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R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Recieved this am...........

XcelPlus International, Inc. is pleased to announce the nationwide product launch of the E-85 Ethanol FlexTek Adaptor Kit. Once installed on a vehicle, this kit allows your car to operate on both E-85 Ethanol AND unleaded gasoline!FLEXTEK is a bi-fuel adapter that allows any Multi-Port or Sequential Fuel Injected vehicle to operate using ethanol alcohol, gasoline or a mixture of both. This proven technology has been fully tested and used for years in Brazil, the leading nation in Ethanol technology. The exclusive rights to this exciting technology have been secured, units are currently being manufactured, and distribution channels in the United States, Canada and Mexico are being established.

The XcelPlus FlexTek kit includes a FlexTek Engine Adaptor which allows almost any vehicle to run on E-85 fuel, and an E-85 Engine Protection Kit to clean and permanently protect your engine. The Engine Protection Kit includes a Fuel Conditioner to clean the fuel injection system in preparation for E85 fuel, and a specially blended Engine Protection product which cleans the internal engine parts, and coats them with a PERMANENT 1-2 micron protective coating.

The E85 Engine Protection product is a one-time treatment providing fuel savings to offset the loss of mileage attributed to E85, while protecting against the acids produced by E85. This product has been tested, proven, and documented by United States Governmental Agencies, Labs, and Universities to provide a permanently bonded coating which increases fuel mileage and virtually eliminates wear and deterioration of internal engine parts. While the US Department of Energy found that this product increases fuel mileage by approximately 6.9%, a University of Utah study determined that a 17.5% fuel economy increase is possible.

XcelPlus International, Inc. has an advertising commitment of $10 million this year to support our products and dealers. For more information on our E-85 FlexTek Adaptor Kits, and basic dealer information, please visit our website at

Thank you for your time and consideration. For more information please contact Bill Smith, CEO or Kevin Whited, National Sales Director (800)472-7409.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Please see for more information.

XcelPlus International, Inc.

5041 General Puller Hwy

Saluda, VA 23149

Toll Free 800-472-7409
Fish Injection System, anyone? :D

Yeah, I've been getting solicitations up the whazoo for IPO investment 'opportunities' via fax, phone and email the last two weeks on E85 startups...

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Damn, I'm gonna have to wait until I get my money (plus an extra $14 million!!!) back from that nice ex-Nigerian finance minister.

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Damn, I'm gonna have to wait until I get my money (plus an extra $14 million!!!) back from that nice ex-Nigerian finance minister.
Hey, I'm financing a nigerian muti-milionare who just need help from a local fella to find a house :blink:

First the Mexicans now the Nigerians, man, they'll let anyone into Club America :D

Interesting. This whole deal with ethanol seems to be gaining momentum. GM seems like they're grabbing ahold. Next years Indycars will run on Ethanol (with E85 promo tie-ins), instead of the Methanol that's been used for quite awhile now.

Wonder how long it'll be before I need some of that majic juice to convert the FJR over to E85? Accourse, knowing Rad's affection for ethanol, he's prolly busy converting Frank as I write this! :whistle: :p

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E85 is a decent step towards the future reduction in fossil fuels. It would be a pain removing any rubber parts from the FJR that may come in contact with fuel (I believe that's all that needs to be done), but it is a positive step to take. If only we could be energy independant like Brazil. Ponder that.

I need to get me some of that magic stuff that coats the inside of my engine and helps increase my mileage. My lawn mower is only getting 1 mpg (mow per gallon) and my wife refuses to fill the tank so the grass is getting pretty tall.

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Yep, E85 independence. It would require ALL of the corn grown in the US of A to produce enough ethanol to replace less than 10% of our oil consumption. Ethanol helps as an oxygenate. Kills fuel mileage, plan on 60-70% of the mileage you get vs gasoline. Perhaps we can all grow “Victory Gardens” of corn in our backyard circa 1943…

And we can be energy independent like Brazil too! It’s easy when you only have about 20 million vehicles on the road. Only a million miles of roads to drive on, and only 9% of the roadways are even paved. 20% of the population lives in abject poverty. The average annual wage is about $3,000. Less than a third of the population owns a TV, less than half even own a radio.

Yep we can be just like that!

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Yep, E85 independence. It would require ALL of the corn grown in the US of A to produce enough ethanol to replace less than 10% of our oil consumption. Ethanol helps as an oxygenate. Kills fuel mileage, plan on 60-70% of the mileage you get vs gasoline. Perhaps we can all grow “Victory Gardens” of corn in our backyard circa 1943…
And we can be energy independent like Brazil too! It’s easy when you only have about 20 million vehicles on the road. Only a million miles of roads to drive on, and only 9% of the roadways are even paved. 20% of the population lives in abject poverty. The average annual wage is about $3,000. Less than a third of the population owns a TV, less than half even own a radio.

Yep we can be just like that!
Your old enough to remember that? :eek: I'm impressed....I tip my hat to you respect....(doesnt that mean your too old to ride an FJR?.... :p ) :D kidding.... :unsure:

Yep, E85 independence. It would require ALL of the corn grown in the US of A to produce enough ethanol to replace less than 10% of our oil consumption.

Not to mention the fact that E85 production actually requires more fossil fuel consumption than it replaces.

jimbemotumbo, shhhhh! We don't want little things like facts to get in the way of the ethanol train!
