Adventures in the Wild Wild West - a Triple Ride Report - Red Lodge, NAFO, HW3

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
Due to lots of travel and some complications in my work environment, I haven’t had the time to sit down and do a competent ride report. Last week, I got laid off but it created a silver lining of giving me some extra time to sit down and finally put one together. I had the good fortune of having several gatherings to attend – in June was the Red Lodge gathering, July was NAFO, and August was the How the West Was Won Rally where I played staff photographer. I took tons of photos and will share links to each gallery as there probably isn’t enough bandwidth on the forum to post them all!

Red Lodge Rendezvous

June 21-26, 2016

I stayed with a friend up in Cameron Park so started my journey to Red Lodge from there. Tuesday morning dawned with clear skies, cool temps, and the waning moon still hanging in the sky...


With a 6am start, I hoped to avoid some of the heat as I headed for Boise... the day would turn out to be my longest so far at over 500 miles... I know to my LD friends that’s a drop in the bucket but a long haul for this Aluminum Butt rider... I didn’t take a lot of pics as I was bound and determined to get to Boise where I would stay with one of my dear friends who is also one of the many gifted medical professionals who worked so hard to keep me around after my accident... Jana was one of my nurses at St. Alphonsus and we have stayed in touch over the years... I arrived around 6pm, an hour after my intended arrival as I forgot I lose an hour heading that way... we got caught up and then had dinner out with her wonderful two boys, Kyle and Gavin... a good night’s rest and up at the crack of dawn again... but we took a moment to share one last hug before I hit the road...


Again, the morning was bright and sunny with lovely cool temps... Jana doesn’t drink coffee so my first stop was in Mountain Home for a breakfast of champions...


My first destination for the day was Craters of the Moon as I’d been by it before but never gone in to witness it firsthand... traversing 20 was a beautiful start to the day... not much traffic so it felt like the world was mine... I couldn’t help but stop for a little flower sniffing along the way...






20 intersects with 26 in the small town of Carey, ID... seven years ago, that intersection would change my life and put me on a very different journey than I thought I’d be on... I gassed up at Castle’s Corner and then just sat for a bit with the sun and cool breeze on my face and enjoying the moment... the Now.

Seems like an innocent enough intersection but so much changed that day so long ago and yet seeming like it was yesterday… there are times I wish it hadn't happened but then I think of the people, the silver linings that have come into my life, the connections between friends, that never would have happened and I am grateful for those silver linings.

My heart was grateful and I sent huge love and thanks to everyone in my life that has been a part of helping me be here in this moment… the world is a pretty amazing place…

Next up… Craters of the Moon!

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Sorry about the loss of employment girl. We have seen you go though so much worse and land on your feet. I have no doubt that you will again.
And your loss is our gain. On with the RR and awesome pic's.
Thanks, DB... :wub: The company has been on a downward spiral for awhile now so it wasn't a complete surprise, I guess... and I'm glad I won't be there to see the further demise firsthand... there will be something better and I'll be okay... not sure how I'll get there or what it will look like but I have been through much more difficult times and know I'll be okay. B)

Spirit filled, I continued my way to Craters of the Moon and could tell I was getting close as the landscape changed drastically...



Even amidst the barren landscape, signs of life spring eternal...


I was scheduled to meet up with my friend, Marie, the next day but as I pulled into the visitor center, who should appear just as she was about to leave but Marie! She had camped there the previous night and decided to tag along with me through the park and I now had a travel companion...


Craters of the Moon is aptly named as the barren landscape looks like it should have a moon walker show up along the way...



Marie let me lead the way and stop for photo opps along the way...



Inferno Cone Overlook



Marie reveling in the varying landscapes...


Beauty amidst the desolation...


Sure sorry to hear about the employment situation! But as Niehart said, and just as you note, you've been through much, much worse and I expect you'll come out of this in a better situation. Looking forward to the pics and story ahead!

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As we stared in awe at this view...


This guy was soaring overhead and I managed to barely catch a shot of him... I once had a dream that I could fly and it felt so real and exhilarating that when I woke up and realized it was only a dream, I was really sad...



We continued through the park and back to the visitor’s center...



The day was warming up quite a bit so it was time for the cooling vests to come out... I tell ya, I wouldn’t have been able to do these trips without that sucker... best $40 spent ever! We continued on 26 until we arrived in Arco... our tummies were rumbling and I saw this sign and dove into the parking lot...


Seemed like a good place to have lunch!


We split a delicious burger and I introduced Marie to one of my childhood favorites, tater tots...


And of course one cannot pass up the opportunity for a photo opp in the big rocking chair out front... as Edith Anne would say, “And that’s the truththththththth.”


To come... headed to Yellowstone!


I already said it on Facebook, but it bears repeating...I'm sorry about your employment situation, but I'm sure you'll soon roll up on something that's far better and more rewarding!

We are glad you're here!

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YES!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!! I thought maybe I was going to have to send you another super polite but slightly begging message..... LOL!

Sorry to hear about the job loss.... hopefully the future holds something fascinating for you.

I have heard, life is roller coaster... up and downs, zigs and zags, so just raise your arms and give it a whooping holler!!

I shall now sit here eagerly waiting for all the posts to come- surely accompanied by beautiful pictures and great narration.

Keep up the good work Tyler!!

Tyler, I'm sure things will work out with the good attitude you have! It's no fun trying to reinvent yourself or just finding that next place that's a good fit. Been there and done that and now back at the old place to boot.

As always the picture's are awesome and looking forward to the rest of the story! :)

Good Lord, Tyler! Your RRs are always an artistic treat! Sorry about the employment situation, but we are all sure you will prevail and come out smiling. And right now - you've inspired me to get the bike out of the garage on this gorgeous cool day! Can't wait to see the rest of what you have for us.

Girl, you don't write Ride Reports, you present a photography exhibit with narrative. This one is stunning!


PS: I was out of work for 6 months a few years ago. Got in a LOT of moto-miles. Hope your episode is short-lived and leads to better things.

The long awaited RR debuts! Looking forward to the future installments. :)

Sorry to hear of the loss in employment. I was in the same boat in the Summer of 2015. It sucks, I was very dark and hard on myself when it happened, I hope that isn't the case with you. You are a woman of many talents - I am confident in your ability to find a better path, and my hope is that you will find it very soon! *Big Hugs*

Why does that bird have no head?

I bet it's actually one of those drones.

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Keep missing opportunities to party with you in person, but your AWESOME accounts have to be the next best thing. I've said it have a gift. Thanks for sharing it with us.

And as always, sending the very best high-octane juju your way.

All the best,

