2011 IBR - The Inside View

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If you check the thread there, I think it will allay your concerns. That was posted today, after Ken's crash and subsequent successful surgery was well known. The thread owner was doing a good job of describing Ken's general route early on, then keeping quiet so as to not trigger any issues.
I was not talking about his cumulative SPOT track, but the thread that McRide linked to started on June 20th and was providing information on where he was and headed on Leg 1 it seems. I didn't read it in it's entirety to determine if it kept doing that for Leg 2 and Leg 3.

I stayed up until 4am and have lots of pics and a movie I'd the Triumph arriving that I'll post later.

I read through a good portion of it. He was mostly relying on the spot tracker for the info he was posting. Not so different than all of us watching different riders spot trackers on the spotwalla page. Didn't look like he was giving away too much and really, he was very out of touch with the whole incident as well at the end.

That was posted today, after Ken's crash and subsequent successful surgery was well known.
I'm not sure that's a valid assumption. Since 2009 I STILL haven't made my SPOT track public from the IBR out of an outright prohibition of sharing that information before, during, or AFTER the event. Perhaps that changed in 2011, but I wouldn't count on it.... :unsure:

If you check the thread there, I think it will allay your concerns. That was posted today, after Ken's crash and subsequent successful surgery was well known. The thread owner was doing a good job of describing Ken's general route early on, then keeping quiet so as to not trigger any issues.
I was not talking about his cumulative SPOT track, but the thread that McRide linked to started on June 20th and was providing information on where he was and headed on Leg 1 it seems. I didn't read it in it's entirety to determine if it kept doing that for Leg 2 and Leg 3.
There is only so much the IBA can do.

The riders are bound by an honor system. Any one of them could keep an open cell phone line back home. There has to be some trust.

I was reading Ken Meese's report on the '09 CAL24, where he refused to claim a bonus that he was told he could, because he didn't feel he had earned it.

If they all behave that way, and I have no doubt that they all would, then policing can simply look for obvious flaws and errors.

Nothing else would really work. We talked earlier about the costs associated with this event. Who really wants to spend many thousands of dollars and not have the satisfaction of an honestly earned result?

The choice is a simple one. Give the guys the rulz and trust them to follow them, or allow a free for all in terms of routing, and the IBR would end up a "team" rally.

I think the key here is that he had Ken's permission to post what he did, (and, presumably, his direction as to what/what not to post).
But, did Ken have IBR approval to give that permission? In 2009 were expressly prohibited from sharing this kind of information with anybody, but family and close friends; AND that if one of those trusted sources shared information publicly it could get us DNF'ed from the current and future rallies.

Again, perhaps something changed in 2011, but I wonder....

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I think the key here is that he had Ken's permission to post what he did, (and, presumably, his direction as to what/what not to post).
But, did Ken have IBR approval to give that permission? In 2009 were expressly prohibited from sharing this kind of information with anybody, but family and close friends; AND that if one of those trusted sources shared information publicly it could get us DNF'ed from the current and future rallies.

Again, perhaps something changed in 2011, but I wonder....
That is HUGE.

I can't imagine after all this that he's DQ'd because a friend shared that info... I'd be pissed to no end.

Hope Ken heals quickly.

I think the key here is that he had Ken's permission to post what he did, (and, presumably, his direction as to what/what not to post).
But, did Ken have IBR approval to give that permission? In 2009 were expressly prohibited from sharing this kind of information with anybody, but family and close friends; AND that if one of those trusted sources shared information publicly it could get us DNF'ed from the current and future rallies.

Again, perhaps something changed in 2011, but I wonder....
That is HUGE.

I can't imagine after all this that he's DQ'd because a friend shared that info... I'd be pissed to no end.

Hope Ken heals quickly.
A DNF is bad enough. A DQ would (as WC says) suck moist ass cheese.....

I hope not..

(don't know him, but it would suck...)

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I think the key here is that he had Ken's permission to post what he did, (and, presumably, his direction as to what/what not to post).
But, did Ken have IBR approval to give that permission? In 2009 were expressly prohibited from sharing this kind of information with anybody, but family and close friends; AND that if one of those trusted sources shared information publicly it could get us DNF'ed from the current and future rallies.

Again, perhaps something changed in 2011, but I wonder....
That's a great point, Matt, (one I hadn't considered - obviously). I agree that it's doubtful that particular policy changed any for 2011. My bad.

Warchild will see this, so the IBA knows. I am sure they are capable of handling it in whatever way they deem necessary.

In the meantime, I hope Meese has a full and quick recovery.

Splenectomy, broken fingers and ribs... Ken is in for some sleepless nights.

Too bad, he was running an incredible ride.

There is a group of riders who I think are most likely the top ten hanging around rally central. Rally officials are roaming the halls looking for two particular riders who "have a message waiting for them with rally staff." One of those missing riders was a person who I scored on Leg 3 who had an excellent score. I'm not naming names, but I suppose someone who is reading this from the hotel lobby could go walk over and see who I'm talking about...

(100% conjecture of course)

This has been the best forum for info on the rally. I think I will hang around here after the rally .
+1 Dave summed this up perfectly for me. I came to this board for the rally info. I think I'll hang out for awhile.

I'm ansy as hell waiting for the results of the rally to be announced. I know I'll find out here first.

