2013 Iron Butt Rally - The Inside View

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Kind of funny....
I zoomed in on the SPOT in Lubbock, TX. Shows it sitting at a locksmith. Went to street view and there just happens to be a bike with what looks like an auxilary fuel tank parked on the sidewalk against the building.
You are probably getting the signal from the broken bike, and seeing Bill's Vulcan which is probably parked there a lot.

You may have worked this out already, and I am being redundant
Perhaps redundant but, Google Street View is updated about every 5 years by Google camera trucks driving the streets and highways.... that bike does not look ready to grind out anything other than a short commute to work! LOL!
Maybe. But he only has to fill up with gas once every 3 months!
Yes -- the current flag in Lubbock is Rony. He left Lubbock on Bill's bike yesterday, but did a low-side in some sand in Comanche, TX, late yesterday evening. Some minor damage to the bike, so he decided his rally was over. He spent the night in Comanche and returned to Lubbock today, rented a U-haul truck, and is returning to Florida with his GSA.

I verified with Bill yesterday that, indeed, that is his Vulcan in the Street View photo.

Ray King

Iggy Text Update: He is less than 1000 mles out, feeling good. His tread is okay, but he feels it bouncing a little.
Go Iggy the super Cuban ! I bet his rear shock could be boned out.. Dale tell him to ice his back for 30 min on the next stop..

Slap the ice on your low back and ride .

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Perhaps redundant but, Google Street View is updated about every 5 years by Google camera trucks driving the streets and highways.... that bike does not look ready to grind out anything other than a short commute to work! LOL!
So let me tell you something about that bike :D

It finished the last Iron Butt Rally as a loaner bike.

It entered the Hopeless Rally, a 24 hour rally last year, and Bill pushed me into second place. I rode 1024 miles, quite a bit of it in 115F heat in Texas. Bill beat me comfortably :)

He has crossed the country on it several times - that Aux. tank is not for show. It wouldn't be my first choice, but it is very capable.


Kind of funny....
I zoomed in on the SPOT in Lubbock, TX. Shows it sitting at a locksmith. Went to street view and there just happens to be a bike with what looks like an auxilary fuel tank parked on the sidewalk against the building.
You are probably getting the signal from the broken bike, and seeing Bill's Vulcan which is probably parked there a lot.
Is that a fuel tank or a beer keg?

Eating while on a "ride" is about low fat, low carb, high protein, and staying hydrated. ...,.
Well that clears that up for me; AND is very contrary to my touring eating habits which usually involves sausage gravy and biscuits in the AM; beer, steak, and potatoes in the PM.

The more I learn about this chaos the more impressed I get!

Was just watching a traffic camera on I64 from Norfolk to Hampton. Saw a bike go by, flicked to Spotwalla and No. 135 was just on the bridge. Oh yea, real time viewing of the IBR. Yea, yea, I know , get a life.

Eating while on a "ride" is about low fat, low carb, high protein, and staying hydrated. ...,.
Well that clears that up for me; AND is very contrary to my touring eating habits which usually involves sausage gravy and biscuits in the AM; beer, steak, and potatoes in the PM.

The more I learn about this chaos the more impressed I get!
I saw the op , glad that works for him.. Contrary to current standards, I would not do that. But the IBR is the focus not gut wad.

Got a pic of 157, just crossed the bridge. 158 and 159 coming across any minute. Spot is pretty accurate, assuming I'm actually looking at IBR guys. Road looks wet, but it's not raining.

I see a bunch of bikes on 64 outside of Nags head - a road I know well as I sat a while talking with a deputy there on a previous rally for some time.

It seems that they have a taste for out of state riders and know it is an easy ticket. It was the Must Appear part that supports the local economy.

As the cop predicted, I got 3 letters offereing to represent within a few days of getting home.

$500 plus as I recal for that...

IBR Rider in need... this is off the LDRider list:
I am posting this at the request of Scott Jones. He is riding a 2006 BMW R1200RT and is having trouble with his electronic windshield. It has decided to become possessed and is going up and down. I am not at all familiar with it's electrical system. Is the fuse for the windscreen only in control of the windscreen or will pulling it cause other issues? Is this a problem anyone else has experienced? Any suggestions?
Probably way to late to be of help, but here is what my local DC area BMW expert mechanic said:

"No fuse to pull. The problem is most likely one or both of the limiting switches. If they fail the wind screen will not stop cycling up and down."

