Iggy: a rather remarkable dash for Iggy last night... he is positioning himself to strike Cranberry before Penalty window - maybe not by much, though. A flat tire, unexpected construction or other slow-down could make for Badness. He is currently in the center of the country.
Howard Entman: I am hoping his SPOT is lagging, because he is still waaaay too far west for my comfort, given ~ 24 hours to go...
Wendy: Holy ****, Wendy is kicking ass.... she's among that group in the Deep South as they are starting their march north.
eeksnake: Chris still shows in Texas... SPOT lag, hopefully
TriggerT: Is among that group currently enjoying the Alabama humidity.
Rusty: is well north of Wendy, moving right along, thank-you-very-much...
Paul Peloquin: Pretty much in the dead center of the country, well south of Iggy.
stryg8r: among that northbound train of riders near Atlanta
Colin24: is finally back in the USA, and well behind Iggy, but tracking east.
Eric V: center of the country, marching east
Perry: fairly close to srtyg8r, moving north
Pathfinder: among that Alabama train of riders
Thanks for the update but what about the other FJR rider from the West coast ........................ Mountain ???
Canadian FJR