2011 IBR - The Inside View

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Day 8 Report: https://www.ironbuttrally.com/IBR/2011.cfm

Jim Frens sprints to the Scorekeeper to stop the clock upon his arrival in JAX:


Steve Hobart photo
I found Wingy, what's the prize? :p

I've been on the road for the last two weeks, finishing up with the 1088 24 hr and the ride home to Ivins. In a couple of days, it's off to Ontario for the finish and to collect my honey & get the F650GS worked on so it can manage the ride home.

Truth be told, Cletha made some choices that she was counseled against, and not just by me. However, I screwed up big time on the chain issue. :blink: It's been so long since I rode a chain bike for any distance, I simply forgot that some bikes eat chains more often than others. I mean hey, chains are for toy bikes, not real LD mounts. ;) We hadn't had any issues with the chain and the dealers never made any mention of it...

Of course, they were admittedly distracted by the coolant overflow bottle service bulletin, the water pump seal bulletin, the water pump bulletin, the coolant leaking out of the weep hole, etc. So that they forgot to mention the chain service bulletin is understandable. After all, we, the rider, didn't bring it up, so why would they bother to mention it? Oh, and none of those issues have been fixed, or have fixes available yet, aside from my own re-engineering of the coolant bottle, (which apparently is working as intended).

Needless to say, there was some stress involved surrounding the chain a few days ago. And a new chain + sprockets are in the near future, possibly in CA before heading home from the finish. It will be interesting to see how Cletha feels about her little bike after the IBR. The lack of weather protection has cost her the CC, XM, CB, voice prompts from the GPS and made her ride more difficult, to say the least.

Huge kudos to Jim Boone for picking up the parts/tools/lube I reserved at the Cyclegear in FL, taking them to the CP for Cletha. He would have installed them too, but Cletha had another guru under her spell for that task. Big props to that fellow too, (don't know his name). At least they found cover and didn't have to do it all in the rain.

Perhaps when Cletha gets home... she'll finally take the FJR for a ride. That should be interesting. Mary Ellen could give her some insights...

Keep up the great posts WC. It's interesting to see what ideas the keyboard riders are coming up with. After the news about Ken, I needed a laugh. He worked his magic in the hopeless class on that itty bitty GL500 and did well. And no checkpoint charlie either.

As some of you probably noticed, I had to lock this thread for a while and do some moderation of posts, including several of my own.

We will be implementing some new rules for this thread, and we are going to implement them immediately. Right now.

If the rider you are rooting for is fighting for a top 20 in the final standings, from this point forward there will be *NO* discussing the actual position of said rider.

None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. NONE!

Thread participants need to really understand this. We are this close =><= to setting this thread to invisible until after the event is over. If rider names/positions continue to get discussed, we will. Please continue your discussion about how Rider#123 is doing..... as long as you do not disclose a name with a position.

Thanks. Appreciate your cooperation.

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Welcome to the Kool-aid Eric!

Yeah, I have never had a chain bike myself either. Figuring out how to do maintenance on GSJane's 09 BMW F650GS was a learning curve. I still don't know exactly what a properly lubed chain looks like but I am learning. And after riding that bike back from Los Angeles to Phoenix (after it was stranded from a fuel pump issue and repaired) I could write a book on it's lack of weather protection. You really do get spoiled on an FJR, and S-T bikes in general.

As some of you probably noticed, I had to lock this thread for a while and do some moderation of posts, including several of my own.

We will be implementing some new rules for this thread, and we are going to implement them immediately. Right now.

If the rider you are rooting for is fighting for a top 20 in the final standings, from this point forward there will be *NO* discussing the actual position of said rider.

None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. NONE!

Thread participants need to really understand this. We are this close =><= to setting this thread to invisible until after the event is over. If rider names/positions continue to get discussed, we will. Please continue your discussion about how Rider#123 is doing..... as long as you do not disclose a name with a position.

Thanks. Appreciate your cooperation.
Well **** ....

I'm rooting for ALL of them to get a top 20 place :)

Fortunately, I don't actually know where any individual is!

Yeah ... Good Rule Dale. No one wants the result, however inadvertently, to be influenced in any way by a thread in a Forum.

I've been on the road for the last two weeks, finishing up with the 1088 24 hr and the ride home to Ivins. In a couple of days, it's off to Ontario for the finish and to collect my honey & get the F650GS worked on so it can manage the ride home.

Truth be told, Cletha made some choices that she was counseled against, and not just by me. However, I screwed up big time on the chain issue. :blink: It's been so long since I rode a chain bike for any distance, I simply forgot that some bikes eat chains more often than others. I mean hey, chains are for toy bikes, not real LD mounts. ;) We hadn't had any issues with the chain and the dealers never made any mention of it...

Of course, they were admittedly distracted by the coolant overflow bottle service bulletin, the water pump seal bulletin, the water pump bulletin, the coolant leaking out of the weep hole, etc. So that they forgot to mention the chain service bulletin is understandable. After all, we, the rider, didn't bring it up, so why would they bother to mention it? Oh, and none of those issues have been fixed, or have fixes available yet, aside from my own re-engineering of the coolant bottle, (which apparently is working as intended).

Needless to say, there was some stress involved surrounding the chain a few days ago. And a new chain + sprockets are in the near future, possibly in CA before heading home from the finish. It will be interesting to see how Cletha feels about her little bike after the IBR. The lack of weather protection has cost her the CC, XM, CB, voice prompts from the GPS and made her ride more difficult, to say the least.

