71 year old cage driver

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Glad to hear you are still around and able to tell us your story. I had a similar situation but luckier outcome a number of years ago. Old asshat turned in front of me and my old XS650. I, however was able to swerve to the right an miss him by inches but I also had to keep from hitting the big conversion van waiting at the light coming from the right. I ended on the curb on two wheels. I backed it back off and took off after the old bastard. Caught up to him and stayed on his door for a couple of blocks but I don't think he even knew I was there.

:unsure: Sorry to hear about your accident, glad to hear your still able to motivate. Hope you heal up one hundred percent and am back on the road with the rest of us two wheelers ASAP.

Here's to your lawyer dissecting the lady and her insurance company to you complete satisfaction...maybe the judge will even take away her license so she isn't a menace to the rest of the motoring community.

Best of luck to you and hope you heal fast as possible, and yes let the lawer work the case he'll get you more in the long run. Thats how my wife got a new 02 wing after she got rear ended at a light.

rogerfjrfaster :D

All insurance does is protect assets...and at 72 you'd do her a favor by taking her for her auto insurance limits plus everything she's worth. That way she'll at least qualify for Medicare to pay for her nursing home expenses for the rest of her life...The way you should look at it is better you get it than her worthless, no good kids as if they gave a damn, they should of had the smarts to make her stop driving, thus gotten her off the streets by taking her in and taking care of her! THEIR LOSS, YOUR GAIN...Tell your lawyer to GO GET EM!!!!! AND LEAVE NO MEAT ON THE BONE!!!!

:unsure: Sorry to hear about your accident, glad to hear your still able to motivate. Hope you heal up one hundred percent and am back on the road with the rest of us two wheelers ASAP.

Here's to your lawyer dissecting the lady and her insurance company to you complete satisfaction...maybe the judge will even take away her license so she isn't a menace to the rest of the motoring community.

Best of luck to you and hope you heal fast as possible, and yes let the lawer work the case he'll get you more in the long run. Thats how my wife got a new 02 wing after she got rear ended at a light.

rogerfjrfaster :D

All insurance does is protect assets...and at 72 you'd do her a favor by taking her for her auto insurance limits plus everything she's worth. That way she'll at least qualify for Medicare to pay for her nursing home expenses for the rest of her life...The way you should look at it is better you get it than her worthless, no good kids as if they gave a damn, they should of had the smarts to make her stop driving, thus gotten her off the streets by taking her in and taking care of her! THEIR LOSS, YOUR GAIN...Tell your lawyer to GO GET EM!!!!! AND LEAVE NO MEAT ON THE BONE!!!!
Well, no reason for me to post.... Bravo!

Damned Silver-haired Killers....

>>I know it's hard to train yourself to think this way, but in the future, when dealing with a moving vehicle....remember to "stear to the rear." Don't "lead" the vehicle in an attempt to go around the front of a moving vehicle. GET ON THE BINDERS AND AIM FOR THE REAR OF THE VEHICLE. I guess it's kind of like driving into the smoke in NASCAR, you want to go were they have already been, not were they are going! It's hard to remember, but it works......sorry, you really can't practice this one until it happens for real.<<
Cannot argue with your point, but when approaching oncoming traffic that might turn left ahead of you, your lane position should already be toward the right wheel track of your lane. This gives oncoming cars a better perspective of your approach speed, which this galxy5 gave (25 mph, IIRC) as reasonable IMO... and gives cars the idea that they have to clear the ENTIRE lane to clear you. IOW's they won't try to slip ahead of you as you approach. THEN, if they turn try to go around the rear as you said.

galxy5, I hope you do well. Very sorry about your travails and as others said, these situations are out there waiting for us. Heal quickly.


excuse me but your hind sight is just that !!

I have been riding for over 40 years ,, and this is my first collision with a car ,, this is not what you have described ,,

I was comming through an intersection ,, with cars stopped at a red light ,, this person moved from the stopped turn lane into my lane to gain entry to a parking lot ,, and traveled 50 or so feet in the wrong direction in my lane ,,

thanks for the well wishes but you need to know the entire story ,,

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Thanks for the clarification, but I think it was Longrifle who assumed the situation; I was only responding to his post. My apologies for adding to the confusion that all vehicles involved were in motion, when they were not.

Dan23, At ease!

(1) Galxy5, I'm truly glad to hear you're OK and not seriously injured.

(2) Dan23, I didn't ASS - U - ME anything? Galxy5 originally stated he was "going through an intersection at 25 mph." As described, uh. . . . well, OK, maybe I assumed the crash occurred in the intersection.

(3) I can take a forum flogging if needed ;)

(4) However you feel, my original post is for everyone.....I learned the evasive manuver trick in real life. Like I said, it will work most of the time; however, I think Galxy5 got nailed and would have been struck regardless of whether or not he was able to pull off a wheelie and a back-flip to avoid a collision!

Yeah, I was under the impression that he and she were moving from what he'd written... and was surprised at his reaction. He's what he wrote. sounds like the typical everyone's in motion, but not very clear:

I went through a green light ,, crossed the intersection was going about 25 ,, saw the car comming in the oncomming lane begining to turn ,, I said self " she'll stop " ,, " she sees me" ,, yeah right!!! she accelerated !!!!

Tempest in a teapot... like anyone will recall a month from now who any of the parties in this thread are. Shrug. And, I too posted a generality.... for the general situation.

I'm no young snot either.... I've been riding for 40 years as well. Who gives a flyin' fuk?

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hey , uz guyz r arite wit me !!!

I have spoken with a witness and she confirmed the the car was in my lane ,, further that she hit me from the lft (my lft ) as I had moved away to avoid the crash!! so the car struck me with the front bumper and grill !!

again thanks for the words of encouragement !!!!

