ALFJR 1, Deer 0, FJR wounded

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Sorry to hear about your bike's injuries but thank god you didn't suffer any. Motorcycling is not supposed to be a "contact sport" in that sense.

Anyone coming to northwest New Mexico and southwest Colorado should be extremely alert for "forest rats" (around here we have "desert rats", too) The New Mexico Highway Department installed large, flashing signs just outside Aztec and up to the border on Hwy 550 last year warning WATCH OUT FOR DEER. Motor vehicle versus deer accidents have increased dramatically over the past couple of years along the Farmington - Durango road. About a month ago we were going to Durango for dinner and saw six fresh kills on the road over a two mile stretch just south of Durango on 550. And along the Colorado/New Mexico border they've installed several miles of deer fence to try and keep them off the roads.

The deer population is a big problem and getting bigger. With fewer predators (not counting cages and bikes) and hunters, there's nothing to keep them in check. It's probably just going to get worse.

Sincerely hope the rest of your trip is without incident and you get your bike back to 100%. :D

Hey AL, Glad you're OK!

I'm with Bob on this one. Go home and fly back and forth to LA, if you think you can limp it home.

Don't think there's ANY dealership that can fix a bike that fast, none of 'em keep FJR parts around. And it might just be totalled. Maybe your insurance company can help you make this decision... any trip loss coverage or anything like that?

You're 2/3 the trip to LA, but are really in the beginning of the whole ride, because of still having the trip home. Refer back to the others who've hit deer or otherwise done major damage to the front and don't be surprised by how long it can take to fix. If me, I'd get an estimate from the dealer where you are, but seriously consider what Randy said about limping it home and flying to LA. If the bike gets stranded in LA because you have to go home for the family and job, shipping the bike will probably cost somewhere around $700. There's the cost of your plane ticket and if it's at home, you're not in LA worrying about the bike instead of having a good time.My 2 cents.

Glad you are ok. Just wondering if you had DEER WHISTLES on the bike. Just askin.
Some people say they don't work - others aren't sure - I figure they can't hurt. Personal preference and choice. As I mentioned in my previous post, what with the deer problem around here, I hope they help me avoid what ALFJR went through. I also keep that 12-second scan mode going ALL the time.

I am skeptical...but have a couple on my bike. When someone runs through a deer though, it would be interesting to know if they had them on.

So glad to here you came out without a scratch. I had a similar deal nearly 2 years ago on a katana. I think I would limp home to Detroit and leave the bike there to be handled locally. If you ride it to L.A. I am afraid you and it will be stranded waiting on the Ins. Co. and Dealer to do there thing. Unless you have unlimited time to stay in L.A. Ride it home and fly. These things DO NOT get fixed quickly. :dribble:

Al, Glad you're OK. Congrats on keeping her upright. That can be one scary 1/2 second.

I had a similar deer strike on the way to work a couple years ago. Still rideable, but when they got it in the shop and started taking it apart, all of the plastic mounting brackets were broke and all the tupperware almost fell off on it's own. I'd question taking it very far, the vibes from continued riding could have other things show up.

I am skeptical...but have a couple on my bike. When someone runs through a deer though, it would be interesting to know if they had them on.
And yes, I had just put deer whistles on the bike a week before the strike!

First off, many thanks for all the offers of help, assistance and support! I sincerely appreciate everyone's input!!

And although this may not make logical sense, I have elected to press on to LA with the FJR. I know it may not make perfect sense, but this is a real opportunity to get west.

I had the Service Manager in Gunnison look the bike over and he could see no major damage. CODan also had a peek and from what all of us could assess, the damage, amazingly enough, appears to be cosmetic, except for the windscreen. It's hard to believe!

I am in Kayenta AZ, having ridden about 300+ miles since this AM. I even rode on the "Million Dollar Highway", US 550 to Durango! From there made it Aztec, NM, and Rainbow rider is right... Huge flashing Deer warning signs along the road. The bike feels fine, except I still have helmet impressions in my forehead!!

And for the record, I have no deer whistles, but am considering a set now!!

I would still appreciate it if someone can point me to a dealer in LA. Worst case, I run back home as the bike is now. I am hopeful I can find a dealer that can patch it up in time. I am going to try to make LA before 4 PM on Friday and get it straight to a dealership.

Again, thanks to all! I will keep you all posted!!

I still haven't figured out the signature!! It's saved on my hard drive!! Got that far!!

