2011 IBR - The Inside View

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Rider 350 must be really spent to get to the barn a full day early.

Maybe 350 wants to document an "legit" 48/10! ;)
Well he's got that....but he could get back on the interstate and do less than 850 miles and bag Sacremento and those points. I've watch this rider stop everyday and grab a room before the heat of the day sets in. Maybe he been up too long and figure one in the hand is better than two in the bush.

Assuming this rider has all the states and was just riding at this point to attain finisher status, why would they want to get back on the bike and ride to Sacramento and back and possibly risk a breakdown and NOT be a finisher? The difference between 30th place and 40th place really doesn't matter much - I wouldn't risk finisher status to move up a couple spots in the order.

To me, the lure of the pool and a cold beer would be far too enticing.

Rider 350 must be really spent to get to the barn a full day early.
293 has joined them
Actually, the checkpoint hotel, right about now, is a convenient and logical place to stop and rest for 4 or 5 hours before getting back on the road to nab Phoenix and San Ysidro. That's what I did on my fantasy Leg 3.

If heading from Sacramento to Phoenix you're passing right by it on the freeway anyway, it's not out of the way. I'd much rather hit the desert closer to sunset for the final dash. And after the rally, you're already checked in to your room :)

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...To me, the lure of the pool and a cold beer would be far too enticing.

Rider 350 must be really spent to get to the barn a full day early.
293 has joined them
If these riders like night riding they could get four or five hours sleep and then run up to Sacramento and back according to Google Maps. :)
Sure, but they risk not only breakdown as mentioned above, but they risk traffic which can be horrendous at literally any hour in LA. Ever seen a 2am traffic jam? I have, in LA, more than a few times!

I would think that after a nice loooong shower in an air-conditioned hotel room, the thought of putting on that stinky monkey suit you've had on for ten days, just to grab a few more points would be silly.

Relax and welcome the other nuts when they show up.

Sorry, I don't agree. I bet you a long, cold one that 350 leaves about 7 or 8 tonight and heads out. S/he will go to either Sac or Phoenix, whichever is the higher score.

Sorry, I don't agree. I bet you a long, cold one that 350 leaves about 7 or 8 tonight and heads out. S/he will go to either Sac or Phoenix, whichever is the higher score.
I'll take that bet.

If they were a rider wanting to squeeze out extra spots and not just settle on what still is a stellar accomplishment of a triple digit IBA number...they wouldn't have gone to Ontario to begin with. Never go home, too nice of a hotel, the finish line, or a whorehouse in the middle of a rally....unless you're done.

* Put a fork in them...they're not moving. That's my bet. :)

* Edit after I posted - Unless that haven't been to Arizona yet and they *may* drag themself out of bed to go to Ehrenburg to snag a last required receipt, but not Phoenix.

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Sorry, I don't agree. I bet you a long, cold one that 350 leaves about 7 or 8 tonight and heads out. S/he will go to either Sac or Phoenix, whichever is the higher score.
I'll take that bet.

If they were a rider wanting to squeeze out extra spots and not just settle on what still is a stellar accomplishment of a triple digit IBA number...they wouldn't have gone to Ontario to begin with. Never go home, too nice of a hotel, the finish line, or a whorehouse in the middle of a rally....unless you're done.

Put a fork in them...they're not moving. That's my bet. :)
+1 Someone would almost have to threaten your life to get you to go out again after 11 days.

Rider 350 must be really spent to get to the barn a full day early.

Maybe 350 wants to document an "legit" 48/10! ;)
Well he's got that....but he could get back on the interstate and do less than 850 miles and bag Sacremento and those points. I've watch this rider stop everyday and grab a room before the heat of the day sets in. Maybe he been up too long and figure one in the hand is better than two in the bush.

Assuming this rider has all the states and was just riding at this point to attain finisher status, why would they want to get back on the bike and ride to Sacramento and back and possibly risk a breakdown and NOT be a finisher? The difference between 30th place and 40th place really doesn't matter much - I wouldn't risk finisher status to move up a couple spots in the order.

To me, the lure of the pool and a cold beer would be far too enticing.
II wonder how big a bonus would have to be to get back on that bike again? Me, I agree with the beer and the pool idea.


I am on the side of 'they ain't leaving". No way no how. They aren't 4-corners riders, they couldn't have hit the high value capitols, they be done. Enjoying a nice room, shower, nap, and the satisfaction that they are an IBR finisher.

Done. I'd be stoked with that.

And the LDrider list says he came home early to celebrate his daughter's birthday.

OK, where do we meet to pay up? Beers all around. Bad word, bad word, bad word

And the LDrider list says he came home early to celebrate his daughter's birthday.

OK, where do we meet to pay up? Beers all around. Bad word, bad word, bad word
Actually, I think 350 is a different person/couple, but came in at a very similar time to the birthday father. Regardless, they're all in Ontario for the duration. :)

Just a little over 18 hours for the Iron Butt Rally before the finish. Those folks in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah are all sitting pretty and reasonable. Assuming the SPOT reports of the Amarillo, TX; SE Colorado, and SW Wyoming are recent....they gotta kick it in the butt. Amarillo is getting very close to a BBG pace.

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Rider 350 must be really spent to get to the barn a full day early.

Maybe 350 wants to document an "legit" 48/10! ;)
Well he's got that....but he could get back on the interstate and do less than 850 miles and bag Sacremento and those points. I've watch this rider stop everyday and grab a room before the heat of the day sets in. Maybe he been up too long and figure one in the hand is better than two in the bush.

Assuming this rider has all the states and was just riding at this point to attain finisher status, why would they want to get back on the bike and ride to Sacramento and back and possibly risk a breakdown and NOT be a finisher? The difference between 30th place and 40th place really doesn't matter much - I wouldn't risk finisher status to move up a couple spots in the order.

To me, the lure of the pool and a cold beer would be far too enticing.


607 is the first rider to nail Carson City. How great will it feel when they crest over 50 and see Lake Tahoe after all that riding?
I believe I saw on the news yesterday that it snowed at Tahoe on Wednesday. Of course I might be mistaken. I have slept, albeit badly, since then.

Actually, yes it has. Post 1642, beat you by more than 8-1/2 hours. Sorry.

Still a cool thing, that a lot of work went into.

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Sorry, I don't agree. I bet you a long, cold one that 350 leaves about 7 or 8 tonight and heads out. S/he will go to either Sac or Phoenix, whichever is the higher score.
I'll take that bet.

If they were a rider wanting to squeeze out extra spots and not just settle on what still is a stellar accomplishment of a triple digit IBA number...they wouldn't have gone to Ontario to begin with. Never go home, too nice of a hotel, the finish line, or a whorehouse in the middle of a rally....unless you're done.

* Put a fork in them...they're not moving. That's my bet. :)

* Edit after I posted - Unless that haven't been to Arizona yet and they *may* drag themself out of bed to go to Ehrenburg to snag a last required receipt, but not Phoenix.
Jim Croce said it best:

And you don't tug on Superman's capeYou don't spit into the wind.

You don't check into the final checkpoint hotel 20 hours early,

And you don't mess around with Jim.
Jim: just sayin'.

In the PDX terminal now, heading to ONT,
I just passed Jeff Earls in the hallway of the Doubletree.... I just rolled myself about a hour ago.

Very, VERY strange to see so many riders here already.... in past IBRs, they would rarely be in the day before the Checkpoint opened.

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