A beaded seat cover? Really?

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Eric L

Not that kind of a doctor
Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score
Boyds, MD
OK I figured it was worth a try. I get pretty sore on hot days over the course of a few hundred miles. Sheepskin didnt help - I think it made me sweat more. Rode with the beaded cover today - My ass was like 'what the heck is this bumpy thing"???? but although it was a little odd sitting on beads, I faired really well over this 200 miler. So, not that comfortable, but a marked improvement in ventilation.

Just sharing...

I always thought they did NOT look comfortable and was surprised when I was given one and used it on the way to Arkansas a few weeks back. I'd a never thunk it................

Gave it a try on a 7500 mile trip last year, and found it dimpled the soft leather of a Rick Meyer seat. Dumped it after a day.

I got mine 97? or 98? had it on every bike since. Never leave home without it. Even Sally likes it. Had mine for so many miles the paint is just a distant memory. I really need to replace it but I need a job first.

For yer butt, they help with sweat, do nothing for pressure points. My longest day on them was a bit over 900 miles, started to get a little antsy, but I usually don't go over 400 or so miles per day. Works for me.

Along the Mississippi somewhere - Iowa side IIRC - middle of one of my summer 4,000 mile trips to nowhere...


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I'm a Bead Rider guy, at least in the summer. No, wooden beads are not soft, but if you put them on a cushioned seat, they sink into the seat and have the exact same amount of give as you get without it. Put them on a concrete bench and I suppose they'd dig into your ass pretty bad. I don't feel any kind of cooling breeze blowing under me with it, but my butt doesn't get all sweaty and hot like it does sitting on the leather seat.

I like how I can slide around on it, helps me move on the seat in corners, and it actually does have kind of a massaging effect. Not hot when you first sit down if you leave the bike in the sun for a while either. Yes, it dimples the leather seat some. Did on my stock seat and does on my Bill Mayer leather saddle too, but the dimples go away a little while after you take it off again. Just don't try it for a day or two or just a few miles--or hours and then give up on it. I decided I really liked mine about four days into the first long ride I took with it, and I've never changed my mind about it since.

I've used them for many years during the afternoon on hot days. On cool or cold mornings, they provide too much ventilation for me.

I use them on another bike and love em. Took a 3000 mile ride to test them out and was pleased. Most useful on hot days but they work for me in the cold too as they ease butt fatigue. Not on my FJR tho as I'm already short of leg and that's another fraction of an inch of height I don't want to deal with.


Well yeah, the benefit was the 'no monkey butt' in 90+ degree heat. Jeans are a bitch in the heat and I am desperately trying to find a pair of mesh pants. The combination of 'i need a russell saddle' and 'my ass is stuck to my jeans' wasn't making for good days.

Well yeah, the benefit was the 'no monkey butt' in 90+ degree heat. Jeans are a bitch in the heat and I am desperately trying to find a pair of mesh pants. The combination of 'i need a russell saddle' and 'my ass is stuck to my jeans' wasn't making for good days.
not sure if you guys have tried this or not but... I wear under armour boxer briefs when i ride. The material wicks all the sweat away and keeps me dry and cool thus preventing the stuck to me jean syndrome.
