2012 Adacks Ride 6-16-12

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Great pace, great group leaders, great sat dinner, great people, great weather. Thanks art and others for a fab day. And thanks Dave for passing iris our leader in the pm. It isn't everyday that I look and see 120 mph and bikes still pulling away. The pace was really great all day in iris/zooom group. Loved just working to hang on. Quick but safe God what fun. Ed

Man what an AWSOME ride day. Thanks Art for pulling this off and all the group leaders for stepping up and leading the pack. I started out riding with team FredW with a nice warm up pace. Then Jim (Zoooom) tempted me to join in with his group. I spent the rest of the day chasing Jim and Iris. Some crazy Brit did manage to get by me. I didn't know a Honda could go that fast. :lol: I had a great time and managed to make it home safely. Hope to see you at NERDS.



Many thanks to all that attended for making my first group ride such a good time. :yahoo:

Also many, many thanks to Jim, Iris, Fred W for leading groups and making the ride so much more manageable. :clapping:

I had a GREAT time and hope you all did as well. We had prefect weather, awesome roads, great people. It was really nice to see my old friends, and got to make a bunch of new. This was such a success, and with help leading I will do it again next year. Next time I'll do more research to have a better base camp for parking lot social, and try to get a group discount. I had no idea this was going to be this big, but with help it went great.

Pics later

Thanks again to all

Art & Felicia

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Laura and I made it back home about an hour ago. I have pics, but no time to upload at the moment, so hopefully I can get those up later this week.

Thanks to Art for arranging this and to all who led, swept or just rode like hell! It was great to meet new folks and try desperately to match names and faces. We had a blast (loved Tracy Road, even though Laura slept through some of it!) and Laura is already trying to think of a way we can sneak in a day or two of NERDS in August. We'll see if we can make something happen there.

For those heading to NAFO, ride safe and have fun for those of us who can't make it!


Josie and I just got home too. We had a great time all weekend. Mega Congrats to Art, for coordinating a truly memorable weekend for so many lucky FJR peeps.

Man, we really could not have asked for better weather, or a better ride route could we? I've ridden all of these roads previously, but by the time we'd hit Tracy Road, Ensign Pond Rd and Blue Ridge Rd, back to back to back, I still had a big silly grin plaster across my face under the helmet.

It was my pleasure to help out by leading the "2-up" group. I hope that those who rode along with me enjoyed the ride. That "slower" pace seemed to be increasingly popular throughout the day. ;) But, I was able to keep the tail end of group two in sight on Tracy Rd. I guess we weren't slackin' off too much.

By the end of the day, riding along the big lake and it was cooling off, and I for one was pretty spent. It felt great to just cruise it on in, fully satisfied.

If Art decides to make this a regular event on the NE calendar, we will definitely be coming back for second helpings.

Josie was busy snapping pics all day Saturday, but it'll take me a while to go through them all and see if I can find some worthy of posting.

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Even 4-1/2 hours of riding the slab still can't wipe the smile off my face :yahoo: I had a fantastic time and can't thank you enough Art for not only putting the event together, but for also giving me a self guided tour. It was great to put faces to the screen names and meet so many of you.. Looking forward to NERDS... I'll post up some pics once I get all settled in.


Got home about an hour ago, truly a great first group ride experience for me! Awesome to put screen names to real names, to faces, then promptly forget all three. Gald to have made some friends, regret not reall being able to bs with more of ya! I now have a proper education on how these Feejers are supposed to be flogged... now to go ice my Corbin sore ass, cheers. :drinks:

Rolled in at 5:30, Wow what a ride!! Thanks Art & Felecia for putting this together. It was great meeting you guys & I look foward to future rides.


Arrived home ~2:30. The event was made possible by hard work from both Art and Felecia. A major thanks to Art for the planning, arrangements and ride leading. The parking lot dinner was the result of Art and Felecia's hard work and long hours getting it all ready, setting it up, carting it over to the hotel, then taking it all down, packing it up and taking it home; followed by an early morning get-up by Art to return for the ride on Saturday. Thanks also go out to Fred and Iris for leading the other two groups. I'm sure it was a sacrifice for Iris to have to lead the fast group ;) And, one final thanks to Fred for leading a super ride back to NERDS home central. Fred managed to put together a great blend of scenic vistas, some isolated twisties, and some sweepers that were long, fast 'n fun.

We had a blast (again). It was great to meet up with a group that had a different mix of people than the usual suspects from NERDS country.

Travers Diner put on both a couple of great breakfasts as well as a great group supper. Fred, the 'beams and the MarFJR stopped by for breakfast where the waitress had a good time laughing at us with us to the point that she pulled a double shift to meet the whole crew that evening. Travers Diner will be posting some parking lot pixs on their Facebook site soon. MarFJR, have you noticed any racoons paying close attention to your FJR, like they sense food?

