2013 Moonshine Lunch Run

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
Anyone going ot the Moonshine Lunch Run this year? I've been the last 2-years and it's a blast! 2011 about 10,000 riders! Last year was a bad weather year but 800 of us showed.

Where: Moonshine, IL

When: April 12 - 14

HQ: Days Inn Casey, IL

Info: www. moonshine-run.com

There are many other owner groups that show up and ride together... Honda ST, Concours, BMW...WHERE ARE THE FJR'S?

Would enjoy meeting a bunch of other FJR riders!

Be there!

Quite a few FJR's registered already. If you click on the Riders link, then Make it sorts by motorcycle brand.

Not signed up yet, but I'll probally go. It's a fun time; what you ride is less important than the fact you're there. Nice bike show too.

I only live about 20 miles away from Moonshine and 10 miles away from Casey (I'm in Greenup, IL - exit 119 on I-70). I'm sure I could make it if I'm not working and it's not raining (or snowing or icy - you just never know around here in April). I don't have an FJR, yet anyway, but I have a Yamaha! It's an '07 FZ1.

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Weather looking pretty good so far....


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Sheecahgo to Council Bluffs to Casey on Thursday for me. Looks like I might get wet, or even snowed on.

Sorry you're going to miss it Mark.

I'll take a picture of my double bacon cheese burger and email it to you. OK?

Sheecahgo to Council Bluffs to Casey on Thursday for me. Looks like I might get wet, or even snowed on.

It's Moonshine...............so what's new about that?

Not going to worry about the weather yet. The forecasters still have a week to change their minds.

Sheecahgo to Council Bluffs to Casey on Thursday for me. Looks like I might get wet, or even snowed on.
What are you worried about...yer gonna be riding that two wheeled volkswagen...

Sorry you're going to miss it Mark.
I'll take a picture of my double bacon cheese burger and email it to you. OK?


We're hoping to be there sometime Thursday, spend the day Friday and then head out after breakfast on Saturday. Any tips for these first-timers? Something not to miss? Anything to avoid?

Check at Moonshine HQ in Casey (the only motel in Casey)

Tim Yowl has been leading a local area ride on Fridays to lunch, points of interest, and if your lucky you'll get to ride the Tail 'O the Cow.

Pretty sure I'll be sleeping in Friday.
