
Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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My sister in Seattle just sent me tickets for the Seattle Rain Fest, the only catch is I got to use them sometime between January 1 and December 31.

I rode to and from my Rotary meeting today.

Big whoopin' 1/2 hour of riding.

I really don't like winter. :angry2:

We had a brief break today with the rain, and even with company over, I found some time to take a ride around the block with my favorite riding buddy:


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It would just be my kids who are cool. You gotta see Hudson: he got hisself an early Xmas gift of a Yammy TTR50, and the look on his face today when he first hopped on and rode it up the hill (training wheels and all) was priceless.

Almost as priceless as the look on my wife's face when she saw the picture above....

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Got to take advantage of the sun breaks to stay sane. Good on you for riding. I don't think I have ridden since CFR:(

Got to take advantage of the sun breaks to stay sane. Good on you for riding. I don't think I have ridden since CFR:(
OMG...I hope that's a joke?

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I found three hours to ride today. Thirty miles on-road and forty miles off-road in all kinds of mud, loose gravel, muddy hilly roads, puddles two feet deep, washed out trails and all. Ride report to come.

Seattle FJR riders appear to be wimps. :D

I found three hours to ride today. Thirty miles on-road and forty miles off-road in all kinds of mud, loose gravel, muddy hilly roads, puddles two feet deep, washed out trails and all. Ride report to come.
Seattle FJR riders appear to be wimps. :D
Did you INTEND to take the FJR offroad, or did you just lose control and skitter down the culvert? Come on - fess up...

I rode into work yesterday and no rain, comming home was a different story..LOTS O RAIN..maybe this weekend will let up a little