Interested analysis of the Closing Hours by Mark Crane on the IBDone list:

You know what? Routing at home is much easier than routing in a frickin' hotel room. I make better decisions and come up with brilliant plans that couldn't possibly go wrong at home. In a Marriott? Completely different kettle of fish. Scoring is the same way for some reason, dammit...

As last night's Mr. Higdon report outlined, there were two routes capable of yielding big points: Northern, through BC. And Southern, through KW. The two routes are actually fairly close in mileage: 5050 for the North and 5123 for South. Points are fairly close too with 34607 for North and 33931 for South. There are some possible extra points for both routes but I would imagine either route will yield some wild eyed finishers riding past 2-500 point bonii to avoid penalty time or worse.

There is a 5000 point bonus on Vancouver Island but it involves 3-4 hours of ferry time on a leg that 10 minutes is crucial. Probably not doable. If one could manage that, the total for the Northern Route becomes 39607. A real game changer. {Warchild note: think Iggy knows a thing or two about these PNW ferries, and how they *really* operate? }

The big difference between the numbers The Esteemed Mr. Higdon posted up and mine (somewhat less esteemed) is I've included a loop through the San Francisco Bay Area good for 6100 points. Anybody doing the Northern Route would have to do this because they would waste several hours waiting for the bonii in the Seattle area to go live. Might as well make the time count for something and take the easy points.

The Southern route would have to include the bonii in LA totalling some 2000 points but missing out on a time constrained 2300 pointer that's not available until Wednesday morning. I don't imagine we'll be seeing that one on anybody's scoring sheet.

I think either route has places the rider can operate at Higdon 2-3 vein speeds with impunity but the South probably has more of them. A factor in a rider's decision twist it hard is the interest by IBR PtB to have us keep it in our shorts. It is quite easy to monitor a rider's speed by either the bonus sheet or SPOT tracking. I think it's covered in the rule book under II.A.1: "Safety: The Iron Butt Rally is dedicated to the sport of safe, long-distancemotorcycle riding. It does not condone, nor will it tolerate, unsafe activities such asexcessive speed"...and so on. There are other things under II.A that can also be brought to bear upon the miscreant rider...

One thing we can be absolutely sure of: The Southern route will be much hotter and the ride much less entertaining. It would be a difficult decision for me to make whether to go to KW or BC if the KW ride had much more points. I'd probably do it but it wouldn't be a happy day.

We'll know shortly if the "Nut Job" as Mr. White put it (and I agreed with), was really onto something. Looks like he was the only rider to go to KW. His decision may have been influenced by his departure time from RC, though.
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Interested analysis of the Closing Hours by Mark Crane on the IBDone list:

You know what? Routing at home is much easier than routing in a frickin' hotel room. I make better decisions and come up with brilliant plans that couldn't possibly go wrong at home. In a Marriott? Completely different kettle of fish. Scoring is the same way for some reason, dammit...
As last night's Mr. Higdon report outlined, there were two routes capable of yielding big points: Northern, through BC. And Southern, through KW. The two routes are actually fairly close in mileage: 5050 for the North and 5123 for South. Points are fairly close too with 34607 for North and 33931 for South. There are some possible extra points for both routes but I would imagine either route will yield some wild eyed finishers riding past 2-500 point bonii to avoid penalty time or worse.

There is a 5000 point bonus on Vancouver Island but it involves 3-4 hours of ferry time on a leg that 10 minutes is crucial. Probably not doable. If one could manage that, the total for the Northern Route becomes 39607. A real game changer. {Warchild note: think Iggy knows a thing or two about these PNW ferries, and how they *really* operate? }

The big difference between the numbers The Esteemed Mr. Higdon posted up and mine (somewhat less esteemed) is I've included a loop through the San Francisco Bay Area good for 6100 points. Anybody doing the Northern Route would have to do this because they would waste several hours waiting for the bonii in the Seattle area to go live. Might as well make the time count for something and take the easy points.

