2011 IBR - The Inside View

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854... maybe not. Looks like hes at the checkpoint. For some reason, I thought the checkpoint was on the Jax Northside.

According to my unofficial scribbly notes from Saturday morning rider 854 was NOT one of the riders that went to Madawaska. That would mean he/she went there on leg 1 :huh: That or they're headed for Disney World.

Google has Jacksonville to Key West at 8 hours 43 minutes. If they have that third corner in the bag prior to the leg three start they will really clean up on capitols.

I am thinking that Key West on leg 2 is the way to go. The capitals saw a slight increase from leg 1.

To try and bag Key West to start off leg 3 would put you 16 hours in the hole to begin with. Capitals

being more sparse will no doubt increase their value for leg 3. Running to Key West at night is sweet,

16 hours tops round trip at a normal pace from Jax. The route you choose is still key though.

...So... I am thinking only 4 riders with SPOT are going to clear Jax by the 1:00 am- 16 hour window

to make the run south.

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I just talked with DaJuice he's having some trouble with his ear plugs irritating his ear canals. I've never had this issue so I was no help. I've heard of others with this problem but didn't pay attention to the solutions. Anybody have any advice?
If possible, I'd tell him to leave them out for a bit to give the ear canals a rest. Having them in for that long a period of time isn't surprising that they would be irritated. Not sure what type of plugs he's using but perhaps a smaller size (i.e. foam) if he has a chance to stop at a store... good time for a receipt?? :)
i had it happen in '03. switch to different plugs (to foam from custom in my case) or go without for a while. it's simple irritation after extended use. i went without plugs for a day and used some of the neosporin that i keep in my shaving kit. i was using custom molded ear monitors.

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I just talked with DaJuice he's having some trouble with his ear plugs irritating his ear canals. I've never had this issue so I was no help. I've heard of others with this problem but didn't pay attention to the solutions. Anybody have any advice?
When Iggy had this problem he used Neosporin to lubricate the plugs. Helps to heal things and still allows a good seal.
That sounds like a plan.

I guess Vaseline (petroleum jelly) would be effective too, but without the anti-bacterial component.
Vaseline is a BIG no-no. It will actually help to cause an infection. Neosporin, no plugs, or changing to other plugs. Maybe all of the above as needed.
+1 on the Neosporin. I had this issue starting on Day 2 of the 2003 IBR with a set of molded headset plugs and I used Neosporin for the remainder of the rally with no problems.

- Tim

Anyone have any idea what's up with 293? He/she appears to be in my neighborhood in Jax--literally--and isn't moving. No MC shop or retail outlet of any kind there, and this is not the fast route to the checkpoint. I am tempted to drive over there.



Dave Hembroff is stopped at the Bob's Quik stop outside Valdosta, GA, I-75,

exit 62. His bike is blowing fuel but the bolts to remove the tank are

mostly stripped. He needs some help in a hurry so please cross post to FJR

and other lists. His number is xxx xxx-xxxx.

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Dave Hembroff is stopped at the Bob's Quik stop outside Valdosta, GA, I-75,

exit 62. His bike is blowing fuel but the bolts to remove the tank are

mostly stripped. He needs some help in a hurry so please cross post to FJR

and other lists. His number is xxx xxx-xxxx.

Last edited by a moderator:
Dave Hembroff is stopped at the Bob's Quik stop outside Valdosta, GA, I-75,

exit 62. His bike is blowing fuel but the bolts to remove the tank are

mostly stripped. He needs some help in a hurry so please cross post to FJR

and other lists. His number is xxx xxx-xxxx.
This has been handled. Dave is now underway.

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i guess no one is hitting the Keys on leg 2?!? At least none w a public SPOT. That actually surprised me as there were a few that were in range, but I guess there was no time for rest. I know the Keys are slow, but 95/turnpike are fast moving slabs. Oh well. Some folks are going to have a long leg 3. Anyone know the count that have the first 2 corners?

I was at the checkpoint tonight...three riders checked in to the hotel between 10 and 11:15.
These are 3 of the 4 riders that I had been watching for a Key West run on leg 2.

I thought they had gone to the hotel, shut the SPOT off and left for Key West as to not

"tip their hands" that they had bagged the 3rd corner. Now I must say "Huh???" They

arrived in Jax with time for Key West and if needed, a short nap in route, must be

something I am missing here?

i guess no one is hitting the Keys on leg 2?!? At least none w a public SPOT. That actually surprised me as there were a few that were in range, but I guess there was no time for rest. I know the Keys are slow, but 95/turnpike are fast moving slabs. Oh well. Some folks are going to have a long leg 3. Anyone know the count that have the first 2 corners?
I'm with you on being surprised about no public SPOT riders not going for Key West. On Saturday and early Sunday it sure looked like some would head that way. Conditions (light weekend traffic and cooler night-time temps) seemed to be conducive as well. Oh, well, shows what I know! :rolleyes:

Sorry, I don't have a first-two-corners count. Maybe someone else can chime in.

Everyone is headed to the barn now. Hope the latest SPOT for folks still north of the NC line are not accurate.

I am watching a rider pick up Key West right now... their SPOT has them on N. Roosevelt Ave.

What I am mildly surprised at, however, is that several previous 4-Corners players now appear to be abandoning their quest for these points, and are no where near Key West. They are *substantially* north of Florida, and appear to be picking up various capitols. With 7 1/2 hours til the Checkpoint penalty points, they are definitely not going to score Key West now.

Not on this Leg, anyway.... :lol:

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Warchild said:
I am watching a rider pick up Key West right now... their SPOT has them on N. Roosevelt Ave.

What I am mildly surprised at, however, is that several previous 4-Corners players now appear to be abandoning their quest for these points, and are no where near Key West. They are *substantially* north of Florida, and appear to be picking up various capitols. With 7 1/2 hours til the Checkpoint penalty points, they are definitely not going to score Key West now.

Surprise shared here.

The four riders who approached Jax early (well at least three of them), I was convinced were heading to Key West. They had about 20 to 22 hours to make the trip.

What I don't know is just how fatigued those guys were already. It's quite a hurdle passing a comfortable hotel to go do another 1000 miles when you are feeling drained already. Not at all the same as being 1000 miles from a destination you HAVE to reach.

I was left feeling that either the three or four I was expecting to go for KW had missed a previous corner, or this rally is taking it's toll.

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Warchild said:
I am watching a rider pick up Key West right now... their SPOT has them on N. Roosevelt Ave.

What I am mildly surprised at, however, is that several previous 4-Corners players now appear to be abandoning their quest for these points, and are no where near Key West. They are *substantially* north of Florida, and appear to be picking up various capitols. With 7 1/2 hours til the Checkpoint penalty points, they are definitely not going to score Key West now.
Thanks for the info, must not be on the shared SPOT page. The route out of Key West will be important this time

of day. I hope they choose well. They should be fine, and bagging Key West on leg 2... SWEET! :clapping:

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