that, I think there is a good chance I would blow off 4-corners altogether.
The one report said that Capitols were worth between 25 and 1000 depending on their distance from the optimal path. 1000 points for Harrisburg, PA was given as the high value and by the looks of things ~250 miles off the beaten path? That leads me to believe there are other 1000 pointers. Still I *think* 4800 points is a LOT to make up grabbing capitols. *if* you can get the 4 Corners and a good amount of low/medium capitols I think at this point that's the best bet, but the two east coast 4 corner spots are very hellish. Not Hyder Hellish but Agressive none the less.

I'm pretty damn sure I'd of ruled out Hyder, not being on a GS and all. My initial guess was Upper left coast leg 1, upper right coast Leg 2 and the two lowers leg 3. Even with the added time at the middle 4 corners states that still plays out for me. Now if in fact the capitols are worth more in legs 2 and 3, I might abandon the 4 corners and start looking at capitols. But right now my route has very few in leg 3, but plenty in leg 2 because they are simply low hanging fruit and I'm knowledgeable of the area(s).

I think there are some that look easy that could be very hard to get if you aren't aware.

This will be interesting to say the least.

We'll see. (Yeah sure is easy from here tho.).

That means that you'll be sacrificing any potential points in those capitols before knowing what they may be worth. Would you like those 4800 points or what's behind door #2?.

Sacrificing known points on leg 1 to get to Madawaska, and sacrificing as yet unknown points on leg 2. And the frustration of perhaps having to doubleback after the first checkpoint to get capitals of the states you have already been to just because their point value is so high? The gamble is getting bigger knowing you are only going to get 4800 points. And I would not do the 4-corners unless I could do it that way. Corners 1 & 2 on leg 1, corner 3 on leg 2. I most definitely would NOT bag Key West after Jax (Chkpt 2). That would just be too big a time sucker. No doubt in my mind that other leg 3 destinations will yield a far greater reward.

So, I *might* still get Blaine as a time sucking insurance policy just in case they do something REALLY strange on the leg 2 bonus listing. But I don't really see them doing that. At least not anything that makes getting the 4-corners more valuable. Only less valuable. Time will tell.

Where's my beer?
I dunno, I know the general feeling is the point values for legs 2 and 3 will be higher, but "past performance is not an indicator of future performance" (as my 401k is an example of that).

If given the example that Harrisburg PA was a high capitol at 1000 points, and let's assume for the sake of arguing that it's 250 miles out of the way (maybe 500 miles round trip). 4 of those 1000 point, 250 mile detours, is about the same as one of the 1000 mile, out of the way 4 corners. Now granted, there are two of them. But I can see someone getting those and a couple of the bigger 1000 point capitols.

I wouldn't rule out the 4 Corners just yet. Probably will after leg 2 but not yet I don't think.

The best year ever for us following the event ! What a blast so far. Doug Barret is riding the FJR I sold Him so I hope to see a good finish. He is very well prepared and determined. O.K., a car tire might seem a bit of a stretch . . . Awesome Dale & all involved !!
NO car tire for Doug. A cracked rim spooked him. See the Darksider thread. And to my disappointment, Doug has chosen to ride in a team with another rider - never a formula for a top finish imho. Still, I too with him the best. Good guy.
If I may presume enough to speak for Doug, who is a friend of mine: He doesn't want a top finish. He just wants to be a finisher. He has never been a competitive rally rider, he just wants to finish his rallies and enjoy the rides. That's why he and Chris teamed up - to help each other and to enjoy the experience better by sharing it. They are having a great time so far.

