2013 FJR 1300 Owner's "Registry"

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Oh boy...
hold on there constable..I did not intend to contradict you in any way, or sit back all smug..I opologize if I came across that way.
Thanks again for the heads up
BTW.. I know I'm a DUMMY

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Well, thanks for the warning,
but anyone can also see your VIN # just inside the windsheeld of your car...I'm not going on vacation anymore..
Agree with Petey. Anyone can look at your license plate or your VIN on your vehicle. This is not secure information. So why does posting it make it so much worse?
I knew some dummy was gonna come up with this stupid question. I just didn't expect it to be you two...well, maybe you Skoot , but Petey?? Oh well.
So I know that license plates and VINs are public. Hell, that's what the VIN on the dash is called. Its the "public VIN."

The DIFFERENCE is that if someone at the mall runs your info, all they know is where you live. Who really cares? We all live somewhere. However; here, they know where you live, know that some keep guns at home, have nice cars in the garage, have good jobs with nice stuff, and they KNOW WHEN YOU ARE GONE...Since we all post up ride info.

Anyone who knows how to use the web knew that Don, AVGeek, and others were 100 miles from home yesterday at breakfast. I wonder if that would be a good time to break into Don's house? He's got 3 more motorcycles, no dog, and no one of any threat at his house.

I don't give a shit if you post it or not, but don't sit back all smug and naive and pretend it can't happen here. It can. I was just reminding those that may not be aware how devious these assholes have gotten.
AJ, it's time to step off the anal-retentive train. A lot of stuff COULD happen. Hell, a flying saucer COULD zap your ass into oblivion tomorrow! One could only hope.

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Well, thanks for the warning,
but anyone can also see your VIN # just inside the windsheeld of your car...I'm not going on vacation anymore..
Agree with Petey. Anyone can look at your license plate or your VIN on your vehicle. This is not secure information. So why does posting it make it so much worse?
I knew some dummy was gonna come up with this stupid question. I just didn't expect it to be you two...well, maybe you Skoot , but Petey?? Oh well.
So I know that license plates and VINs are public. Hell, that's what the VIN on the dash is called. Its the "public VIN."

The DIFFERENCE is that if someone at the mall runs your info, all they know is where you live. Who really cares? We all live somewhere. However; here, they know where you live, know that some keep guns at home, have nice cars in the garage, have good jobs with nice stuff, and they KNOW WHEN YOU ARE GONE...Since we all post up ride info.

Anyone who knows how to use the web knew that Don, AVGeek, and others were 100 miles from home yesterday at breakfast. I wonder if that would be a good time to break into Don's house? He's got 3 more motorcycles, no dog, and no one of any threat at his house.

I don't give a shit if you post it or not, but don't sit back all smug and naive and pretend it can't happen here. It can. I was just reminding those that may not be aware how devious these assholes have gotten.
AJ, it's time to step off the anal-retentive train. A lot of stuff COULD happen. Hell, a flying saucer COULD zap your ass into oblivion tomorrow! One could only hope.
See?? Its not the anal retentive train. Its the paranoia train. I know some totally random act COULD happen, just as easily as anything else. BUT, 80% of aliens are not zapping humans where, like I said, 80% of theives and burglars are using online social media to locate victims. I just don't see the sense in making it any easier for them.
Do you leave your keys in your bike at motels? Leave your door unlocked when you leave home? You probably don't. Neither of those things guarantee your bike or house is safe, or In danger, but why help them out.

Like I said, I don't really care...Post it up if you want. The chances are prolly pretty slim...I was just trying to be nice for once.

AND Petey...Sorry for lumping you in with Skooter. He's kind of a tool and brings us all down a notch. I fell into his trap. I hate it when that happens. I feel so used!

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This is just AJ's way of saying he loves you guys...and doesn't want bad stuff to happen to his buddies. You just have to read his words with the "AJ filter" on.


This is just AJ's way of saying he loves you guys...and doesn't want bad stuff to happen to his buddies. You just have to read his words with the "AJ filter" on.

