2014ES Service Manual Up-To-Date?

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
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Tri-Cities, WA
OK, I admit my Google Fu skills may not be as strong today as they could be. I thought I remember a post about Yamaha service manuals for 2014ES or Gen 3 bikes lagging behind bikes being sold by some period, but can't find it using searches like "2014ES service manual" and similar strings.

Yamaha shows a manual for 2014ES specifically for sale at $93.00 plus $12 bucks shipping. Any thoughts by folks on whether it will include specific details for the ES suspension or should I wait a certain amount of time or for a certain indicator before dropping a hundie?


P.S. Bonus points for somebody providing a link to an existing thread I totally missed. ;)

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Assembly/dis-assembly, installation/removal info and illustrations are found in chapter 4 for both the forks and rear shock with the 18 pages of electrical diag info being in the back of the manual. Looks pretty complete to me. At least, with what I have here in my book, I would tear into it.

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It has some, but seems pretty weak to me as compared to the info on the rest of the bike.

For instance, no information about how to adjust or align the stepper motors for if/when you have to remove one. But it does include some information about the SCU (Suspension Control Unit) and the various codes.

It has all the info they are going to give you. Yes some things are left out and they still want you to go to a dealer sometimes. But it's a complete manual.

Thanks folks. Seems as complete as its going to get from a consumer perspective. Ordering.

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It has all the info they are going to give you. Yes some things are left out and they still want you to go to a dealer sometimes. But it's a complete manual.

So, what do you suppose the dealership mechanics are working from if not the Factory Service manual?

PS - They aren't giving you anything. They are charging almost $100 for that incomplete information.

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...So, what do you suppose the dealership mechanics are working from if not the Factory Service manual? ...
In addition to the FSM... The dealers use factory service addendums we don't get, the factory training we don't get, the technical bulletins we don't get, the regional technical experts we can't directly contact and the factory fiche that we don't get. When a dealer looks up parts, the fiche he uses are more complete and often shows individual parts where the fiche we get may show only a higher level assembly for sale.

On this Forum there are some current OEM mechanics and some retired dealership owners, if they have a few minutes to waste maybe they can detail the difference between what we get with the FSM and what a dealer shop has at their use.

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So what you are saying is that the manufacturers intentionally hold back information from their Factory Service Manuals, and only supply that to their dealership network via other means? I would like to hear from a an OEM mechanic or other insider if that is true.

I understand that late breaking Service information, service actions, updates, etc. will come out after a manual has been printed. But the idea that they are withholding information to differentiate their service centers seems a little far fetched

So what you are saying is that the manufacturers intentionally hold back information from their Factory Service Manuals, and only supply that to their dealership network via other means? I would like to hear from a an OEM mechanic or other insider if that is true.
I understand that late breaking Service information, service actions, updates, etc. will come out after a manual has been printed. But the idea that they are withholding information to differentiate their service centers seems a little far fetched
OMG, another conspiracy, Yamaha is intentionally hiding information from everyone ;) I am not saying or insinuating that Yamaha is holding back information, just that Yamaha may have a bigger picture on how technical information can be distributed to dealers that have many, many products that may share the same systems.

Dealers mechanics need training and probably have access to information beyond the FSM for complex systems and safety systems such as ABS. Dealers have had the ability to use software to flash some model bikes for some time and now can flash the Gen 3 and perhaps do other things through software too. Honestly asking 'cause I don't have a Gen 3 manual, is that in the FSM? Is Yamaha intentionally holding back information, or is the information being deployed to the dealers by other means that is more efficient for Yamaha to disseminate? Especially if the information is the same for several different products. Why print the same stuff 10 times for 10 products when it can be put in one technical manual that works for all products?

As I said in the earlier post, we need someone that knows to prop up this speculation up with some facts or flush it for the byproduct it may be.

Yamaha Australia has a company intra net, I've seen a tech bulletin on how to replace a CCT.

Would be something in their network on how to use the factory diagnostic tool on the ECU functions that is not listed in the FSM

OMG, another conspiracy, Yamaha is intentionally hiding information from everyone
I am not saying or insinuating that Yamaha is holding back information, just that Yamaha may have a bigger picture on how technical information can be distributed to dealers that have many, many products that may share the same systems.
Sorry. That was how your post read (to me). I said the FSM was incomplete. You said they have other sources of information. It sounded like you were explaining why the manual would be so incomplete.

I don't see a conspiracy here, just a pathetic manual that they have no problem charging people $100 for.

... a pathetic manual that they have no problem charging people $100 for.
Not pathetic for the dealer that is under the Yamaha support umbrella. The FSM FACTORY Service Manual was never intended to be a USM -- USER Service Manual, that is where Chilton/Haynes and other Service Manual publishers make a living. The FSM for my last car was in two 1,000 page volumes and it covered everything, yet still wasn't a good manual for the average backyard mechanic. I have had some pretty good FSMs from other bike manufacturers that read like they were written for the average owner to use. But then those bikes didn't have a computer, digital dash, ABS or fuel injection; though it did come with a very effective turn signal canceling system ;)

just a pathetic manual that they have no problem charging people $100 for.
For something probably in the mid six-figures I bet you can have your own Yamaha dealership franchise and Übermanual access. However, I think it would make the $93 FSM seem like a bargain in comparison. ;)

My questions was whether the FSM for the now-year-old-in-theUS-14ES is as complete as it's going to be. I think that question has been more than answered.

Thank you again.

I'm not looking to be led by the hand by Haynes or Chiltons. I would like to have seen complete information and service specs, ideally the correct ones, about the new suspension.

The suspension portion of the 2104 ES manual is incomplete, IMO.

The rest of the manual, the parts that are the same as prior years and that are carried forward into the "A" manual, are pretty good. I have no complaints about those, even though they are not written as users manuals.

I'm not looking to be led by the hand by Haynes or Chiltons. I would like to have seen complete information and service specs, ideally the correct ones, about the new suspension.
The suspension portion of the 2104 ES manual is incomplete, IMO.

The rest of the manual, the parts that are the same as prior years and that are carried forward into the "A" manual, are pretty good. I have no complaints about those, even though they are not written as users manuals.
Holy Future Shock Batman!!! 2104?? This POS FJR better have wings by then and fly, no suspension needed,...otherwise this POS is going back to the dealer.

EDIT: All comedy aside, the 2014 manual question appears to be answered...

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...I would like to have seen complete information and service specs, ideally the correct ones, about the new suspension...The suspension portion of the 2104 ES manual is incomplete, IMO...
Yes, OP's questions have been answered.


The FSM is for the dealers, for the rest of us, there is The Forum
Get thy butt into the garage, figure out the flunking suspension system and post up the Electronic Suspension 101 tutorial for us. In this case there is no © worry because there is no FSM procedure. Thanks! We're waiting.......

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