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Adack Photos

This is my flickr account where i upload pics. there are a few i took in the Adack Ride set. i will add any others to the set i can grab that i see posted. absolutely loved the ride, weather, folks, dinner, even slept well. the hump up and back was a little tough but the roads in the dacks below the PA border were super.

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That "slower" pace seemed to be increasingly popular throughout the day. ;) But, I was able to keep the tail end of group two in sight on Tracy Rd. I guess we weren't slackin' off too much.
Aww don't be so humble Fred. We saw their tail end several times during the day. (Like at each gas stop. Or as they were finishing lunch. Or as they lapped us after Lake Placid. Or . . . :huh: )

Art - could not have expected nor wanted more from a great weekend ride. On top of the weather, the roads, and the people, I think you also made those of us who couldn't make it out to NAFO feel a tad bit better! Thanks again for all the hard work (including the wings and stuff Friday night - that was above and beyond) and hope to see you all soon.

- Mike

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Aww don't be so humble Fred. We saw their tail end several times during the day. (Like at each gas stop. Or as they were finishing lunch. Or as they lapped us after Lake Placid. Or . . . :huh: )

When we got "lapped" after Lake Placid, (along the Cascade Lakes) I think it was the group two leader, but couldn't tell for sure.

It was just a blur... ;)

Awesome weekend, enjoyed meeting everyone and made some new FJR friends! Wish I had a helmet cam but did manage to get in about 20 pics here: KJ's - FJR 'Daks 2012 Photobucket Album (I didn't want to just post them and flood this thread)

Ya gotta checkout Iris trying to cover up her helmet hair :)

Thanks to Art for organizing plus leading Group1, and 2nd group leader Jim (n Iris) and Fred for taking Group 3. Hope all is well and everyone got home safe. It was fun and spectacular at the same time! Love da 'Daks :yahoo:


My pillion photographer TMJ was busy on Saturday's ride. We've got about 50 good ones saved in a slide show here , but here are a few teasers of what it's like along the Adirondacks Ride

Open Roads



Oh my!

Good thing this shot is too fuzzy to read the plate number. But I know who dat is... :p


Fluffy Clouds



Lots of Lakes




What a pretty ride, as well as a fun one.

All I can say is WOW :yahoo: what a weekend of riding! Art, it was a true pleasure coming along for your group ride, and Felecia, GREAT JOB! On them ribs. And the potato Salad was some of the best I have had to :cheffsmiley: . It was wonderful to see some of the familiar faces out for this and meet new and interesting folks that made the ride.

The ride after lunch I would run up and down them roads all day. Tracey road was an absolute blast. I was grinning ear to ear for what seems like hours. That was my 1st trip out to NY State. I will be back!

It was a real nice ride home, thanks for the nice roads Fred. By the time we hit VT my Corbin butt syndrome went from sore to painful and miserable :grrr: . I thought my butt was broken in last year, I guess it went back to candy butt shape over the winter. So I thought it best to easy ride it across 101 and home :banghead: . Be looking for a full set of snake hide finish Corbin seats on the forum up for grabs soon!

Arrived home ~2:30. The event was made possible by hard work from both Art and Felecia. A major thanks to Art for the planning, arrangements and ride leading. The parking lot dinner was the result of Art and Felecia's hard work and long hours getting it all ready, setting it up, carting it over to the hotel, then taking it all down, packing it up and taking it home; followed by an early morning get-up by Art to return for the ride on Saturday. Thanks also go out to Fred and Iris for leading the other two groups. I'm sure it was a sacrifice for Iris to have to lead the fast group ;) And, one final thanks to Fred for leading a super ride back to NERDS home central. Fred managed to put together a great blend of scenic vistas, some isolated twisties, and some sweepers that were long, fast 'n fun.

We had a blast (again). It was great to meet up with a group that had a different mix of people than the usual suspects from NERDS country.

Travers Diner put on both a couple of great breakfasts as well as a great group supper. Fred, the 'beams and the MarFJR stopped by for breakfast where the waitress had a good time laughing at us with us to the point that she pulled a double shift to meet the whole crew that evening. Travers Diner will be posting some parking lot pixs on their Facebook site soon. MarFJR, have you noticed any racoons paying close attention to your FJR, like they sense food?

Are you referring to the hide the hash game??

There was something wrapped in foil in my glove box, :huh: that I thought you may have misplaced. I thought I should return it :rolleyes: . I didn't think it would be ok to open your glove box to return it. So I thought I would just put it somewhere on your bike to warm up for later. :lol:

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You boys are fun to watch.

Well, damn. I was just looking the bike over after getting back from this weekend and noticed something on the rear tire.



Hey, that tire has another few thousand miles left in it... Sticky strings to the rescue!!


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WOW Fred,

So that's what it looks like up there. It's funny how when you ride somewhere often you don't notice how really nice it is. Those are some beeeeeautiful pics. TMJ did a great job.
