2011 Utah 1088 (12 hour, 1 day, 3 day)

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I signed up for the 12 hour rally. I thought it would be a chance to see if LD was right for me. Kind of regretting it now.

I signed up for the 12 hour rally. I thought it would be a chance to see if LD was right for me. Kind of regretting it now.
I apologize. I thought you were a random troll doing trolllike things. Clearly, you're not. Sorry.

That said, If you're going to obsess on one small part of a rally like one single bonus....maybe so. I hope you don't though.

I would suggest strongly at thinking about the other 30 or so bonuses that will be a much larger part of the rally and to have fun. I would also suggest that using this forum and this thread as a discussion area for people in the rally is probably fool-hardy. You might want to use the e-mail listserv Steve sent up to discuss these things. This thread was entirely intended as an announcement of a rally that's taking place and has drifted far off the OP.

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I signed up for the 12 hour rally. I thought it would be a chance to see if LD was right for me. Kind of regretting it now.
Perhaps a different perspective is indicated.... have you emailed the rallymaster to get his take on it?

Seriously.... Steve Chalmers won't hesitate to address your concerns and explain why he worded the application like he did. Too, consulting him for an answer means you will then have the *correct* information - right from the proverbial "horse's mouth" - to base your decisions upon.

I had thought the 1088 was an IBA sanctioned event -
Um, no... as others have mentioned, that's most definitely not the case. The Utah 1088 is a MERA event. ;)

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For the paltry sum of ~$10k one can guarantee they secure the slow-ride bonus points by....... converting their FJR to a trike!

Seriously, this is a no-brainer: if you don't like the rules of the game, don't play.

Back on topic, the 1088 is a wildly fun and well run rally. I'd bet the 3-day-er will be more than 3x the fun. Wish I could be there, y'all have fun!

Wish I could be there too! Alas, I cannot do them all if I would like to keep a job to pay for my hobbies. Especially since I'd have to buy bonus points. :lol:

...rewarding SPOT users is paying for points plain and simple.
So you don't like my suggestion of simply borrowing a SPOT from someone? How much would that cost you? Ummmm, well, since I haven't charged anyone ONE CENT for borrowing mine, let me give you a hint, NOTHING. Would that be cheating? Did you STEAL the points that other riders had to pay for? Seriously, like Matt said, if you're gonna get hung up on this one little thing....

Dale's 100% right, you really should contact Steve if it bothers you THAT much. Was that part not in the available information before you registered? What I mean is, couldn't you have asked the rally master about it before registering?

I'm sorry for you though that it does bother you so much. You're letting something so silly affect your experience. Endurance rallies are WONDERFUL fun. You meet the nicest, most generous peoeple in the entire world in the group. I did Steve Chalmer's Run What Ya Brung a few years ago. I didnt know ANYONE there. Not one person. I pulled up at the door of the host hotel in SLC and several riders ran out to greet me. Now I know and love them very much, they are wonderful people and wonderful friends. You really should ease up on this and allow yourself to have fun and meet people. If you show up with a chip on your shoulder, you probably won't have a good experience. Talk to Steve and see how it goes.

Good luck, I sincerely hope that you can make peace with this.

You meet the nicest, most generous peoeple in the entire world in the group.
Yes, you've made that abundantly clear in your posts.
Hmmm.... Don't think I said that before here, but okay.

You really should ease up on this...
More sound advice. Perhaps you should consider it as well.
You got it! I'll also cancel the SPOT borrowing I lined up for this morning. Hope you enjoy the rally!

I did Steve Chalmer's Run What Ya Brung a few years ago.
Actually, Kitty, it was two years ago. It only feels longer cause your hangin with this crowd ... :)
You are correct of course. That's when I met you. And almost beat you! :lol: I passed up that stupid rocket garden, even though it wasn't worth that many points, it would have made the difference! My mistake. I remember the conversation with my friend well. He was telling me that small points can make a difference and I was insisting that I had enough points. Enough points for WHAT? There's never enough points!

Sorry for the digression from the original thread, Matt or Steve or whatever your name is :lol:

I signed up for the 12 hour rally. I thought it would be a chance to see if LD was right for me. Kind of regretting it now.
SPot is a serious technology based "peace of mind" tool for the rallymaster. You might not believe how concerned a rallymaster is for his/her flock when they are out on the road. Now you can see where they are, that they are moving or not. Many cell phone calls were made by me to a rider when he or she didn't move for 20 minutes or longer when they should have been moving based to the rally plan they submitted prior to departure.

And there is the now obvious public interest in vicarously following the rider on their adventure. From the Not Superman Rally website, "SPoT 2 will be mandatory. The public location page will show riders by number, but not by their Rider # to protect their identity. Time and date will be shown for each anonymous rider, but the lat-long will not be shown on the public Spotwalla location page."

Jim Puckett


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I saw Steve's e-mail and my wife was reading over my shoulder. She said that looked like a fun one and she would like to try the 12-hr :huh: . So I never thought I would be saying this but we are entering the 12 hours rally, it should be interesting.
Lisa and I will be seeing if we can hang at rally pace for half a day!

4 couples so far in the 12-hour?

From the Not Superman Rally website, "SPoT 2 will be mandatory. The public location page will show riders by number, but not by their Rider # to protect their identity.
This is obviously a plot by rich capitalist military-industrial pigs to keep the proletariat from fairly competing in their facist race, while they hide in anonymity.

When we come into power, the first thing we will do is burn everyone's Spot. Then we will send them hunting with Dick Cheney.

Viva La Revolucion!!!

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One more FJR added to the list :yahoo:

Who we pushing off a mountain this year Iggy :rolleyes: :blink:

Caption this:


I put a bunch of pics here:


and here:


and a time lapse here:

