Alternate GPS Units

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Want to thank one and all for the advise and information that you've provided. As I'm sure you know, anytime one of us NG's post, we always wait for the blanket party to follow, on how we should have found "all this info" from Google......

Many thanks :yahoo:

I use a garmin nuvi 500 with a ram mount, I got the 500 instead of the 550 so I could have the topo maps for geocaching. It has been rock solid and haven't had any issues with it at all.

I have had good luck with my Garmin 2720. Made for motorcycle use, but with car accessories, you may still be able to get a refurbished unit off of Ebay.

Old reliable: Garmin GPSMap 60Cx

You just can't kill these things; rain, sleet, snow or hail (or taking a 50' drop down a ravine) doesn't even phase 'em. For that matter, it barely even scratches 'em!

This mount, a RAM-B-238 mount plate, a short arm and mirror-hole ball and your done!
