2014 Rumours... CFR on 'da rock' ?

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... As stated earlier the roads are not very twisty but the scenery and the people are great.
Sounds like where I live ?!?!

And no twisties? Say What? ...well, I guess ole Steamer will be able to keep us ;(
There are twisties. Lots of twisties. It's just a bit of a hunt to find them.

Do you think we can get Steamer to drink like a Newfie?? That would be worth the trip right there.

We'll get Steamer some Screech, that will fix him. Pour it in the tank of the Cowasuckie and make 'er go........
If we do CFR on The Rock, I'll volunteer to conduct a Screech-In Ceremony :p

Hmmmm.... I haven't seen my own Certifcate in a while ... :blink:

Since Steamer gets a new Cowiesucky every year I found the perfect scoot for his assault on the Great White North when we Ride da Rock next year.....


In the proper Cowiesucky Green of course. I found this on the Ride da Rock website. I'm tellin' you now them Newfies just ain't right. Carver, who is well known for not being right in the head, is probably drooling for one of these about now.

U guys are brutal on the young STUD.

So what kinda "love-potion" does MEM have planned for the welcoming-screech-in? U know the bar has been set very high (by Bill) in '13!

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U guys are brutal on the young STUD. :haha:
So what kinda "love-potion" does MEM have planned for the welcoming-screech-in? U know the bar has been set very high (by Bill) in '13!
It's Screech, baby!
If you can't find love with that stuff, there's no hope fer ya :kiss2:

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After a few good screeches Topper can turn to Steamer and say, "Deed I is me old cock, and long may your big jib draw!" And, that should make him certifiable. :) It's in the fine print.

Only one big problem I forsee: Do we even have a native Newfoundlander in our midst to lead the Screech-in? You know it doesn't count if a fargin' mainlander leads the ceremony.

We'll get Steamer some Screech, that will fix him. Pour it in the tank of the Cowasuckie and make 'er go........
If we do CFR on The Rock, I'll volunteer to conduct a Screech-In Ceremony

Hmmmm.... I haven't seen my own Certifcate in a while ...
As much as I enjoy a properly prepared cod, I will not kiss one.

I've been to the official Screech web site and they do offer up an alternative to having a native Newfie perform the ceremony:

First, are any Newfoundlanders present? Lucky you, your (sic) the Master of Ceremonies!

No? No problem! On the count of three, everyone call out the name of the person in the room who most likes the sound of his or her own voice.
So, I guess it will be allowable to have MEM perform the duties...

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Only one big problem I forsee: Do we even have a native Newfoundlander in our midst to lead the Screech-in? You know it doesn't count if a fargin' mainlander leads the ceremony.
NL has a long history of adaptation so we can make do.

Besides, I've been screeched-in so I'm an honorary Newf :D

I've been to the official Screech web site and they do offer up an alternative to having a native Newfie perform the ceremony:

First, are any Newfoundlanders present? Lucky you, your (sic) the Master of Ceremonies!

No? No problem! On the count of three, everyone call out the name of the person in the room who most likes the sound of his or her own voice.
So, I guess it will be allowable to have MEM perform the duties... ;)
Hey Freddy....you been told today? That's ok. The day's young .....

I'm just more .... sociable than the rest of you old farts :p

I've been to the official Screech web site and they do offer up an alternative to having a native Newfie perform the ceremony:

First, are any Newfoundlanders present? Lucky you, your (sic) the Master of Ceremonies!

No? No problem! On the count of three, everyone call out the name of the person in the room who most likes the sound of his or her own voice.
So, I guess it will be allowable to have MEM perform the duties...
Hey Freddy....you been told today? That's ok. The day's young .....

I'm just more .... sociable than the rest of you old farts
Hey, I'm so-so-able! ...and only a semi-old fart!


I've got four local buddies doing a little tour of the rock this week. One is even scoping out the TLH to see if it will be FJRable by next year. Stand by for the full trip report.

Canadian FJR

Looking forward to the TR Scottie...

Notes for the Disorganizing Committee:

1) Pick a date (later than our usual late June CFR date... late July seems to be good weather-wise)

2) Pick a spot (Deer Lake seems a good bet...)

3) Pick a hotel (there's a Holiday Inn Express in Deer Lake)

4) Post up all of the above

5) Folks what wanna show up show up... and ride/drink/socialize/etc

Did I miss anything?



That is pretty much the formula that we've used for the NERDS events these past 3 years. Some folks seem to enjoy the big hoopty-doos (big banquets, big door prize lists, etc) more than others. I've always just enjoyed getting to see folks, get together and havin' a good time riding around and partying for the weekend.

My guess is that there may be fewer than normal attendees in Newfie. It is quite a trek just to get up 'dere, eh?. Might be less of us sutherners (from the Yoo Ess that wanna do that, but maybe that is for the best? CFR is for you canuckies first and foremost.

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I've done a little research into this and will be talking to the NERDS folks to see what their plans are for 2014. The few folks I talked to so far are into the idea of pick a date, a location, and a lodging headquarters and that will be it as far as organization. I have been on the Ride the Rock forum and have a few routes in mind. One route focuses on Gross Morne National Park and the other runs out to Cape St George down near Cornerbrook. There are lots of opportunities for site seeing, hiking and part day boat cruises in Gross Morne that are highly recommended.

Also on the plus side is that it is very simple to work in a ride on the Cabot Trail both coming and going from the Rock if you don't take the TLH. I'm thinking about working in a stay at the B&B located at the Glendora Distillery near Invermere just off the Cabot Trail as part of this trip.

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