A couple of pictures and a link in memory of Jordan

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2005
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Sag Harbor, NY
I just thought that I would post a couple of pictures and links in memory of my son Jordan

We were first driven about 50 miles by the Sag Harbor PD to Yaphank NY where we met these Suffolk County Police who first escorted us to the Goethels Bridge in NYC (50 miles) to meet the motorcade and then led the motorcade the 100 or so miles back to Sag Harbor. At one point there were 15 or 16 of them.



New York State Troopers, Nassau County Police, Suffolk County Police, Sherrifs, and DEC officers lining up on the border to Nassau/Suffolk in honor of Jordan. The police behind us had closed the Parkway with a rolling road block to accommodate us and then they all joined in with the motorcade after we passed. If you look closely you can see people lining the bridge. They were either saluting or had their hands over their hearts. It was like that the entire way.


Fire Departments along the 100 mile route lined the roads and flew the flag.



A flag at half staff at his high school


Tributes to him about town. 19 flags....19 for his age and 19 symbolizing 1st Battalion, 9th Marines.


This is a link to an article I just got today that tells of what occurred with pictures and quotes from guys that were there with him. The picture of him that is posted is one I had never seen before. His head was shaved by Marines who had already been deployed...a tradition I guess.

Fearless Marines

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I must say, it brings tears to my eyes to see these pictures... and no amount of posturing about this war will bring back any of the fine soldiers that have served there...

Rest In Peace Jordan... and peace be with his loved ones, my prayers are with them.

Thank you for sharing.

All to often we are led to believe, by mainstream news, that there is little respect in our society.

This was both a fitting tribute and show of well deserved respect

Again, my condolences for yor loss


Man oh man...

Thank you for continuing to share this...you are stronger than I.

My heart goes out to you and yours.

It looks like he was accorded the respect warranted by his ultimate, final and heroic sacrifice.

Thank-you Jordan...may you rest in peace.

Prayers to you Axeman...may the respect given to your son comfort you in your time of great sorrow.

Thank you for sharing those photos and the article, Chris. It was a very fitting tribute to a well-respected marine and a real American hero.

What mixed emotions for a Dad. You must be both the proudest and the saddest father, at the same time. Jordan's bravery saved many lives that day, yet his life was lost as he did what he was tasked with doing.

There's so much I wish I could say, but am too choked up to think straight.

Thank you Jordan. You are a hero.


God Bless Jordan, You, and your Family. I have the up most respect for you and your son and the service that he has given to this Country and all of us here. I will remember him and his comrades in my prayers.

Thanks for sharing. I think it is so great that so many people took the time to show how much they care for our fallen heroes.

That was beautiful Chris. A grand tribute to a fallen Warrior and Hero.

Thank you for sharing the moment.

You must be proud in a way that no father ever wants to be. Jordan's sacrifice was recognised and acknowledged by many, and by posting on here by many more.

Stay strong and healthy, it's what Jordan would want for you.

Best wishes and deepest simpathy from Graham & Sue in Manchester UK.


My loss for words cannot be described. Even though you will be missing your Son so very dearly, he will not carry your grief.. As he is with God and

his Beloved Son now. Jordan will be over seeing his Loved ones each and every day. So Chris, carry your Son in your heart for every moment

of the rest of your life. Cherish your thoughts, memories and always remember Jordan's short time with you, here on Earth, with a smile. As you

will be re-united again.

Thoughts and Prayers,


Wow. Absolutely heart wrenching.

He was a brave man and many have him to thank that they are alive today.

He is a hero, and we are all grateful for that.

You are brave to be able to share the story with us, we are grateful for that.

Anything said here fails to do justice to what you, your family and your son have done for us all.

Sincerest, thank you.

What mixed emotions for a Dad. You must be both the proudest and the saddest father, at the same time. Jordan's bravery saved many lives that day, yet his life was lost as he did what he was tasked with doing.
There's so much I wish I could say, but am too choked up to think straight.

Thank you Jordan. You are a hero.

You took the words right outa my mouth

Live each day to the fullest....thank you for sharing.....a fitting tribute to a most oustanding individual....my prays are with you as an outstanding father...



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