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The party will only be slighty smaller than this monthly gathering at Dulono's Pizza in Uptown.



Question, What do fat chicks and super small cycles have in common,????????

They're fun to ride, but you'd hate to be caught on one......




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Been a while since I've been to First Thursday. Last time, the fuckass owner of the house Frank was parked in front of proceeded to place, then turn on, his lawn sprinkler-directly alongside a freshly waxed Frank, then dared me to do something about it. Last time I'll ever go there, **** Minneapolis and all who live there, I hope the gangs eliminate them all and their commie prick politicians that coddle them. Thanks for reminding me........ :angry2:

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On the news this am, a mistake was made, crime isn't up 35%, only 15%. And 2 Minneapolis cops are on suspension because they bumped some creep, then put him in the car for 11 minutes with no ac. The coddlers are up in arms.

Last time, the fuckass owner of the house Frank was parked in front of proceeded to place, then turn on, his lawn sprinkler-directly alongside a freshly waxed Frank, then dared me to do something about it.
And you don't know what Roundup is for? I think the gentlemanly thing for you to do would be to help him with his lawn care.


And you don't know what Roundup is for? I think the gentlemanly thing for you to do would be to help him with his lawn care.
Believe me, it was considered. But it would have meant going back into that godforsaken hole of a city.

Oops, scheduling snafu,

I'm at the races in Brainerd that day/weekend.

I'll miss the gang, but let's have another one this Summer?!?!


"Last time, the fuckass owner of the house Frank was parked in front of proceeded to place, then turn on, his lawn sprinkler-directly alongside a freshly waxed Frank, then dared me to do something about it."

Rad, nothing like me picking your scab and reminding you of a BAD FLASHBACK.....

I always enjoy the weird group of cycle riders that show up at Dulono's, plus they make one hell of a meatball sandwich!!!

Plus it might be good for You and "Frank" to get out of whityville and be more diverse in the community, I mean hang out with Ducati's, Nortons old BSA'S etc.... maybe even a Bosshog.





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Rad - that will be 25 cents for your therapy session for the day. Please come back again next week.

As for someone from St. Paul telling someone else they need to "get out of whityville to get some diversity" - ummmm, isn't Minn-St Pete about 99 percent white like most of Minnesota?

Minneapolis -

White - 62.5%

Black - 18%

Latino - 7.6%

Asian - 6.1%

Indian(Feathers not Dots) - 2.2%

Other - 3.5%

St Paul -

White - 64%

Black - 11.7%

Latino - 7.9%

Asian(Amerika's Largest Hmong concentration) - 12.4%

Indian(Feathers not Dots) - 1.1%

Other - 2.8%

I will not delve into the crime stats in detail other than to say that they do not reflect on the population stats proportionally...we have some "over acheivers" here in the Northland!


It's "fjr night at the gay nineties". lolololol
so you and your assless chaps will fit right in, eh! :lol: ;)
Funny....I went there once with my ex-girlfriend....and my new(at the time) girlfriend....that was interesting to say the least.
I had my 23rd birthday party there, very entertaining show...and then we went over to Sexworld for a few hours. lots to look at!! :dribble: Boy did this small town girl get educated!!

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