An Official Thanks To Smthng

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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My Indian name is "Pants On Fire"
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Ya' know, without these guys we might be wallowing... not knowing anything about EOM like, who we're hooking up with to ride to Townsend, how to get a really cool t-shirt touting the cause or who in the hell we're eating dinner with, GPS downloads, etc. There are so many things that have been discussed on this site thanks to the computer geekedness of smthng & the contributions of time from others. Also, thanks to the prize contributors.

Heck, I even know who to call upon if I want a good Eyetaliano meal!

My point is to thank all of the good people who have contributed to the cause. My most heartfelt thanks.

Hey, someone give these people a door prize! HAHAHA! Fogettaboutit!!! The door prizes are mine, mine all mine!!!! JK!

Peace all of you good people. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone & getting to chat with you about your most wise decision to buy an FJR.

Until week's end :) , Heidi

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Here Here!.. :clap: :drinks: Thanks to all who are contributing to making this years EOM great!

Thank you, thankyouverymuch! ;)

Actually, I have my own selfish reasons for helping out... First, I wouldn't have bought Blue Bayou and wouldn't have "farkled" her as much as I have without the help of everyone else on the various forums and mailing lists.

Second, I need another biking vacation... since I'm kind of organizing a lot of this one, I can't back out of it regardless of work and/or the family. "Sorry guys, I gotta go or they'll all just be lost in the mountains". ;)

Finally, I really want to meet many of the people I've spent a year talking to online. Are you all really as wierd as me? ;)

See you there!

Finally, I really want to meet many of the people I've spent a year talking to online. Are you all really as wierd as me? ;)
See you there!
Without much doubt.
