You guys that find hunting revolting or think animals should be given guns to even out the odds. Laughable to say it nicely.
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Now these guys that just want bragging rights and pay this kind of money, while I don't see anything necessarily wrong with it as we raise cattle, pigs, chickens, turkeys etc. to be slaughtered in just the same way. I do think the pompous ass who wants to show off these animals as if he really hunted them down does lesson the real task a true hunter has to endure!
I enjoy beef, chicken, turkey, and on occasion other forms of exotic and not so exotic animals. Hunting for food and/sport does not bother me in the least, nor does fishing, etc, etc.
I also don't mind the fact that we raise animals for food, and slaughter countless deer and other animals to control their population. In a lot of cases that simply has to be done. Much like we grow and slaughter all those evil vegetables. I know we hurt their feeligns too when we run over them with the combine.
In a lot of areas (I don't think this is political) we have brought this on ourselves, we've so screwed up the earth or the natural order of things in a lot of ways that the circle of life is out of whack. Natural enemies of a lot of these animals simply don't exist to help keep the populations in check so we have to do it for them.
When we take over acreage and turn it into subdivisions, the animals that once roamed there have to be, well, managed, else the deer scramble to find new homes and the end up crossing interstates and roadways to get where they are going and, well, often end up in front of you and I, and we can't have that now can we.
But as for raising a moose, or deer and growing it to record proportions and then tossing it out on a game reserve and hunting it, well, now that's just sad. You're hunting an animal that doesn't have the necessary instincts to survive. It's a petting zoo project, not a wild animal. It's not the same.
Kind of like going deep sea fishing at the aquarium if you ask me. Something just aint right about that.