2011 IBR - The Inside View

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+1 And I'd like to thank all the visitors that took to time to stop by, register, and add their knolwedge and experience to our little group. Even though you're "FNG's" it's been pretty obvious from comments and insights that you're not. That's been a big addition to following the rally this year. Hope to see you in 2013, you're always welcome here! :clapping: :clapping:
This has been a great way for me to armchair experience the IBR and I appreciate all the insights provided over the past 11 days. Thanks for letting us hang out with you.

British fans: The Triumph of John Young is among that lead group in the lower Mississippi/Louisiana area. The Yamaha Frazer of Phil Weston is back on the Florida mainland.
Go Slippery Sam!
Mr. Young is my hero. If he makes Ontario as a 48 states finisher, he deserves to be an honorary Gold Medal finisher, if nothing else.
I thought about Mr. Young...I looked over his bike in NY, and to the best of my knowledge the man has no tunes, no XM, and no comms while underway. I mean I know he has a TomTom but they suck. *Maybe* he has some Bluetooth combo to his phone like a Scala or something, but damn.

Hardcore Old School!

I'm definitely a fan and really hope he finishes.

Go John Go!
When you're riding a triple, it's all the music you need! John Young is definitely old school, long live old school!
The Triumph lives, and is blazing westward! Okay, maybe not "blazing", but he's moving along... :D
OH - and this too - OLD Triumphs ROCK !!
+ 1 :)

(Slippery Sam -- now there's a blast from the past...) :)
And John owns "Son of Sam" John Young page on the Vetter website

Probably not the best touring bike :)

I'm adding my genuine appreciation of the hospitality of the FJR Forum to the chorus of well-deserved praise.

I have had two bikes in the past that I would be proud to own and ride again. One was my Honda VFR750F and the other my Yamaha FJ1200A.

Finances allowing I would be very pleased to own and ride the offspring of my FJ1200.

Maybe one day.

Meanwhile, I have a 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale that is in the later stages of LD Riding Prep.

Let's see if I can get it to the end of a Rally.

Thanks guys.

a freaking mountain lion. what are the odds.
They're usually found in Eastern Washington, but known to roam farther south in search of untapped kegs and tailgates with barbeques. ;)


What about Jim Frens? What about Frens?



+1, too----Spot shows 308 in "OK" mode [green] southeast of San Diego--no movement for over an hour.

The tension is driving me :wacko:

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a freaking mountain lion. what are the odds.
They're usually found in Eastern Washington, but known to roam farther south in search of untapped kegs and tailgates with barbeques. ;)

And, of course, you know how to keep them out of your yard.....

Just put up goal posts. :p

Cheap Shot! ... funny, but cheap! :lol:


My husky, sitting here at my feet is laughing his ass off! ;)


(Life is tough for a Siberian Husky living in Eastern Washington)


Meanwhile, what news on Jim Frens? :unsure:

Dick Peek and Eric Jewell are being scored 15 feet away as I type this... the tension is palpable!!!

Mehaffey make it on time! He looks like moist ass..... both tires are losing air to the point he had to stop every 100 miles to air up the tires.... quite the adventure!

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I have to wonder. Frens didn't have to do Key West on this leg. Dang, I bet he bagged a LOT of capitals if he ended up late.

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I have to wonder. Frens didn't have to do Key West on this leg. Dang, I bet he bagged a LOT of capitals if he ended up late.
I agree! I'm guessing he got all leg 3 capitals except for Little Rock and Phoenix.

Time will tell.

Way to go all riders! You folks are amazing!

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