The best year ever for us following the event ! What a blast so far. Doug Barret is riding the FJR I sold Him so I hope to see a good finish. He is very well prepared and determined. O.K., a car tire might seem a bit of a stretch . . . Awesome Dale & all involved !!
NO car tire for Doug. A cracked rim spooked him. See the Darksider thread. And to my disappointment, Doug has chosen to ride in a team with another rider - never a formula for a top finish imho. Still, I too with him the best. Good guy.
If I may presume enough to speak for Doug, who is a friend of mine: He doesn't want a top finish. He just wants to be a finisher. He has never been a competitive rally rider, he just wants to finish his rallies and enjoy the rides. That's why he and Chris teamed up - to help each other and to enjoy the experience better by sharing it. They are having a great time so far.
Sounds like a good plan! B)

Here's a link to my pictures from the start of the 2011 IBR: IBR Start Pictures I did the video of the start (the one without the music) that's been previously linked in this thread.

I appreciated Jeff Earl's analysis of the Hyder decision. There's an easier and less time consuming way to have snagged the state of Oregon. Ride to Longview and cross the bridge to Rainier and get a receipt at the convenience store/gas station. Then head for the Blaine bonus item and Hyder. That should remove about 2 hours from the RT to snag Oregon. It's true one would have to give up the state capital, but snagging HYDER may be worth more than all of the state capitols combined. We'll see when the bonus points are released. It's still a long slog to fit HYDER into the equation; and I will admire anyone who can pull it off.

Props to Jeff Earls who really got me started in actively following the IBR some years ago.

And, yes, I'm riding to Ontario, CA for the finish. I was able to attend the finish of the '09 event in Spokane.

Tim in Burien, WA

There's an easier and less time consuming way to have snagged the state of Oregon. Ride to Longview and cross the bridge to Rainier and get a receipt at the convenience store/gas station.

You are correct. Thank you, I should have caught that but Salem's value was likely worth the effort. I don't think Ranier vs. Portland vs. Salem changes the basic problems involved with Hyder.

I just spent some time playing with the 4-corners option. Let me simply say that to pick up the bigger value capitols and necessary states while trying to add Blaine and Madawaska on Leg 1 requires a pace in excess of Hyder; and the Hyder pace exceeds anything achieved over the course of a previous IBR. History is not in favor of that pace being sustainable for 11 days. Don't discount that the return to Buffalo from Madawaska needs to include all those slow New England states unless the rider decides to return straight back via Canada and save them for capitol hunting on Leg 2. The preceding sentence should be taken out back and shot.

If one tries for Madawaska and Key West combined on Leg 2, an even higher pace is required (on the eastern seaboard no less) and capitols will be opportunistic only. So that's out.

Which leaves KW on leg 3, which I don't like. KW and San Ysidro on Leg 3 with only hitting the required states is an ok distance for the available time. Adding Denver and SLC to that is still possible but beyond current record pace. Adding Carson City puts the pace up into the sketchy Hyder-on-Leg1 realm, but now it's leg 3 (problem here is one needs to back track to get Arizona). Further addition of Sacramento brings this leg average requirement up into crazy land when one considers how slow it is getting in and out of Key West.

So overall:

4-Corners and Minimum State requirements. Very achievable with Madawaska on Leg 2 and KW on Leg 3.

Adding what could be seriously valued capitols to the 4-Corners can quickly push the total ride up to the 14k-15k mile range. Can someone average 57 mph for the total event, including mandatory down time at checkpoints? Highly unlikely. I know I can't. I did 12.7k miles according to my GPS units in '09 and that 48.1 mph average kicked my butt. The current mileage record for the event comes out to a 50.6mph average.

It will be interesting to see how the Leg 2 and 3 bonuses shake this up.

Getting back to the "arriving at Hyder in the wee hours of the morning" conundrum: might it be possible that a rider would phone ahead to, say, the Sea Alaska Inn and make special arrangements with them (who presumably are aux fait with the IBA/IBR etc. after years of Hyder Seeks) to sell the rider something in the wee hours of the morning and perhaps have a can of fuel ready in the back yard?

Firstly; hello american dudes. Long time. Cannot BELIEVE I'm not there. Shoot me; shoot me now.

