Adjustable Cowlings

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That's it I'm not only going to become a millinaire using my spell check skills on asian restuarant menus I think I'm going to go into the motorcycle manuals as well. :yahoo: I have mine open for the winter and closed for the summer and feel betty nishe.

It's a good thing that the majority, if not all of FJR riders are not of the "Squid" persuasion when it comes to the ankle roasting in hot weather! Imagine that heat hitting your flip flop, sockless,or canvas / simileather covered ankles in 80 degree + temps. Like pulling the roast out of the oven with latex gloves on! I have found that a good pair of riding boots will negate most of the cooking.

It's a good thing that the majority, if not all of FJR riders are not of the "Squid" persuasion when it comes to the ankle roasting in hot weather! Imagine that heat hitting your flip flop, sockless,or canvas / simileather covered ankles in 80 degree + temps. Like pulling the roast out of the oven with latex gloves on! I have found that a good pair of riding boots will negate most of the cooking.

Agree. Also, at least in my case, I use highway pegs which locate your feet ahead of the heat.

Frankly, heat with my '04 has never been an issue for me, except in extreme hot weather, which I experienced once on the East Coast. Nothing could have made me comfortable. Where I live, in the PNW, the riding season is filled with moderate temps, mostly.

I swapped my right cowling with my left cowling to see if it would then cause the engine hot air to dry my hair before I washed it.

Now the only problem is I have a slight pull to the middle.

I do expect this to correct with the next Obama bail out plan. :eek:

It's not a marketing scam...Yamaha has been at this air mgt thing off and on for a while. My 83 Vision (550-V-twin (fore and aft)h20-cooled, shaft) had this same set-up on its 3/4 fairing. It worked, too.

I like the feature.

When its below 60 degrees I put them in the open position for the extra wind protection. My legs do notice the position in and out. My legs get hotter in the summer with them out..... They work. They deflect wind away from your legs, they are not heater vents. :)

Now under 50 degress they don't do anything for me. There might be a little rain protection, not enough to matter though.

Just my 2 cents worth but I leave the cowlings open all year long. During the summer, there's a noticable reduction in the amount of heat against my shins as well as road spray during wet weather riding. As for the winter, they help divert some of the cold air away. I've tried running with the cowlings closed in the winter but can't say that more heat gets back to me because the engine runs at least one to two bars cooler (at least, that's what the gauge shows).
I use the same mode , wings out at all times, hot air is directed away from my legs as is the rain , hot air I know about as I ride all year in Australia example 46 degreees C foe a few days last week or so.