Wheatie, AJ isn't that fecking smart! Dumbass thinks I'm going to St. Martin for 2 weeks vacation, I fooled his silly ass and I'm going to St. Croix instead!

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Well, thanks for the warning,
but anyone can also see your VIN # just inside the windshield of your car...I'm not going on vacation anymore..

Agree with Petey. Anyone can look at your license plate or your VIN on your vehicle. This is not secure information. So why does posting it make it so much worse?

Anyone who knows how to use the web knew that Don, AVGeek, and others were 100 miles from home yesterday at breakfast. I wonder if that would be a good time to break into Don's house? He's got 3 more motorcycles, no dog, and no one of any threat at his house.
AJ, it's time to step off the anal-retentive train. A lot of stuff COULD happen. Hell, a flying saucer COULD zap your ass into oblivion tomorrow! One could only hope.
Petey and SkooterG: Please keep kicking this whining, sniveling, bitchy little girl tool right square in the apple sacks. 1) I have five bikes at my house if you count Mary Ellen - MEM's FZ6 and 2) My 16 week old blonde Labrador Retriever puppy Osito would have bitten the balls off of any burglar, you know just how fecking mean those Canadians can be.

SkootyG and petey: **** 'Zilla; come to St. Croix with Miss Donna and Papa Chuy. Jesu Cristo, just when I think that RadioHowie is the biggest PRICK on our fine FJR forum, damn it if AJ doesn't come along and pass him up. AJ: Just calm the **** down, eh!


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I picked me ass......and it don't smell so good. Maybe douchebag has a point. Naw, he's an idiot......


Canadian VIN: #44 is ready for pick up. Damn work gets in the way.. Picking it up on Saturday.

Let the farkeling begin!

I now have the perfect - for me - double Yammy stable: FJR & SuperTenere...

I hope I like the FJR as much as I love the SuperTen.. If I could only have 1 bike, it would be the SuperTen.. Touring, sport touring, off pavement, it eats it all up and has a big grin factor! And the bike has no issues.. It's been solid reliable from the get go.. On my riding comuute to work this morning I was thinking I'm so thrilled with Yamaha I'll never buy another bmw.. never.... ever. I've been lusting for an FJR for 6 years, I don't know what took me so long to buy one.

P.S. Would anyone be able to shed light on why the US model loses the factory immobilizer? The European/Canadian models have it. (I could care less for it, but it did earn me an insurnace discount), I'm just wondering why Yamaha removes it on the US model. In Canada, it's not mandated to have it on bikes.

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Canadian VIN: #44 is ready for pick up. Damn work gets in the way.. Picking it up on Saturday.

Let the farkeling begin!

I now have the perfect - for me - double Yammy stable: FJR & SuperTenere...

I hope I like the FJR as much as I love the SuperTen.. If I could only have 1 bike, it would be the SuperTen.. Touring, sport touring, off pavement, it eats it all up and has a big grin factor! And the bike has no issues.. It's been solid reliable from the get go.. On my riding comuute to work this morning I was thinking I'm so thrilled with Yamaha I'll never buy another bmw.. never.... ever. I've been lusting for an FJR for 6 years, I don't know what took me so long to buy one.

P.S. Would anyone be able to shed light on why the US model loses the factory immobilizer? The European/Canadian models have it. (I could care less for it, but it did earn me an insurnace discount), I'm just wondering why Yamaha removes it on the US model. In Canada, it's not mandated to have it on bikes.
I went the other way, and had both a Gen I and Gen II FJR before I added a Super Tenere. I've actually been riding my Gen II more lately, as the full fairing and motorized windscreen have made the nippy commute to the office in the morning more tolerable...the rush of acceleration on the FJR is also a whole 'nother animal from the ST...you'll find excuses to open her up just to get a hit...

FJR newbie here (I signed in at the front door).

Picked up No. 102 in Hattiesburg, MS 12/19/12 at an outstanding price, I might add.



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Service manual (dealer copy, from dealer in Montana, found on eBay) showed up today.

Is it me, or is this one much more user friendly than the old one? Lots more diagrams, it seems.