BTW flying monkeys give a flying fuk!!!!

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Well as everyone has stated glad your are ok and I hope shes ok.

It seem like everytime there is an accident and an elderly person is involved most people here want

trash ,condemn and get rid of all the older people. what a bunch of hypocrytes.

Like all that have said it is not if you go down but when. As far as age, it is not when you get old,

it is a question of if you get old. It seems those that are against older people driving assume they are going to live a long and trouble free life and not become one of those old silverd hair killers.

Just remember if you do not age what is the other alternatives that life has in store for you?

Count your blessings one by one and good luck week end rider :D

Look, our 'old people' are our greatest national treasure. Just think of what we would lose without them:

Radman, Warchild, Geezer, etc., etc.

Clearly, they are not all "Hazardous Cage Operators". Some ride.

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Well as everyone has stated glad your are ok and I hope shes ok.
It seem like everytime there is an accident and an elderly person is involved most people here want

trash ,condemn and get rid of all the older people. what a bunch of hypocrytes.

Like all that have said it is not if you go down but when. As far as age, it is not when you get old,

it is a question of if you get old. It seems those that are against older people driving assume they are going to live a long and trouble free life and not become one of those old silverd hair killers.

Just remember if you do not age what is the other alternatives that life has in store for you?

Count your blessings one by one and good luck week end rider :D
Hypocrites? Wrong word...maybe "jerks"... I don't see how it makes them/me a hypocrite.

"Everytime there is an accident involving an elderly person"---interesting

Sheesh another lecture. I hope I live to be old...I also hope that someone tells me when I am unfit to drive. Where are the lectures on the deer...something like---I've heard them referred to as forest rats, this is unfair as it is us that are trespassing on their habitats. Most deer don't run out in front of motorcycles, you can't blame ALL deer. I have a few wonderful, well behaving deer as pets...blah blah blah.

WHY CAN'T THE REDSKINS SCORE!? It's just preseason, it's just preseason, its just preseason...

Yes I know older people can cause a lot of havoc for motorcyclist but at the same time why trash them.

Anyone of us could have a medical condition and not know about it and cause the same problem that the older drivers do, or do we say oh it was a young driver no harm no foul.

One thing for sure I like how the riders that are younger than the silver bullet drivers rationalize their answer and make it ok for them to condem and not know what the future holds for them, surprise surprise..

I hope I have conveyed the idea that before one answer's they really need to think about what message they are trying to get accross and not play follow the leader and join in on the band wagon.

Don't you just love this forum freedom of expression :D :clapping:

weekend rider

Well as everyone has stated glad your are ok and I hope shes ok.
It seem like everytime there is an accident and an elderly person is involved most people here want

trash ,condemn and get rid of all the older people. what a bunch of hypocrytes.

Like all that have said it is not if you go down but when. As far as age, it is not when you get old,

it is a question of if you get old. It seems those that are against older people driving assume they are going to live a long and trouble free life and not become one of those old silverd hair killers.

Just remember if you do not age what is the other alternatives that life has in store for you?

Count your blessings one by one and good luck week end rider :D


I don't think you heard me Flogging Molly !!!

I am 52 ,, in fact in the ER I asked the LEO if she was ok !!

yeah she fucked up and could have taken my life ,,

but it could have been a 36 year old hottie talking on the cell to her "GIRRRRFREEEEEND"


Well as everyone has stated glad your are ok and I hope shes ok.

It seem like everytime there is an accident and an elderly person is involved most people here want

trash ,condemn and get rid of all the older people. what a bunch of hypocrytes.

Like all that have said it is not if you go down but when. As far as age, it is not when you get old,

it is a question of if you get old. It seems those that are against older people driving assume they are going to live a long and trouble free life and not become one of those old silverd hair killers.

Just remember if you do not age what is the other alternatives that life has in store for you?

Count your blessings one by one and good luck week end rider :D
Hypocrites? Wrong word...maybe "jerks"... I don't see how it makes them/me a hypocrite.

"Everytime there is an accident involving an elderly person"---interesting

Sheesh another lecture. I hope I live to be old...I also hope that someone tells me when I am unfit to drive. Where are the lectures on the deer...something like---I've heard them referred to as forest rats, this is unfair as it is us that are trespassing on their habitats. Most deer don't run out in front of motorcycles, you can't blame ALL deer. I have a few wonderful, well behaving deer as pets...blah blah blah.

WHY CAN'T THE REDSKINS SCORE!? It's just preseason, it's just preseason, its just preseason...

It won't be pre season next week!!!!!!

GO BRONCOS !!!!!!!!!!

Take older drivers off the road when you're ready to pay for alternative transport.

Anyone, any age can have a brain fart and make an error.

I'll take riding on roads with older drivers over cell phoners and the deliberately agressive any day.

Happy healing galxy5.

I hope everything works out for your benefit and you are riding a new bike again.

Get well soon bro and put this story behind you :)

A few more scars and improved weather forecasting skills make you a wiser man :rolleyes:


yeah she fucked up and could have taken my life ,, but it could have been a 36 year old hottie talking on the cell to her "GIRRRRFREEEEEND"

Your absoulutely right!!! It could have been anyone. The most important thing is you will heal to ride again.

Heal quick.... Ride quicker!

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Get well soon bro and put this story behind you :)
A few more scars and improved weather forecasting skills make you a wiser man :rolleyes:


Hey Stef ,,

thanks for the words of wisdom Master Yoda !!!!

I was into see the bike today ,, I have to visit ya know ,, taking pics ,, my bro Lloyd took some pretty telling shots (will post them when I get them),, I am convinced that the frame is bent ,, with that kind of impact to the side ....... ,, the superbrace held everything together ,, but when we take the tubes out I am expecting them to be bent ,,
