71 year old cage driver

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Sorry to read that you are hurt. I hope you heal up quickly.

Poor cage jockies come in all ages. You are invisible to them whether they are 16 or 80.


<snip>....2 ribs broken (left side Back) ,, partialy dislocated left shoulder ,, hematoma left hip ,, left scapula fractured ,, a few scrapes ,, and whip lash ,, walking with a cane right now but I will be ok !!!!
going to see the bike tomorrow ,,

That should make sleeping in the easy-chair loads of fun, 'cuz sleeping in the bed will be most uncomfortable if not impossible. (BTDT) A couple months off work, physical therapy...yep, loads of fun.

THEN, the horror of seeing just how "screwed up" a totaled bike looks. Hmmmmm, lessee, forks are tweeked, frame possibly bent, all that plastic is broken. Go and order the new one! I luv Ari's post....be the first in line to, well, you know.

Sorry to r-r-r-read about your mm-m-m-misfortune. The driver's age has nothing to do with it, they are ALL out to get us.

[SIZE=8pt]Uh-oh, 4 posts to go....[/SIZE]

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Heal quick & hope your discomfort is minor/as opposed to major...all toys/bikes can be replaced....friends can't....be well....Mike

It's great to hear that you're still among us earthlings. Don't get well too fast, at least not until after "the settlement". Didn't she cause PTSD and ruin your life by making you afraid to saddle up again $?$

71 is not that for away for some of us. :( It is great she came forward w/ the truth. Again, glad you're with us and in pretty good spirits. Good luck w/ your recovery and keep us posted. Is it going to be an A or AE?

Sorry to hear about you and your bike! Get well soon and go for the AE!

I almost ended up eatin' the ass out of a BMW cager today too. Stupid lane change on the fwy, didn't even look. :angry:

She did wave to say "sorry", meanwhile, a guy on a HD without ABS almost rear-ended me at the same time. <_<

I know it's hard to train yourself to think this way, but in the future, when dealing with a moving vehicle....remember to "stear to the rear." Don't "lead" the vehicle in an attempt to go around the front of a moving vehicle. GET ON THE BINDERS AND AIM FOR THE REAR OF THE VEHICLE. I guess it's kind of like driving into the smoke in NASCAR, you want to go were they have already been, not were they are going! It's hard to remember, but it works......sorry, you really can't practice this one until it happens for real.

And of course, I've already been there, done that. There are two kinds of riders: those that have and those that will go down.......oh, yeah, my favorite motto, "WHEN IN DOUBT, GAS IT." :lol:

Contact a lawyer immediately......this serious of an accident should be good for you to collect on her full policy limits....Let's hope she has carries a $1,000,000 limit.......

P.S. Without a lawyer, you're gonna get screwed....I'm talking $25K maybe....

Hope you heal quickly, I'm sure a FJR (New or repaired) will be ready when you are.

Get back on the horse soon.


Hope you heal quickly. I would offer one piece of advice. Find out if the police ticketed her and if not then request that they do. She may be an ethical woman who takes responsibility for her actions but if this ends up in court things may change. At least if she is given a ticket you have proof that she was found to be in the wrong. Similar situation happened with my sister a few years ago and it was good to have the proof that the other driver was deemed to be in the wrong.


The driver's age has nothing to do with it, they are ALL out to get us.

[SIZE=8pt]Uh-oh, 4 posts to go....[/SIZE]

Driver's age had nothing to do with it?? Really?? Now I think you're just being silly.


I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Sounds like you were in the right place (Fire Station) at the wrong time. Hope you heal soon.

I usually keep the bags on, but I never really considered that fact that they can offer extra protection. Better a crunched bag than a lost leg...I'll be keeping mine on after hearing the details of your accident.


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I'm truly sorry you had that happen to you. Hopefully you heal rapidly and are good as new. I'm always a bit leery when I see cages ready to turn .... it's not so much fun always trying to be on the defensive....I believe that all motorists should all be required to sit through a driver refresher course once every 10 years and possibly a test .....one where they/we learn about sharing the road with other humans who happen to ride motorcycles. There are some senior citizens out there who have such slow reation times that they are a danger to the rest of us.....(not to knock seniors) ...but they would probably be considered under the influence or worse...if they were judged by their reflexes alone.....not to mention all the medicines they are probably taking.