Huge kudos to Jim Boone for picking up the parts/tools/lube I reserved at the Cyclegear in FL, taking them to the CP for Cletha. He would have installed them too, but Cletha had another guru under her spell for that task. Big props to that fellow too, (don't know his name). At least they found cover and didn't have to do it all in the rain.

Perhaps when Cletha gets home... she'll finally take the FJR for a ride. That should be interesting. Mary Ellen could give her some insights...

Keep up the great posts WC. It's interesting to see what ideas the keyboard riders are coming up with. After the news about Ken, I needed a laugh. He worked his magic in the hopeless class on that itty bitty GL500 and did well. And no checkpoint charlie either.
I rode down to jacksonville to meet some people for lunch on monday and hang out at the checkpoint and check out bikes and say hi to some folks i knew in the rally. A friend of mine that went out to lunch was also the guy who gave his GSA driveshaft to a rider in the rally who was hearing/feeling some weird things coming from his. I was one of the two people that helped put her new chain on. I only know her from facebook and reading her blog about her rides. A guy whose name i cant recall riveted the chain and we had a third guy double check everything just to make sure. So with 6 eyes on things just to make sure we didnt make any mistakes, she should be in good shape till california!!

Jon Kohler

Athens, GA

Welcome to the Kool-aid Eric!

Yeah, I have never had a chain bike myself either. Figuring out how to do maintenance on GSJane's 09 BMW F650GS was a learning curve. I still don't know exactly what a properly lubed chain looks like but I am learning. And after riding that bike back from Los Angeles to Phoenix (after it was stranded from a fuel pump issue and repaired) I could write a book on it's lack of weather protection. You really do get spoiled on an FJR, and S-T bikes in general.
The last two chain driven bikes I had were an FJ1200A and a Honda VFR750F.

Both were fitted with O-Ring chains and ScottOilers, and both would go many thousands of miles before the chains needed adjusting once the initial "stretch" was taken out.

I have two bikes now, both old, and both with Shafts.

Any other armchair routes out there?

I'm going for the 4 corners.

Leg 1 was 4265 points and included Madawaska and touched all of the New England states. Got Oregon but not MO or KS. Had to drop Cheyenne to have any realistic amount of rest.

Leg 2 was 3328 points and included Key West. Abandoned all the New England capitols. Should arrive at CP2 early enough to add meaningful rest.

That takes me up to 12,392 points through leg 2 if you count the 4 corners.

Leg 3 Capitols include FL, AL, TN, AR, TX, CO, UT, NV, CA, & AZ. Should be good points, but a good chance I'd have to jettison Phoenix if things didn't go perfectly.

If Meese hits San Ysidro then it all comes down to how many capitols he can bag in leg 3. I just can't see how he can get to Denver, Carson City and Sacramento after bagging Key West in leg 3. But if it can be done he will do it I am sure. If it's close I bet he'll regret bagging Cheyenne which I think took Harrisburg off the table for him.

Doesn't look like anybody's heading for Austin.

What the heck is with the 5 riders still in S. Florida? Spot off?

Forum's refreshing pretty slow. Does the FJRForum have a BMW FD by mistake? :D :D

Doesn't look like anybody's heading for Austin.

What the heck is with the 5 riders still in S. Florida? Spot off?

Forum's refreshing pretty slow. Does the FJRForum have a BMW FD by mistake? :D :D
Looks like there is one on the way. They are out around Tyler now. No reason to come that far into Texas if you aren't going to bag the capital.

Another thing. Everybody's pretty spread out about now. Not like previously where it looked like they were all bumping handle bars going down the East Coast or heading towards Chi-Town.

Mad last dash?

Stuff in Leg #3 all us keyboard rallyists hadn't anticipated?

<snip> I was one of the two people that helped put her new chain on. I only know her from facebook and reading her blog about her rides. A guy whose name i cant recall riveted the chain and we had a third guy double check everything just to make sure. So with 6 eyes on things just to make sure we didnt make any mistakes, she should be in good shape till california!!

Jon Kohler

Athens, GA
Thanks very much Jon! Hopefully the six eyes will give her enough good karma to reach the finish w/o more issues.


11pm EDT, Tuesday, June 28..... definitely spreading out... couple of SPOTs not reporting:


The Triumph lives, and is blazing westward! Okay, maybe not "blazing", but he's moving along... :D

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There are now nine visible riders in Oklahoma, or on their way, and probably more invisible.

If any Rider needs help an email to twigg2324 AT gmail.com will have me on the road in 10 minutes.

Feel free to pass this around.


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Leg 3 Capitols include FL, AL, TN, AR, TX, CO, UT, NV, CA, & AZ. Should be good points, but a good chance I'd have to jettison Phoenix if things didn't go perfectly.
You forgot OKC and Santa Fe.

It's a long and winding road to get Austin, Denver, Sacramento and Phoenix. One or two of them have to be worth a lot of points.

Edit: Looking at the Spot, Austin might not be worth much. The herd seems to be heading north.

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Leg 3 Capitols include FL, AL, TN, AR, TX, CO, UT, NV, CA, & AZ. Should be good points, but a good chance I'd have to jettison Phoenix if things didn't go perfectly.
You forgot OKC and Santa Fe.

It's a long and winding road to get Austin, Denver, Sacramento and Phoenix. One or two of them have to be worth a lot of points.
All of them, plus Carson City should be worth a lot of points.

Sacramento and Carson City should be a very high scoring "double".

Sacramento and Carson City should be a very high scoring "double".
Agreed. OK City, Santa Fe, Denver, SLC, Carson City, Sacramento looks to be the path.

But for some reason I feel Phoenix is worth a bundle, too. And that screws up the north route.

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