2011 IBR - The Inside View

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BTW, what the heck happened to T_H? I had him/her in my notes at the beginning as a front runner.

Don't know. I can tell you that T_H was one of the riders that went from the start straight to Umatilla, OR. After that I was getting interrupted too often by work and things around the house to keep a constant watch on anyone. Also, there have been several riders who must have forgotten to reset their SPOTS, since they seem to have been at a dead stop, and then suddenly are hundreds of miles further down the road.

Seems to me having that previous experience would have been invaluable.
I think it would be a must, just to know where gas can be had at which hours of the day (and night). Having just been to Hyder a couple weeks ago, I am in awe that anyone could run BBG3000 pace up to Hyder and back.


DGH is haulin, but MEJ bagged Springfield, an is in good condition to hit Indianapolis as well. Maybe DGH will jump up to Lansing, and who knows what the point values are for each of those.

According to today's update, one BMW has already blown a driveshaft.

That has got to be such a frustrating thing for those who own an otherwise wonderful motorcycle, to have that possibility always in the back of their mind.

Seems to me having that previous experience would have been invaluable.
I think it would be a must, just to know where gas can be had at which hours of the day (and night). Having just been to Hyder a couple weeks ago, I am in awe that anyone could run BBG3000 pace up to Hyder and back.

I was wondering that as well, having been to Hyder. On our return trip, we did a SS2000 from Hyder to Bismarck (which to the people in the IBR is a leisurely weekend), but considering the roads to and from Hyder, that's a pretty insane pace to keep up.

According to today's update, one BMW has already blown a driveshaft.

That has got to be such a frustrating thing for those who own an otherwise wonderful motorcycle, to have that possibility always in the back of their mind.
Hence the reason why two of the three Hyders players were carrying spare final drives in their hardcases... :blink:

Dick Peek's FJR1300 was not one of them... ;)

Unfortunately, GoFar is in a bit of a situation here.... his return border crossing did not go smoothly. At all. Crucial, valuable time was lost. Things may be a bit bleak for Dick.... we'll certainly know more after Call-In bonuses are written up by Tom Austin tomorrow....

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Let me add my thanks to Dale for starting this thread. This brings me back to the days when the internet was not the "world wide web" and we would search for formula one practice times via "ftp" and other outdated modes of communication. When we got the times, we would fax them to fellow formula one junkies.

Excellent entertainment!

Thanks Dale.


I just don't get what L13 is doing at all. (Easy to armchair QB this, but obviously not so much to really be out there) they went from MN down to Madison WI, and from there have been heading back west. That just doesn't seem like a very smart way of doing things.

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If one of the goals was to keep the rider's IDs underwraps maybe (one of them that I could see) shouldn't have put their name and IBA number in their check in messages lol. :ph34r: I won't post any of the info just thought it was funny.

I just don't get what L13 is doing at all. (Easy to armchair QB this, but obviously not so much to really be out there) they went from MN down to Madison WI, and form there have been heading back west. That just doesn't seem like a very smart way of doing things.
There's a lot of that going on all over the place some riders going north when others are going south, east or west. I just saw two riders not on the public page pass each other one going from Madison to Des Moines the other Des Moines to Madison :huh:

A couple of IBRs ago someone made a screen shot of the spot page every xx minutes then put them together so you could see all to little trackers scamper out from one checkpoint fan out across the land then all home in on the next checkpoint. If someone did it with this leg it would look like chaos :huh:

It is not that bad you just ride a KTM for LD. Problem solved.

I rode mine around the IB 5000 last year when I was scoring

According to today's update, one BMW has already blown a driveshaft.

That has got to be such a frustrating thing for those who own an otherwise wonderful motorcycle, to have that possibility always in the back of their mind.
I understand going back west to get a Iowa receipt, or maybe even going all the way to Des Moines, but I can only assume their route to WI did not allow them to stop in Nebraska and hence the long ride back West.

A couple of IBRs ago someone made a screen shot of the spot page every xx minutes then put them together so you could see all to little trackers scamper out from one checkpoint fan out across the land then all home in on the next checkpoint. If someone did it with this leg it would look like chaos :huh:
Someone on ST-Owners has a script running on his computer to do this ever 15 minutes and after the rally is over he is compiling it into a video. Of course this will only include the public SPOTs.

A couple of IBRs ago someone made a screen shot of the spot page every xx minutes then put them together so you could see all to little trackers scamper out from one checkpoint fan out across the land then all home in on the next checkpoint. If someone did it with this leg it would look like chaos :huh:
Someone on ST-Owners has a script running on his computer to do this ever 15 minutes and after the rally is over he is compiling it into a video. Of course this will only include the public SPOTs.
Make sure you get the link posted here so we can see that one, should be good humor ;)

Because it looks to me like Ken Meese has just travelled about 3,000 miles in 48 hours on a route that included two border crossings and a trip to Hyder, Alaska.
Note to self - kick Meese outta the CBA, this guy is an ANIMAL!

I understand going back west to get a Iowa receipt, or maybe even going all the way to Des Moines, but I can only assume their route to WI did not allow them to stop in Nebraska and hence the long ride back West.
Or he/she is getting greedy and wants to pick up Lincoln. Should be interesting to see how far into Nebraska they're going.

CDG is still in Pierre, SD. That doesn't bode well.

DGH should be well-rested for the second leg, unless his plan is to pick up the 4-corners bonus in Maine on leg 1.

Because it looks to me like Ken Meese has just travelled about 3,000 miles in 48 hours on a route that included two border crossings and a trip to Hyder, Alaska.
Note to self - kick Meese outta the CBA, this guy is an ANIMAL!
Well, I'm pretty sure everyone in the IBR would be kicked out of the CBA (for newbies this means dcarver's very own candy butt association) :lol: .


Anyone placing bets yet? This is like a horse race video game circa 1985. Commodore 64 rocking a Volks modem.

"DGH leading with DAR, GEB and MEJ close behind. The mudder 207 is taking an outside track and may catch the leaders."

Early round, I like JEF.

I met Fazer Phil Weston on the Isle of Man TT1000 run this past May. He's hard as nails and has some pretty impressive UK riding credentials. A top finish for Phil would absolutely be no surprise to me. During the IOM TT1000, not only did it pound rain, you couldn't see dick because of the accompanying fog. Phil is probably laughing at the storms and hail.

As for Meese, I remember we spoke after the 2009 IBR. I mentioned that I felt like I could've ridden a bit more aggresively, especially at the beginning, but held back because I was an IBR rookie and wanted to save something for the later legs. When the last leg came, I had more in the tank than I had anticipated (at least until the very last night) and remember thinking I blew some real, and, very convenient boni opportunities during the two earlier legs. As I recall, Meese felt the same way. Given his progress thus far, I'd say he learned his own personal lesson from the first IBR and is going balls out for as long as he can.

Of course if he wins, he'll have to hire an agent to manage all of his promotional speaking engagements. :rolleyes:


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