You have made your choice; now ride the bike the entire trip and get back home prior to service work. It will make a better story when finished, and you need the option to 'dog' the local dealer (or dealer close by who can actually do the work). Remote landlords and remote insurance repairs simply don't work. My deer strike repair took over 8 weeks and 7k and constant face-to-face with the service manager. And it went back twice to get it right. At the end, the SM was really tired of seeing my pretty face.. No way would I let a remote, out of town dealer fix my wounded scoot unless absolutely no other option was available.


I am in Kayenta AZ, having ridden about 300+ miles since this AM.
Beautiful downtown Kayenta, AZ. Home to Monument Valley and John Wayne and movies like "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon", among others. Did you get to ride through the Valley? Of course you know you traded deer for horses, cattle, sheep and goats for threats on Hwy 160 :unsure: It's all Navajo reservation and "open range".

Agree with others, if you can get the bike back to home where you won't be so rushed to accept a quick fix.

In the meantime, sounds like you're having a hell of an adventure. Gonna do a ride report with pix when you get home? :yahoo:

Glad you are OK. Also happy that you have had no further breakdowns despite riding the walking wounded. I think looking at the broken tupperware for all those hours would drive me crazy but it sounds like you are already there. I hope the rest of the trip is uneventful. Let us know how your ride turns out. There are lots of people here rooting for you.

#1. Godspeed to you Sir and continued vigilance.

#2. Bravo to everyone here for their offers of assistance. :clapping: That is very good to see.

I agree with dcarver. Try to get it fixed at home where you can take your time getting it dialed in correctly. Then if someone screws up you have all the time on your side. DONT RUSH IT!

Hey, did you know that Cypress is actually not far from the Yamaha headquarters in CA. Come to think of it.... it just might be in the same place. :unsure: :blink:

Greetings from Pasadena, CA!!

The offers for help continue to come in, and I am impressed at the support from the folks in this group! I really do appreciate the help!

Before I forget, who was the '05 FJR that ran with me for a bit on I-15 outside of Barstow, earlier this AM?! You certainly had the afterburners lit!

To net this out, I am going against all conventional wisdom, and giving Pasadena Yamaha a shot at fixing the FJR. These guys were waiting for me based on my call to them yesterday. Their mechanics are two senior guys (all relative), about mid-40s, the Service Manager a tad older. We ain't dealing with kids here!!

All parts will be available by Tuesday! All 3 upper cowlings need to be replaced as well as the headlight ass'y, and the big buck item ($275) is the windhield stay/subframe, as well as some brackets, screws, washers... What's funny is that all the smaller parts have to come from other than Cypress, which is "right down the street". Parts avaliability was why I brought it here, and I had to come to LA, anyway. Again, riding without the windshiled was taxing, to say the least!! And the deer hair stuck in the cowling cracks was not breaking much wind for me either!!! :lol:

I have yet another week of vacartion at the end of the work week. I a had to get the windshiled fixed, even to get back to Detroit. Doing 70-80 with a 20-30 mile head wind for hundreds of miles at a time was getting real old! I can't use the bike from this Sunday to next Friday AM anyway, so I am getting it fixed for the ride/tour to the north, then home. Within a few days we will find out if this was a good call or not. Had to do something, and given I got as far as I did, it made little sense to endure a ride back home. By the way, I advised the Serice Manager that my post had hundreds of hits and a lot of folks would know about how well they were going to do... A little incentive for them!

However this turns out, there is one thing for certain, and that is all the support and offers of help that has come from this community! My hat is off to all of you!! I sincerely thank you!!

I will keep all posted. And I will put together a ride repot at the end of this adventure!! Many thanks, again!!

Greetings from Pasadena, CA!!

YEAH, YOU MADE IT!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Good job! Sounds like you had some fun along the way too. Continued good luck getting the bike fixed and your return trip. Keep us posted. Oh yeah, enjoy California and the rest of your vacation. :D
Holy Deer, Al!

Glad your OK and that the bike sounds pretty fixable. Coulda been a whole lot worse, my friend.

Congrats on keeping the rubber side up. :drinks:

By the way, I advised the Serice Manager that my post had hundreds of hits and a lot of folks would know about how well they were going to do... A little incentive for them!
LOL Doesn't hurt to remind them that there are a *lot* of people watching them on this job. :)

Glad you made safely!

Glad you made it to LA alright, and welcome to the Deer-Strike Club
You can get the club logo here:

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