On March 3 I sent the following email to AMA:
"Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2009 10:29:30 -0500
To: Membership <
[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Contact Form: AMA Membership
Thank you Angie,
I was talking with another AMA member, and we are confused about details of the towing plan. He seems to think it covers cars, RV's of member and family as well as our motorcycles. This sounds too generous to me. Also he says he has a toll-free number for towing on the back of his membership card, but newly issued card does not. What number would I use? We both looked through the members website but it was confusing or we couldn't find details about the plan, who does the towing, if it would be motorcycle specialized towing, what benefits are exactly offered, etc. Can you point us to a webpage? Maybe mail a brochure? I know I'm asking a lot but I have tried to figure things out without bothering you. Thank you for answering my initial question.
Today I received the following answer:
"No, the new plan covers motorcycles, cars, trucks, motorcycle trailors, rv’s and motor homes. It covers your spouse and any dependant children under the age of 24 still living at home or is away at college. The newly issued membership cards now have the roadside assistance phone # on the front of the membership card. We don’t have a brochure that can be mailed right now, but you can log on to our Members Area and under the Benefits section look under the Roadside Assistance benefit. If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.
Thank You,
Angie Davis
Membership Services Representative
American Motorcyclist Association"