Anyway...feel better..and thanks for letting us know about your accident.

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She doesn't know what she admitted to. She has no business on the road. These fucking people...with them and the deer...we're fighting a losing battle.
Lordy! Oh darn :(

Well, here goes: FOR SALE, 2003 FJR, 2006 GL1800, 2005 HONDA ELEMENT. AVAILABLE IN THE YEAR 2015, SINCE THAT'S WHEN I WILL BECOME ONE OF THOSE 'FUCKING PEOPLE'. I too will be 71 years old

and totally out of it. Shit!

I better start looking for a Rascal to ride around on (remember George on Seinfeld? I guess I'll need to turn in my class A CDL and just sit at home remembering the 'Good Old Days', dodging old geezers and deer. Then again, I probably won't be remembering anything. You know how those 'fucking people' are. Of course we all know that everyone else drives perfectly.

Damn! Guess I'd better use these next 9 years wisely, since then (according to you) it'll be all over for me.


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She doesn't know what she admitted to. She has no business on the road. These fucking people...with them and the deer...we're fighting a losing battle.
Lordy! Oh darn :(

Well, here goes: FOR SALE, 2003 FJR, 2006 GL1800, 2005 HONDA ELEMENT. AVAILABLE IN THE YEAR 2015, SINCE THAT'S WHEN I WILL BECOME ONE OF THOSE 'FUCKING PEOPLE'. I too will be 71 years old

and totally out of it. Shit!

I better start looking for a Rascal to ride around on (remember George on Seinfeld? I guess I'll need to turn in my class A CDL and just sit at home remembering the 'Good Old Days', dodging old geezers and deer. Then again, I probably won't be remembering anything. You know how those 'fucking people' are. Of course we all know that everyone else drives perfectly.

Damn! Guess I'd better use these next 9 years wisely, since then it'll be all over for me.



I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Sounds like you were in the right place (Fire Station) at the wrong time. Hope you heal soon.

I usually keep the bags on, but I never really considered that fact that they can offer extra protection. Better a crunched bag than a lost leg...I'll be keeping mine on after hearing the details of your accident.
Okay Okay I figured I'd get ripped in here for that. I don't mean to lump ALL senior citizens into that category. Of course there are competent drivers of that age...I just think you should be retested at some point, to double check. ;) I apologize...didn't mean to offend my elders...which on here seems to be everyone. But you can't tell me when you see a little grey haired lady driving near you on a bike you don't pay extra attn to her. Just like the super soccer mom on the cell. Sheesh so sensitive.

Using your FJR to teach that old bat a lesson, huh? That'll show her! I bet she'll look for motorcycles from now on. :D

Heal up and go ride. Glad to hear you're still moving 'round.

TurboDave is like 171, you don't have to be older to drive like an idiot, confirmed by the twentysomething in an Audi with cell velcroed to ear attempting to use me as a curb feeler yesterday afternoon. :glare: 'Nother day on the road.......

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:( Yes, sorry to be reading about your misfortune, however :p glad you did you flipping best and are able to write about it. :)

Hope you heal up real quick, yes I guess you should have been telling yourself she is going to turn/pull out in front of you! :blink:

I'm sure it was a strange feeling as you made contact!

Glad you were able to get to the quarter panel and go over, might have been worse had you not got there.

A foot left or right could of been either miss all together, tire marks, or you could have kissed her on the cheek! So your angel was with you.

besides the obvious bad thing, luck was in your corner on that fire station and all.

Yep, get a liar, your due for early retirment and many days of riding after you heal up!

Hey you have to give her credit for telling the truth, I sure she was in a shock like state and someone said from a generation that remembers how to tell the truth!

Do not think age has anything to due with it unless it is obvious that the person is impaired to drive because there are a lot of people of all ages out there that drive like s__it!

Hell, I was nearly rear-ended this morning. By a STATE TROOPER! WTF? No lights, no siren, running bout 100.
