Accessory Box

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When I picked up my bike at D&H they told me that the power outlet in that box only has 3amps. Is that true? Also, I lost the rubber gammet from the box and the dealer in Tampa said that they can't get a replacement, they have to order the entire box ($200). All I want is the rubber gammet, any ideas? Sorry to high jack.
3 amps is correct. I plugged in a 15 amp item and blew the fuse. Then I had fun changing the three amper.
Why not just change it to a 15 amp service and then you could use it for an air pump? Can you do that or would you have to change the whole fuze box?


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Why not just change it to a 15 amp service and then you could use it for an air pump? Can you do that or would you have to change the whole fuze box?CK
That would work really well until the wiring that was sized for a 3 amp load began to sizzle and melt. Now THAT would be interesting! Uh, honey, I melted my FJR! :dribble:

Better to install a separate switched/unswitched circuit for farkles (search for Power Strip).

Why not just change it to a 15 amp service and then you could use it for an air pump? Can you do that or would you have to change the whole fuze box?

That would work really well until the wiring that was sized for a 3 amp load began to sizzle and melt. Now THAT would be interesting! Uh, honey, I melted my FJR! :dribble:

Better to install a separate switched/unswitched circuit for farkles (search for Power Strip).

I think he meant change all the wiring for that outlet, not just the fuse ;)

I received my manual and it is everything one would expect. My only gripe is that now I get e-crap from e-Bay... and they expect me to go there and post a good message about the guy I purchased from. Cripes... I only wanted a manual, not a love affair.

Why not just change it to a 15 amp service and then you could use it for an air pump? Can you do that or would you have to change the whole fuze box?

That would work really well until the wiring that was sized for a 3 amp load began to sizzle and melt. Now THAT would be interesting! Uh, honey, I melted my FJR! :dribble:

Better to install a separate switched/unswitched circuit for farkles (search for Power Strip).
With a 3A fuse why did Yamaha bother? What can one use in there, maybe a radar detector at best I don't even think it can handle heated gloves can it? I bought a great little pump especially for that accy. plug but under load mfg says 8A draw...Zap!

Does anyone know if the wiring is that light that a 10A wouldn't work? I could look but I'm electrical handicapped so...


Can someone please post what would would actually work in that plug...i'll start (and just about end) the list:

1. cell phone

2. Radar detector

that thing is a rediculous accessory. 3 amps....WTF could they be thinking?


Can someone please post what would would actually work in that plug...i'll start (and just about end) the list:
1. cell phone

2. Radar detector

that thing is a rediculous accessory. 3 amps....WTF could they be thinking?

I have my tankbag accessories powered from that outlet. It simultaneously runs an AmpliRider, a Garmin 2610 GPS, a Delphi Roady XT, an Escort 8500 radar detector and charges my cell phone via a car charger cord. No blown fuses to date.

>>Hey Renegade, where did you get your service manual? I found on ebay for the nice price of $34....should I buy here?<<

A link....? Oh, and the verdict.....?
I got my Service manual in the mail USPS priority yesterday.

the eBay sellers name is: c5h2

The manual is top notch. 300+ pages and covers both 05 models. It may very well be a copy but I'm pleased. Even the wiring diagrams are in color.

If it's a copy it's made from original electronic output, not on a copier.

It's way better than my official 'Kawasaki' service manual.

here's a link to other manuals he has for sale, he has more 06 manuals listed or did my total with shipping was around $45.

ebay linky.

Disclaimer: I don't know this guy, or work for him. I just purchased a manual from him and am pleased with the results. Buyer Beware, Caveat Emptur, Your Mileage May Vary.

Linky no worky!!

>>Hey Renegade, where did you get your service manual? I found on ebay for the nice price of $34....should I buy here?<<

A link....? Oh, and the verdict.....?
I got my Service manual in the mail USPS priority yesterday.

the eBay sellers name is: c5h2

The manual is top notch. 300+ pages and covers both 05 models. It may very well be a copy but I'm pleased. Even the wiring diagrams are in color.

If it's a copy it's made from original electronic output, not on a copier.

It's way better than my official 'Kawasaki' service manual.

here's a link to other manuals he has for sale, he has more 06 manuals listed or did my total with shipping was around $45.

ebay linky.

Disclaimer: I don't know this guy, or work for him. I just purchased a manual from him and am pleased with the results. Buyer Beware, Caveat Emptur, Your Mileage May Vary.

Linky no worky!!
Look at the date of the post (last July) . That would explain the link... :rolleyes:
