It's gotta be more than that. The G2 did not eliminate the lurch.
Nah, what I meant was didn't Yamaha make some changes to that system starting with the 2008 model year to make the throttle response less jerky (changes similar to what the G2 tries to do)?It's gotta be more than that. The G2 did not eliminate the lurch.
That's what I'm wondering too ... as it has to be more than the throttle tube profile.Nah, what I meant was didn't Yamaha make some changes to that system starting with the 2008 model year to make the throttle response less jerky (changes similar to what the G2 tries to do)?It's gotta be more than that. The G2 did not eliminate the lurch.
your shift forks are bent and the problem will get worse you may want to skip 2nd gear when you shift or get it fixed. The problem will only get worse just up to you when you ready to get it fixed. If its the 2nd gear dog then the 5th is bad as well thats just the way it works when the 2nd is worn it wears the 5th.I have had issues with mine 'ratcheting' when I go from 1st to 2nd and worried about the same thing. It feels like some teeth hitting when I shift...doesnt do it all the time, only say around 4k or so RPM's and even then it doesnt happen every time. Been doing it for quite a while and the firggin dealer had it for four+ weeks before I finally pulled it out of there because I think they had their head up their ass....I might take it to another dealer here eventually but I noticed that it does it much less following an oil change and as I approach 4k miles it does it more often.
dbvolfanyour shift forks are bent and the problem will get worse you may want to skip 2nd gear when you shift or get it fixed. The problem will only get worse just up to you when you ready to get it fixed. If its the 2nd gear dog then the 5th is bad as well thats just the way it works when the 2nd is worn it wears the 5th.I have had issues with mine 'ratcheting' when I go from 1st to 2nd and worried about the same thing. It feels like some teeth hitting when I shift...doesnt do it all the time, only say around 4k or so RPM's and even then it doesnt happen every time. Been doing it for quite a while and the firggin dealer had it for four+ weeks before I finally pulled it out of there because I think they had their head up their ass....I might take it to another dealer here eventually but I noticed that it does it much less following an oil change and as I approach 4k miles it does it more often.
Hi Fred,dbvolfanyour shift forks are bent and the problem will get worse you may want to skip 2nd gear when you shift or get it fixed. The problem will only get worse just up to you when you ready to get it fixed. If its the 2nd gear dog then the 5th is bad as well thats just the way it works when the 2nd is worn it wears the 5th.I have had issues with mine 'ratcheting' when I go from 1st to 2nd and worried about the same thing. It feels like some teeth hitting when I shift...doesnt do it all the time, only say around 4k or so RPM's and even then it doesnt happen every time. Been doing it for quite a while and the firggin dealer had it for four+ weeks before I finally pulled it out of there because I think they had their head up their ass....I might take it to another dealer here eventually but I noticed that it does it much less following an oil change and as I approach 4k miles it does it more often.
I don't think I would be quite so anxious to spilt the cases right away for your symptoms. The ratcheting noise/feel is only happening during shifting, right? That can be just a matter of somewhat indecisive shifting technique coupled with less than ideal lubrication.
Also, you mention that the symptoms lessen with a fresh oil change. Worn dogs and bent shift forks won't get better with fresh oil.
When the dogs and fork(s) are truly buggered they will skip and ratchet (very heavily) just under heavy acceleration (ie while not even shifting). At least that is the classic symptom that has been related here many times. If you are only getting the grinding when transitioning between gears, especially 1st to 2nd, then it is more likely that you are instantaneously finding a neutral and that is letting the gears turn at different speeds before you can get the dogs to engage. The grindiong is the end of the opposite dogs impacting each other, not the actual gear teeth (whew!).
Just for ***** sake, try dosing the next oil change up with a 1/2 of a pint bottle of STP. It has a good amount of ZDDP in it, which helps lubricate high pressure, shearing loads like those between gears. When you change the oil just throw in a full gallon jug of your favorite oil and then make up the rest w/ STP. You may find that your gear grinding stays away for a full 5k miles between changes with that stuff.
Hope that works for you.