The Southern route would have to include the bonii in LA totalling some 2000 points but missing out on a time constrained 2300 pointer that's not available until Wednesday morning. I don't imagine we'll be seeing that one on anybody's scoring sheet.

I think either route has places the rider can operate at Higdon 2-3 vein speeds with impunity but the South probably has more of them. A factor in a rider's decision twist it hard is the interest by IBR PtB to have us keep it in our shorts. It is quite easy to monitor a rider's speed by either the bonus sheet or SPOT tracking. I think it's covered in the rule book under II.A.1: "Safety: The Iron Butt Rally is dedicated to the sport of safe, long-distancemotorcycle riding. It does not condone, nor will it tolerate, unsafe activities such asexcessive speed"...and so on. There are other things under II.A that can also be brought to bear upon the miscreant rider...

One thing we can be absolutely sure of: The Southern route will be much hotter and the ride much less entertaining. It would be a difficult decision for me to make whether to go to KW or BC if the KW ride had much more points. I'd probably do it but it wouldn't be a happy day.

We'll know shortly if the "Nut Job" as Mr. White put it (and I agreed with), was really onto something. Looks like he was the only rider to go to KW. His decision may have been influenced by his departure time from RC, though.
Can't wait to see what Iggy has to say about the Northern route too. Mr. Crane's comments bring into focus Eric Jewell's comment about the southern route not making any sense to him.

Lubbox Tx should be Roni's bike. Another BMW final drive failure. He got on a borrowed bike just to finish, but put it down a few hrs later so he is out.

Dang! How many does that make so far?
hmm...wondering now...Has there EVER been a failed final drive on an FJR in the Iron Butt??
I dont recall a FJR final drive failure on a rally ever. For that matter I cant recall an FJR failure on a rally, but I am sure that one of these fine steeds has to have failed somehomw.

Lubbox Tx should be Roni's bike. Another BMW final drive failure. He got on a borrowed bike just to finish, but put it down a few hrs later so he is out.

Dang! How many does that make so far?
hmm...wondering now...Has there EVER been a failed final drive on an FJR in the Iron Butt??
I dont recall a FJR final drive failure on a rally ever. For that matter I cant recall an FJR failure on a rally, but I am sure that one of these fine steeds has to have failed somehomw.
I seem to recall an FJR DNF due to the aftermarket stator failure. Other than that - nope.

Mr. Higdon's report for the day is up with teases about further updates later.

But for attendance at an all day music festival tomorrow, it would have been the first day I'd be able to get anything done in over a week (after awakening here in the far west as the window closes in Cranberry).

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I wonder if Eric Jewell hit a diesel fuel spill on the road. It happens sometimes, especially when one of those big trucks blows a front tire retread. You see the tread laying in the road, then when you don't see is the strip of invisible lubricant in the lane. Slick as ice, can't be seen, and evaporates off so when you go back later there's nothing. Sometimes the only clue is the truck tire tread.

I once had the back end spin out on same type of street and similar speed while riding my HD SoftTail. Only thing that kept me from going down was when the bike slid out I hung on to the grips and inadvertently gave the bike throttle and caused it to stand back up. No damage but did have to change my shorts, (just kidding on that part.) Thing was I went back and the problem was a flattened beer can that had been run over so much it appeared the same color as the street. Just another possibility. Anyway just glad Eric is ok today, and still rooting for the rest of the field for a finish. Be safe, pm.

I seem to recall an FJR DNF due to the aftermarket stator failure. Other than that - nope.

Has there ever been a FJR mechanical DNF? I say... nope.

This incident above involved Mr. Bob St George, who had his local dealership install the 590-watt Electrosport stator in his Gen I FJR shortly before the IBR that year.

The Electrosport stator itself was fine.. it cranked out 590-watts, as advertise.

But if your amateur technicians haven't a clue not to route the three primary stator wires next to a blistering hot frame, and not so much as even encase them in hi-temp loom, well.... at some junction, the melting wires are going to ground out against the frame, and that's going the ball game at that point.

And that's precisely what happened to Mr. Bob St George's FJR1300 that year.

Wasn;t the bikes fault - wasn't the aftermarket stator's fault.

T'was simply a dicked-up installation job cobbled together by no-talent ass-clowns that cost Bob St George a Finish that year.

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