Does anyone know where the ambient temperature sensor is mounted on a Yamaha FJR1300es?
Bill, I am experiencing almost the same difference, so maybe it is more common than abnormality.Mine reads 5 degrees high consistently. I think it's just the sensor, not the location.
Sufficient.The question now begs how accurate is the coolant temp sensor?
Was that an option on the 01's? They did not make it to North America until 03'smy gen1 doesn't have a ambient temperature sensor but is equipped with an air conditioner..very confortable
That was from the 2014 Factory Service Manual, electrical component location diagram. In another section of the manual where they tell you how to test the sensor, it indicates you would remove it from the windshield mechanism.So is it in the top of the fairing as indicated in the above diagram or in the air box or possibly in a totally different location on a Gen3?Fred what is the source of the diagram you provided?