I do not know the final standings, but I do know - for a fact - that the percentage of FJRs on the Podium tonight pretty much reflect the percentage on the Start Line... 20% B)

Splenectomy, broken fingers and ribs... Ken is in for some sleepless nights.

Too bad, he was running an incredible ride.

I've been following along in awe of what all these riders have accomplished. It sucked to read someone this close to a podium had an accident. An accident anywhere along the path is bad enough, but be so close to the end...

I have experienced broken ribs. Falling asleep is difficult, staying asleep without moving is near impossible, coughing or sneezing is pure torture. Any insight is to the cause of the accident?

My Thanks to all who have shared their time and efforts keeping us in the loop throughout the rally. I think I'll stick to the LBR (LazyBoy Rally) for now.

I think the key here is that he had Ken's permission to post what he did, (and, presumably, his direction as to what/what not to post).
But, did Ken have IBR approval to give that permission? In 2009 were expressly prohibited from sharing this kind of information with anybody, but family and close friends; AND that if one of those trusted sources shared information publicly it could get us DNF'ed from the current and future rallies.

Again, perhaps something changed in 2011, but I wonder....
That is HUGE.

I can't imagine after all this that he's DQ'd because a friend shared that info... I'd be pissed to no end.

Hope Ken heals quickly.
A DNF is bad enough. A DQ would (as WC says) suck moist ass cheese.....

I hope not..

(don't know him, but it would suck...)
Let's not jump the gun on this one. First, the IBR will undoubtedly consider all the facts in reaching a just and reasonable result, which I hope means that Ken Meese can ride in the next IBR. I know I'll be wanting to watch what that guy does again. I also hope that SPOT tracking can again be available to us keyboard spectators, so I hope that we keyboard spectators haven't done anything to persuade the IBR to consider abolishing it.

Second, Ken's friend, who had his SPOT link (over on the linked bmwlt forum site) really wasn't giving out his locations. He only started posting about getting concerned for Ken's welfare around 9 pm PDT. A little after midnight, and clearly out of concern for Ken's well being, he posted about trying to locate Ken, given what he'd seen on his tracker, which had minimal location information and times that at best might have been put together to get some idea of where Ken Meese MIGHT be. Special circumstances, IMO, and even then, he appeared to be as discrete as possible.

I logged on around 8 am this morning (I think -- was not fully caffeinated yet) and first read about Ken being out of the rally due to an accident in Tom Austin's IBR site report (which appears to have been posted at 7:46 am PDT). Ken's friend really didn't post specific info on Ken's locations until an hour after I read Tom Austin's report on the IBR site (see above link). When it comes to the safety of a rider who might be down, I'm thinking that it's nearly certain that there be some common sense leeway applied by an IBR that is clearly very concerned with making this challenge as safe as it can be, and that they won't be simply applying form over substance. (The animal strike exception reported above seems to prove exactly that.)

My condolences and prayers for a full and speedy recovery to Ken Meese (whom I have never met), and kudos to him for the 98% of a monster ride in which he apparently made one of the all time most epic of LD rally efforts.

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Let's not jump the gun on this one. First, the IBR will undoubtedly consider all the facts in reaching a just and reasonable result, shich I hope means that Ken Meese can ride in the next IBR. I know I'll be wanting to watch what this guy does again. I also hope that SPOT tracking can again be available to us keyboard spectators, so I hope none of the gallery blows that chance.

Second, Ken's friend, who had his SPOT link (over on the linked bmwlt forum site really wasn't giving out his locations. He only started posting about getting concerned for Ken's welfare around 9 pm PDT. A little after midnight, and clearly out of concern for Ken's well being, he posted about locating Ken, given what he'd seen on his tracker, which had minimal location information and times that might have been put together to get some idea of where Ken {i}MIGHT[/i} be. Special circumstances, IMO, and even then, appeared to be as discrete as possible.

I logged on around 8 am this morning and first read about Ken being out of the rally due to an accident in Tom Austin's IBR site report. Ken's friend really didn't post specific info on Ken's locations until an hour after I read Tom Austin's report on the IBR site (see above link). When it comes to the safety of a rider who might be down, I'm thinking that it's nearly certain to be some common sense leeway applied by an IBR that is clearly very concerned with making this challenge as safe as it can be, and that they won't be simply applying form over substance. (The animal strike exception reported above seems to prove exactly that.)

My condolences and prayers for a full and speedy recovery to Ken Meese (whom I have never met), and kudos to him for the 98% of a monster ride in which he apparently made one of the all time most epic of LD rally efforts.

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I have to wonder. Frens didn't have to do Key West on this leg. Dang, I bet he bagged a LOT of capitals if he ended up late.
Frens got KW in leg 2.
Oh I know. But the fact that he got in AFTER many of the guys who did get KW on leg 3 says he was out there putting in a lot of miles snagging points.
Or needed a lot of rest after his brutal second leg.
"Brutal second leg" is right. I saw Jim Frens in the checkpoint #2 hotel lobby after his arrival and after he had been scored. Dale's "meat on a stick" came to mind...and at that point we did not know that he had bagged Key West. I don't know when he left Jacksonville, but it was obvious he was going to need to get some rest.

In case I don't post again until after I get my FJR, I have thoroughly enjoyed following the rally on this forum and Spotwalla. Lots of great insight here and up-to-the minute info.


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