Secondly; my thoughts on routing this SOB ............ and ............ the winningest route is ................... Hyder on the first leg, somehow make it to Buffalo, forget the 4 Corners (the biggest red herring in IBR history) and grab as many capitals on Leg 2 and 3 as possible.

And it's simple for why; You either need the 4,800 from the Corners or from Hyder to go with the (assumed) increasing capitol points values on Legs 2 and 3. By doing Hyder (and not the Corners) you get the 4,800 points in the bag before the bigger capitol points kick in (freeing you up to hoover like a man or woman posessed).

You can get gas and a receipt at any time in Hyder if you are pushy enough (or you ring ahead with a cash offer).

And of course, you don't have to go to Key West.

Like Jeff says, Oregon is the problem, but you'll be heading that way on the last leg for capitals (Salt Lake City ?) anyway.

Love to all,


PS Of course, I might be worng.

PPS I once wrote off an FJR in spectacliar fashion, so I think I'm allowed to post here.

Thanks Jeff for hanging out here. I'd post up more myself, but it seems this other rally is taking place at the same time and I'm trying to fire up a plan to ride the Utah 1088. Your, WC's, and Skooter's comments have been quite to the point...I was thinking the whole 4 Corner/Hyder/Capitals thing. I would have gone capitals myself on the bet that later legs would be worth more points....what little I know and guess. Monster miles would be my underlying goal hoovering up of many of them as I could.

I did figure out state capitals about 6 months ago and excusing checkpoints and order of legs figured a 12,500 mile route from Washington....hmmm.

Off to bed...to get ready for tech. :)

Looking at the Spotwalla link right now, 4:45 am Central time, I see lots of them have sent "OK" messages. I would assume that means they have stopped, and are getting some rest. Looks like they are going to be moving through my area today, and I wish I could take off from work to try and intercept a few riders.

I wonder what Springfield, IL is worth sicne it is a good 130 miles south of the dirrect route, but puts them right in line for Indianapolis.

Go to St-owners to find that one.

see post #123


Amazingly interesting spectacle to behold. Glad we have all the great folks to narrate. Appears we have a rep on the ST forum (but, hey, who really cares, eh?):

Originally Posted by smunderdog If you haven't found it already, the fjrforums thread that is rocking and has good additional info...jeff earls is adding his analysis which is a great read.

Www.fjrforums.com Oooh... be careful.... the FJRforum ain't for sissys or those easily offended. The mods have been known to use bad words.

That thread is cool because of the insight provided by the insiders.

Yes, for the last several IBRs, FJRForum.com has been the de-facto place to hang out in-between Tom's Daily Reports.

Speaking of the ST guys... they are certainly most welcomed here. Lots of our ST brethren in the event this year. In fact, later on today, I am going to write up a lengthy article about one of the ST1300 guys who caught my eye due to his rookiness behavior, ;)

Paul Allison, mah Brudder... glad you are here! And what the **** is wrong with you, mate, not being in the event this year?! :blink:

Iggy - kick some butt at the Utah 1088.

Having a blast following this, sure makes passing the hours more interesting speculating and watching the aggregate SPOT tracker page. Listening to some of the long time rally guys here discuss strategies is a real learning experience as well.

Safe ride to all!

Allllllrighty, then.... here are the riders as of 5am PDT on Day 3.... what do we see here?


I'm thinking cdg better pick up the goddamn pace ASAP.

bbn needs to quit dicking around in Denver and start busting east.

The Triumph is still moving.... at least he's not last! That honor goes to the 3 Hyder players! :D

Better stay out of Nancy Oswald's way.....

cdg is on the move, but still needs to kick it. Same thing with bbn. If my notes are right, neither of them is going for the 4 corners.

Paul Allison, mah Brudder... glad you are here! And what the **** is wrong with you, mate, not being in the event this year?! :blink:
I had been hoping to use some pansy assed excuse about my nightvision not being up to it anymore; but then I discovered that one had already been taken. The only thing I can think of now is plain old fashioned weakness of character.



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