2012 Europe Sausagefest & Gelato Tour

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... I'm sensitive.
That is well-known. Bikergeek says you cry after sex.

Moving along.....

Groovy photographs, boys.

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He was interested that I was riding the ST and thought the GS would have fit me better.
Hello? Bueller?

That bike is for dwarfs. Not *ahem* 'plus' sized fellows like yourself. Why the hell did you pick that bike?

A Few More Photos from Day 2

Here was the view from the patio as we enjoyed our cappuccino. Timmy's was never like this ....

You girls suck moist ass cheese. Bastards!

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He was interested that I was riding the ST and thought the GS would have fit me better.
Hello? Bueller?

That bike is for dwarfs. Not *ahem* 'plus' sized fellows like yourself. Why the hell did you pick that bike?
Knock it off. I'm sensitive plus what the hell do I know about BMW's except that they are too expensive. The boxes on the GS is too square. Being of Polish heritage anything that square is too German and then I get scared.

By the way speaking of cheese, the cheesecake for dessert last night was to die for.

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Even though I am consumed with jealousy and loving the pics and report, I have a complaint. I found the quality of the video less than I expected. The sound of the rain and the fact that you allowed the view to be obscured with the rain was very inconsiderate of you. In the future, please try to schedule your rides on bright sunny days. :angry:

I am just kidding. This is such an awe inspiring bike vacation! I have been sharing this one with my dad, he and I are loving it. I hope it stays this good throughout. You guys be careful and keep those pics coming please.

... I'm sensitive.
That is well-known. Bikergeek says you cry after sex.

Moving along.....
Damnit Sara! Why you gotta be so hard on ol' Bill here?

Pick on one of your own spices.....
Barry... If it is spices for OM then I think he would be "nutmeg"

If it is species then definitely a "flatworm" capable of asexual reproduction!
Nice catch Rich!!

In my haste to chastise the ornery ol' bastage, I neglected spell check. Thanks for the clarification.

I owe ya!

The official and indisputable proof that we are riding some truly incredible roads in Europe.

From the Stelviofoto.com website for Aug 10th in the 13:00 to 13:30 group page 12.

For those not in the know Stelviofoto.com is the Italian version of Killboy.

Chris & Diane


Tom & Pam ...


Our fearless leader, Don ....


and I finally have some photos of me on the ST. Being the photohog that I am here is the series that shows all of the corner on the Stelvio Pass ....




Check out me looking up the hill in the direction I want to go. I dominated this corner. All hail the King of Stelvio ....


This is about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on. I also did not get passed by a bicycle like BeemerDons did.

There is also a photo of Mike on the site but I'm not sure which one it is.

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If This is Saturday It Must be Levico

So this was the view from the hotel first thing in the morning as I headed out to load up the bike ....


Not to bad to start the day but it was cool enough to need the liner in my jacket. That didn't last long as soon as we made it to the valley floor and it got very warm. A quick stop for gas and we were on our way to the first pass. Manuel made a little modification to the route and we pick up some great pass roads rather than just stay down in the valley with the traffic.

At the morning stop for coffee we met this local who showed a lot of interest in the bikes ....


Off in the distance we could see the Dolomites which we will b e riding on Monday ....


I have some great video of all the passes we rode today but they need to be edited down so you'll just have to be patient for that part however I was able to get the Nikon out at the lunch break and take a few more shots of across the valley just outside of Bolzano ....



The excellent thinly sliced Italian ham and cheese sandwich for lunch was bringing out the artist in me .....


At our afternoon break this place was far too classy for a somebody like BeemerDons or I so Pam had to get this photo of the inside while the rest of us riff-raff were delegated to the terrence ....


These two old farts were all tuckered out from the twisties and needed a nap ....


Stef and his friend Mek from the forum and Dave Clark had just arrived in Levico before us and we sat out on the patio with some excellent local beers while we traded stories about our day riding. It was truly a great day.

Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day but most of us will be out riding down around Lago di Gardi.

The SPOT doesn't show much since the mountains blocked a lot of the signals but it at least shows you where we started and ended ....


There is also a photo of Mike on the site but I'm not sure which one it is.

Come on, yer covering fer him, he's in jail isn't he!

Even though I am consumed with jealousy and loving the pics and report, I have a complaint. I found the quality of the video less than I expected. The sound of the rain and the fact that you allowed the view to be obscured with the rain was very inconsiderate of you. In the future, please try to schedule your rides on bright sunny days. :angry:
I apologize profusely for the previous video however I was forced to post that video to squelch the babbling of a couple of malcontents.

Here is a short section of the road we were on after our coffee break in Riva del Garda and our lunch stop outside of Lavenone. I think I just got spoiled for life ...


We had a fabulous lunch of Spaghetti Carbonara and some great pizza for dinner here in Levico Terme and had to go for a walk afterwards through town where all kinds of the local folks were out last night. Great night life here but it has thown me off schedule with my ride report.

Don did not have any pizza last night since the fat old bastard couldn't chug his way up the hill to the pizzeria. I was there and I qualify for disabled parking back home.

I think it's time for us to get that bastard illegitimate step pappy back into some shape other than round.

I'll be posting up some photos from yesterday later ....
