2012 Hooterville/Arkansas ride - October 4-7

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OK...so I can't get this ride out of my head. After talking with Gramps tonight, I am oh so close to saying it's a go again.

What would really help is if someone would like to share rooms the 3 nights to offset expenses. So if there's anyone else out there who's sitting on the fence about this rollercoaster of an affair, PM me. I rode this event last year, and I can quarantee it's worth it (comment directed to those who've not ridden this area, not to the choir).

OK...so I can't get this ride out of my head. After talking with Gramps tonight, I am oh so close to saying it's a go again.

What would really help is if someone would like to share rooms the 3 nights to offset expenses. So if there's anyone else out there who's sitting on the fence about this rollercoaster of an affair, PM me. I rode this event last year, and I can quarantee it's worth it (comment directed to those who've not ridden this area, not to the choir).
Why are you torturing yourself Mike? You need to just go, period.

If you can't get a roommate I'll let you use my AARP discount. :D

I thought that route looked familiar!

I plan on being there, it'll be fun to do a 500 mile loop again....All Day baby!!!!!!
It better be familiar...or I'd be worried about your mental faculties.

Heck, you'll be done with that 500 mile loop by 1 or 2 pm I suppose...it'll be boring waiting for us normal folk to get back to base.

You been back to Clinton recently? Is that Mexican place still open? Man that was some good stuff...best I've had.
La Rosita's it was open about 6 months ago.

That AAD route is pretty cool, we did change it up a bit for a later AAD ride. What we did is when you go north on 341 (Push Mtn Rd) and get to the river (White River)turn around and ride it again back to 14. When you get back to 14 turn left (east) for a few miles take 87 south into Mt View. Same miles pretty much, and Push is worth an up and back ride, its really much better than riding 5 thru Norfolk and Calico Rock back to Mt View.

I hope this cause an enormous amount of confusion, its what I'm good at!

La Rosita's it was open about 6 months ago.

That AAD route is pretty cool, we did change it up a bit for a later AAD ride. What we did is when you go north on 341 (Push Mtn Rd) and get to the river (White River)turn around and ride it again back to 14. When you get back to 14 turn left (east) for a few miles take 87 south into Mt View. Same miles pretty much, and Push is worth an up and back ride, its really much better than riding 5 thru Norfolk and Calico Rock back to Mt View.

I hope this cause an enormous amount of confusion, its what I'm good at!
Not confusing at all...thanks for the update. :clapping:

Add me to the list! :yahoo:

Been working out of town so much I haven't been riding near as much as I would like. So after mentioning this ride for about the twentieth time my wife said 'just go already!' even if it does mean missing one of my son's football games. Now I just gotta put on new skins a little earlier than I was planning and I'll be all set. 3 weeks and counting!

Add me to the list! :yahoo:

Been working out of town so much I haven't been riding near as much as I would like. So after mentioning this ride for about the twentieth time my wife said 'just go already!' even if it does mean missing one of my son's football games. Now I just gotta put on new skins a little earlier than I was planning and I'll be all set. 3 weeks and counting!
Wow! That's great Will!

...adding you to the list. :clapping:

Well, I know that most people will not want to ride 500 miles on Saturday in Arkansas...so the main route will be a 400 mile route which takes the 500 mile loop and just heads south for the barn for a total of 400 miles or so. (This loop will not go through Push Mtn) I still have to figure out stops and such.


Those that want to do the full 500 mile loop should leave by 7am and not take too much time for lunch...think ss1000 ironbutt style type gas stops and such for those riders.


Just keep in mind that the plan is to leave no later than 7:00pm from the BW to head over to the Mexican restaurant for dinner. If nobody is doing the 500 mile loop, we will just head to the restaurant when all or most are ready.

If there are those that don't want to do 500 miles, but just can't miss Push Mtn, you can figure out a loop for yourself so you can do Push Mtn 20 times, or here is a loop that does it for a 360 mile total.


Being one of the organizers, I will be doing the 400 mile loop. I will catch Push Mtn Road, either on the way down on Friday, or on the way back home.

I've not ridden too much East of Hwy 65 and North of I-40 - what are the road numbers for that stretch of the loop?

This is a little off topic, but what's your opinion on this rear PR2 for Hooterville? Those AR roads are tough on the tires. Change it or keep it. It's got 4500mi on it. My thinking is to go with it, but the last time I thought that, well, you know. :eek:

First one has the penny at the center of the tread, second one a little farther out.

You can see the the center compound vs. the outer one.



Sorry for the giant images but I wanted you to be able to see it.

You had too much fun at CFO Marty.

2/32 from the edge of the penny to the top of Lincolns head.

Arkansas Roads will eat that for lunch. I'd change it Out.


You had too much fun at CFO Marty.

2/32 from the edge of the penny to the top of Lincolns head.

Arkansas Roads will eat that for lunch. I'd change it Out.


I have the same dilemma with a pilot power that is wearing surprisingly well at 2,500 mi on it. Instead of worrying about it for 3 or 4 days, I'm gonna change it, set to the side and use it up later when I know I'll be closer to home.

OK I'm in again. No more teetering back n forth. Just made the request at work today for the days off. I'd be a worthless boob anyways at work on those days, knowing you guys would be tearing up the roads. Besides, maybe those AR roads will wear down the outer edges of my CT and make it look more like a MT.

Mark, how do I go about getting the GPX files from you?

Alright! Awesome you're gonna make it Mike. New tires are ordered. I'm trying the PR3's this time.

You had too much fun at CFO Marty.

2/32 from the edge of the penny to the top of Lincolns head.

Arkansas Roads will eat that for lunch. I'd change it Out.

Are you calling Traxxion everyday? "Are they done yet, are they done yet?"

OK I'm in again. No more teetering back n forth. Just made the request at work today for the days off. I'd be a worthless boob anyways at work on those days, knowing you guys would be tearing up the roads. Besides, maybe those AR roads will wear down the outer edges of my CT and make it look more like a MT.

Mark, how do I go about getting the GPX files from you?
Tell me what you need & I'll email the files to you so you can upload them to your Garmin.

Cya next Fiday at the track, we can discuss the Hooterville trip more.

OK I'm in again. No more teetering back n forth. Just made the request at work today for the days off. I'd be a worthless boob anyways at work on those days, knowing you guys would be tearing up the roads. Besides, maybe those AR roads will wear down the outer edges of my CT and make it look more like a MT.

Mark, how do I go about getting the GPX files from you?
Tell me what you need & I'll email the files to you so you can upload them to your Garmin.

Cya next Fiday at the track, we can discuss the Hooterville trip more.
PM on it's way Marc with email addy. The routes I'd like to get would be from Farmington 2 Clinton, and then the 400 and 500 mi routes.

You'll have to let me know what route you and Marty will be taking down. Like I said at CFO, I'll probably be leaving from work on Weds., so perhaps we can hook up somewheres along the way. Breakfast maybe?

Yeah I'm thinking an afternoon on the track next week will be a good way to prep for Hooterville.
