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I was in Miss Savino's 3rd grade Core class (Eng, Hist, SocStudies) in Ossining, New York. First a rumor went around--one kid said JFK had been knifed (???). Then it was announced over the P.A. system. Then a kid named Geofrey G------ said "I'm glad he was shot! My parents voted for Nixon!" Amazingly, he survived that day, and continued to be obnoxious until HS graduation 20 years later (J/K!).

Miss Savino later married the gym teacher, Mr. Clark. He had been divorced for several years when the first Mrs. Clark, a HS English teacher, left him anad their kids around 1968/1969, moved to New York City, and became an actress, appearing in the original NY production of "Oh! Calcutta!", under the stage name of Raina Barrett. You can look it up! Kids showed up with illicit mags showing pictures of her in the show, au naturel. Male teachers had stag parties to go see the show...I'm glad the former Miss Savino never did that--for purely aesthetic reasons (though she was a good teacher).

Then there was the music teacher in my elementary school, Helen Williams. About the time I was in 1st or 2nd grade, she got pregnant and then had a baby girl she named "Vanessa"....You can look that up too....

But nobody was on the grassy knoll....

I was in fifth grade in a small town about 50 miles from Dallas. I can still remember how we all sat at our desks in shock, and the confusion I felt. I wanted to go home and have my parents explain it to me. That was the beginning of the end of innocence. One of the best lessons was that life goes on.

Then there was the music teacher in my elementary school, Helen Williams. About the time I was in 1st or 2nd grade, she got pregnant and then had a baby girl she named "Vanessa"....You can look that up too....
Wadaminute! You knocked up Mrs. Williams and you're Vanessa's dad?!

But nobody was on the grassy knoll....

Though it's never been proven, it is said that George Bush was on the grassy knoll and is the second shooter...

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In the forth grade, Mrs. Barnes class, Miami, Florida. They let us go home early that day.

BTW --- I was installing a New Fire Alarm System on the tenth floor of the Main Jail in Miami when the Challenger blew up. I went home that day, too.

Then there was the music teacher in my elementary school, Helen Williams. About the time I was in 1st or 2nd grade, she got pregnant and then had a baby girl she named "Vanessa"....You can look that up too....
Wadaminute! You knocked up Mrs. Williams and you're Vanessa's dad?!
Oh, I WISH I had been so precocious! I was 7....Nope her dad is Milton Williams and he was the music teacher over in the Millwood school district...Now my big brother was 14--and the ladies liked him....hmmmm...Nah, no way--Mrs. Williams had better taste than him!

But nobody was on the grassy knoll....

Though it's never been proven, it is said that George Bush was on the grassy knoll and is the second shooter...
If Dubya was a "shooter" it was something in a shot glass, not a gun!

Sitting in Mr Grissom's sixth grade class when they made a PA annoncement that the president had been shot and declared dead. I felt guilty because I had asked my parents to vote for him and now he was dead because of me.

While I realized that millions of others also voted for him I think for the first time I understood the potential my decisions had to affect others in ways I never could have imagined.

No, I didn't say it. I read it on a website. Lessee if I can remember it... Hmmmm... Oh, yeah! Here it is:


Sitting in my grandma's living room on Lowery Street in Troy Hill, a berg of Pittsburgh. Having just returned from a stressful day of kindergarten, I was enjoying a piece of grandma's freshly baked 'real' German apple strudel and a glass of 'mook'. I remember my Aunt bursting through the front door announcing the news. The look of horror and shock on their faces remains with me to this day.
Damn, I miss my grandma's strudel... :(
I too was in Pittsburgh's North Hills - 3rd grade at McKnight Elementry (NA school district). They sent us home early and I remember some kid on the walk (YES - walked to school in those days) home saying "It was about time someone shot him" - being in 3rd grade I was totally unaware of politics at the time. I do remember seeing Oswald get shot live on TV - black and white of course.

No, I didn't say it. I read it on a website. Lessee if I can remember it... Hmmmm... Oh, yeah! Here it is:
Jeez Tdub, went there and all I found was this

At the moment of the shooting, in Arlington Cemetary, watching a the burial of an officer, on Thanksgiving break from 7th grade. My family then went to the Smithsonian in D.C. and were shooed out by the guards there when the news reached that building complex. We drove by the White House and watched a number of folks scale the fence (why? I don't know). All the government offices released their employees early, and D.C. was in turmoil. We quickly left town and headed back to western N.Y. where we lived.

Yeah, but ain't YT a real cutie pie?
(Damn! ANOTHER spit-take!)

Hrmph! That ain't nuthin'! You should MRS. YT (aka "The Saint")! :brunette: :angel: :wub:

Still that's better than looking like Lenin!

The 60's were an awful decade. Terrorism was targeted at murdering specific individuals for political reasons like:

JFK (shot by a sniper--Lee Harvey Oswald)

Lee Harvey Oswald (shot by Jack Ruby)

4 girls in a church (bombed by the Klan)

Medgar Evers (shot by a sniper Klansman)

Viola Liusa (a civil rights worker, shot by Klansmen)


Chaney, and

Goodman (the 3 civil rights workers of Mississippi Burning--shot by police and the Klan)

Malcolm X (shot by other Black Muslims--the Farahkhan bunch)

RFK (shot by Sirhan Sirhan--a Palestinian)

Martin Luther King (shot by a sniper--almost certainly not James Earl Ray)

George Lincoln Rockwell (shot by a fellow American Nazi party member).

Most of the 58,000 dead in Viet Nam

That's 15 I know of in the 60's. (plus the Viet Nam soldiers)

Plus the Charles Manson murders, but they weren't really political, just brutal.

Kent State was 1970.

Jackson State was 1970.

George Wallace was 1972 (and he survived)

The Greensboro shootings were 1979 (by a coalition of klansmen and nazis)

John Lennon was 1980, I think

Ronald Reagan and James Brady were 1981 (they survived)

In America, the 60's were a really brutal decade.

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Let's see, I was on a Navy Destroyer (DD-745) pulling into San Diego harbor to pick up some inspectors for our annual ORI. Sitting on the mess deck eating early chow prior to going on watch. Thought someone was BS'ing us when the word came down. :eek:
