2011 IBR - The Inside View

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That would be a real bummer. The number of hits on the spotwalla page alone would make me want to keep the page up. I vote to randomize the names and keep it going!

Sumunabitch! I am continually amazed at the outright stupidity of those that think they are being clever little helpers with no regard to the rules or how their actions might impact others. I really hope the integrity of the Rally hasn't been compromised enough to bring down the Spotwalla page....

Warchild & others... Thank You for these updates. I am a noob to rallys (just ran the Cape Fear) and this stuff is like candy.

edit to add- I'm thinking the Spotwalla page is really showing a lag for some Spot transmissions. Spot on it's own isn't very real time (lags 10 minutes to hours sometimes).. and going through the Spotwalla polling prolly doesn't make it any better.

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That would be a real bummer. The number of hits on the spotwalla page alone would make me want to keep the page up. I vote to randomize the names and keep it going!

+1 Gunny!

Bad news.

Due to the misguided actions of a few members on a different bike forum, we are considering taking the Spotwalla page down.
But ... but ... but ... if you take the Spotwalla page down, how am I supposed to not get any work done?? I mean -gasp- I'll actually work!

Hard to believe someone would publish the names of the individual 3-character SPOT codes... we do not need to have the locations of our solo female riders made known to the world! :angry:

As usual.... the dicked-up actions of a few may well indeed ruin things for everyone.


If we do end up taking the page down, I will lobby to have all the current 3-character codes randomized to a 3-digit number, and get the page published again.
Do what ya gotsta do, Dale. We all appreciate your efforts.

Good news...... the Spotwalla page remains, but all markers have been numerically randomized!

Heh... take that, misguided publishers of names! :lol:

I checked the Spotwalla page before reading things here, and I was wondering what was with the switch to numbers. Thanks for not taking it down, but changing it as needed.

The dumb SOB, POS...I digress, who put people names up needs a severe dog pile!

Back to the fun, I cannot believe how far out 130 is. WOW, that rider is putting on some serious miles.

Yay, I have a severe fascination with maps, so the spotwalla page is like crack for me in that I'm watching motorcyclists run around on it. So glad it could remain up and running. Thanks!

People, people.... the thanks for this doesn't go to me, it goes to Spotwalla Deity, Jason Jonas!!!! :thumbsup:

Bad news.

Due to the misguided actions of a few members on a different bike forum, we are considering taking the Spotwalla page down.

Hard to believe someone would publish the names of the individual 3-character SPOT codes... we do not need to have the locations of our solo female riders made known to the world! :angry:

As usual.... the dicked-up actions of a few may well indeed ruin things for everyone.


If we do end up taking the page down, I will lobby to have all the current 3-character codes randomized to a 3-digit number, and get the page published again.
Just checked the Spotwalla before reading the above post......wondered why I was seeing a bunch of numbers.

Hope the page can stay.

Thanks again, experts, for all the fantastic commentary. Keep it coming.

Please elaborate on how that would put the female riders in jepardy ? Arn't the pages way behind where the riders actually are by at least 20-30 miutes ?

Good news...... the Spotwalla page remains, but all markers have been numerically randomized!

Heh... take that, misguided publishers of names! :lol:
Thanks, Dale for your efforts in keeping the page up and open to the public! Now I can continue my 11 days of 0% productivity uninterrupted :)

On a serious note, the insight that you and the IBR veterans bring to this thread is amazing, and I'm soaking up all the knowledge and wisdom I possibly can. Your time and effort is invaluable to many of us.

Chad Smith

Tucson, AZ


Please elaborate on how that would put the female riders in jepardy ? Arn't the pages way behind where the riders actually are by at least 20-30 miutes ?
Gene - imagine one of these female solo riders is your daughter. Do I really need to elaborate?

This retired California Highway Patrolman described the issue succinctly enough, when addressing the misguided individual who posted the PII:

Just because you can do something, doesn't always mean you should. Didyou consider the personal safety of the riders, especially the women

riders before posting the names. Not everyone watching the spotwalla

page has the best intentions.

Steve Hobart
Looks like 275 and 210 are along the same game-plan.

They just hit Jefferson City and moving north, so perhaps onward to Springfield > Indianapolis > Landsing > Columbus > Buffalo? It'd get them a few more capitals and some downtime. Might be able to sneak in one or two more if they were going at a good pace.

If it was my wife or daughter and there safety was a great concern maybe I would have went along or convinced them it might not be the best idea to do this . From a saftey perspective is that really the first concern for any rider be it female or male ,at the speeds and pace most of these competitors are running is the chance of a bad dude catching them really the true concern ? I would think sleep deprivation and elevated speeds for extended periods of time would be a much larger saftey concern . So are there other reasons ?


Hot off the press....Rider #666 is WAY DOWN SOUTH!!!

Stay tuned for updates as we receive them.


Couldn't someone take an old image and just figure out who's who based on where they were in relation to where they are now? I mean, some people are in a cluster within the same area (within 100 miles or so) and but the front-runners and stragglers and some deduction would have brought it back.

I would have taken the site down until the start of next leg, set up the random numbers and brought the page back up. That's just me though.

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