A good image to keep in your head when slowing down

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What would DoG do?
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA

A ride to forget
A motorcycle is sandwiched between a car and a truck after an accident July 9 in Jefferson, Wis. The impact of a car driven by a 21-year-old woman landed the motorcycle driver in the bed of the pickup truck that was parked in front of him at a stoplight. There were no serious injuries.
She was probably texting when she ran the guy over....


That's about the best reason I've seen for driving between lanes to the front of the line at traffic light. Don't ever stop in the middle of the lane at a light, give yourself an out.


Unfortunately, us other states (not CA) don't have that option of lane splitting to the front of a traffic light. It's illegal, and since noone ever does it, probably would be very dangerous to even try.

But whenever I come to a light, I pull to the left of my lane and angle my bike so that if the person behind me ISN'T slowing down, a blip of the throttle will get me just to the left of the car in front of me.

Granted, I've never tried it, and I'm sure I'd freak out and probably bang the guys mirror or my own and fall over, but that'd PROBABLY be safer than get slammed into by a car while you're at a stop. I'd rather the car hit another car than me.


I imagine that is the girl who hit the bike shown in the picture. Maybe she learned a lesson. I can't believe no major injuries--wow.

I have ridden with a bunch of peeps who automatically put their bike in neutral at stop lights. I generally have a practice of watching cars behind me to see if slowing properly. I keep bike in gear, stay about 6-8 feet behind car in front and aim to go to spot between cars or inside area. I do this since if car can't stop in time and they notice that, they will usually head to the outside/ditch/curb area instead of to the inside where another car may be. I've not had any close calls, but it only takes one time to kill you, and I've heard of it happening many times to cagers. It is incredible now how unskilled many drivers are and how much distraction takes place. :angry2:


But whenever I come to a light, I pull to the left of my lane and angle my bike so that if the person behind me ISN'T slowing down, a blip of the throttle will get me just to the left of the car in front of me.
This Right Here Literally saved my Ass last week. Forget about all that rear extra light **** ppl and do like me if you don't all ready, get your ass in the habit to stare in that rear view mirror until that danger has stopped, there is no alternative.

sorry, but this is for real. Steve

PS: how do you highlight a quote, thanks
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PS: how do you highlight a quote, thanks
Just hit the "reply" button at the lower right corner of the post you want to quote, then please snip the extraneous text from the post, leaving the text you want quoted inside the brackets. After that, move on down and type your response below the bracketed text at the end of the original poster's material.

Clear as mud?

p.s. I noticed that I duplicated this topic, but lots more people saw it, so I'm not feeling all that stupid. Maybe it can be "merged"?

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But whenever I come to a light, I pull to the left of my lane and angle my bike so that if the person behind me ISN'T slowing down, a blip of the throttle will get me just to the left of the car in front of me.
Exactly what the riding safety books tell us to do at traffic stops AND what the MCSF safety training courses tell us to do. Always watch behind you to ensure that the other guy is slowing properly, and always angle that bike toward your "escape" area so you can avoid impact if you gotta move and move NOW! If you don't make this preparation when you stop, you have no escape route at all.

Im glad there were no serious injuries....incredible.

Amen to watching behind you....

Wonder if this was the girl driving, she's already crying...wait till the bikers insurance company gives her a jingle.


I've had too many close calls. Luckily all in a car. Three last year alone where people either swerved off the road to avoid hitting me as I was stopped in traffic or I gassed and went around the car in front of me to avoid it.

After the third, I no longer take that road home from work.


This is exaclty why no one should ever ride a bike that clean and polished on the streets.

The gods hate anything that glimering.
