Alternator Wattage

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Stafford, VA
I'm looking at buying some heated clothing, electronic gizmos, etc and understand we have (05) a 490 watt alternator. How much of that 490 do we typically have to use for tasks other than running the bike? Maybe a better question is what's the max we can draw at any one time? Thanks. BTW, got and installed my CB +4+3 last night and hope tomorrow AM is cold for my morning commute so I get a good test.


I'm not an expert on this stuff but I recall reading somewhere that typical operating draw is about 285watts. If that's right we have about 200 watts of headroom.

I think the important thing is that all farkles are NOT created equal when it comes to power comsumption. Most electronics/instrumentation draws very little juice and you can add as much as you want (gps, radar, mp3...). Where the rub comes in is with non-LED accessory lighting and heated clothing. Both suck lots of power.

If you plan on doing lots of cold weather night driving with a pillion you're probably riding the wrong bike. If you're committed to these, install a Warchild-type CUNT switch and jump on a new stator when/if available. In any case, install a voltmeter and create a power budget so you can monitor the draw. :headset:

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Mogan - thanks for the reply. I'm looking at either Gebring heated jacket liner (77w x 2) or Widder. Widder uses less watts but doesn't have heated sleeves...will have to come to a compromise when we're both hooked up. I'M NOT GIVING UP MY FJR cause of a weak stator! I'll probably get the adjustable hookup so I can use the minimal watts for the jacket. Thanks again.

You have roughly 120-130 watts to play with before you start to see the voltmeter drop down to the 12.5v-12.8v region.

Widder uses less watts but doesn't have heated sleeves..
Not true.... I have been using the Widder Vest II with electric arm chaps for the past 6 years, and it works splendidly. And is *still* less draw than the Gerbing. Believe me - trust me - you want to use the Widder gear for cold weather riding on the FJR.

Widder web page for arm-chaps:


Warchild - thanks for the information - Widder w/arms still saves 15w/vest-arms over the Gerbig setup. That's enough to power the coffee maker!
