Another Brother's Gone Down

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Howdy Gang,

Just a short note for now, to say a very big thanks to you all for your thoughts and prayers, and give a brief synopous(sp) of what happened:

Yes, I did go down on Sunday, late morning, on that ride w/ the Breakkfast Riders. We were heading out to Occidental, were on 128, paralling Lake Henessey, when I went down, comming out of a blind corner, doing about 30mph or so. Happened so fast! My friend behind me said it looked like my rear tire locked up. I rarely use the back brake, so I guess, when I downshifted, I kicked down 2 accidently, instead on one. flew over the bars, sumersaulted once, landing on my left sholderblade, then rolled and skidded. Layed/sat there forabout 15min, trying to catch my breath and get my bearings. During this time, the ****** leading the run comes up and takes my picture! Anyway, I decided to try and ride back home to Vacaville, didn't think I needed 911. Three good friends followed me, made it as far as Turtle Rock, and i couldn't hang anymore. Stopped there, tow of my friends rode back to Fairfield, left their bikes there, and came back in their car. I rode w/ one in the car, while the other rode the FJR home.

Got to the hospital, after it was all said and done, I had seven broken ribs, three broken in two places; a punctured lung, and pretty good brusing on my left hip. I was in there from Sun afternoon until last 'nite. Hurts like hell to cough or laugh, very little strength on my left side. Can't lie down, have to sit up for the most part.

Than's about all the typing I can handle for now. Thanks again for all your kind thought and prayers

Man, glad to see you up and (a little bit) about. Them broke ribs are a royal pain. It's a lesson in patience, that's for sure.

And hey, since the line of "good taste" was already crossed by the photographer, post it up. (Just in the interest of science)

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Glad you're up and around! Them broke ribs take forever to heal :( Took 6 months for mine to heal up right last time I broke a few.

maybe with all this crashing we should start a database of crashes. keep dates personal stats road conditions and what happened kind of stuff. Maybe we find somthing out??

Sorry about your smashup Rockwells, dont do that again!

Sorry about your crash and those brroken ribs hurt hurt hurt. You did pretty good on not getting injured more seriously.

You have some good friends. How did you ride with those ribs broken and all that jarring and movement from the bike on the road, you must of hurt like hell.

Lets us know how the bike held up to the crash. heal up and will see you on the road.

Do not do this :yahoo: while healing try to do just this :)

Hi, George. Sorry about your crash. Scary stuff. Good thing you didn't somersault into a tree or something (just the ground :eek: ). Let me know if there's anything I can be of help with. I look forward to your getting well and our riding together again.


Jeez, guys! Just because you all want Jill and I to NOT feel soooo bad about our situations......dayang!
Heal well, Rockwalls, I know with broken ribs it won't be soon. Follow the Doc's orders, use the breathing device they will send home with you.....and don't laugh or cough!
What is it they say? Misery loves company? You REALLY didn't have to do this to make Mike and I feel better you know. TWN has a lot to say about broken ribs. I understand that they really hurt. You're getting good advice above, to use the incentive spirometer, splint the ribs with a pillow and take some deep breaths. I promise that this exercise will be painful, but the alternative is pneumonia and that's not cool.

Hope you feel better real soon. I wish you patience with your recovery (since the lack thereof seems to be a common thread here).


This place is really starting to get to me. You guys crashing are really going to have to stop this immediately. What the heck is this? I know its no consolation but broke all my ribs on the left side in 1975 and guess what, they still hurt! But it could have been worse, right? Anyway, get well George and prayer's coming your way as well. I"m just glad I can pray and not have to do the answering with all this.....Dang.....I'm out of here....PM. <>< :rolleyes:

The bike came out pretty good, overall. just cosmetic, far as I can tell w/ my limited inspection. I'm a firm believer in sliders now!!! Bike went down on left side. scrapped the hell out of the slider and saddlebag. Couple minor scratches on the cowling, near the glovebox. some minor scraping on the engine case. Plan to have her throughly gone over before another ride. Yeah, I was pretty stupid trying to ride her home, in retrospect.

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Rockwells: You did what you thought was rite when you rode home. You have to remember you are from Vacaville so you got to be tough... I grew up there so I know if you are from there or live there, you got to be one tough cookie... :yahoo:

Take your time and heal fast and see you on the road so time.

and always keep a :) about you.........

Glad to hear your out of the hospital. Now you can catch up on all the soap opera gossip.

Glad to here you are doing better.

Watch out for the double down shift.


Dang it Rocky, wtfo? :angry:

Well, remember the vodkadin, have nurse Nancy treat ya right then get back out there and ride.

Oh, and start using that rear brake? You won't have to downshift nearly as much, about 1/2 to be exact! :rolleyes:

Seriously, glad you're more or less ok, get well..

maybe with all this crashing we should start a database of crashes. keep dates personal stats road conditions and what happened kind of stuff. Maybe we find somthing out??
That would get a big "no" sentiment here. I'm a bit of a hypocrit as I work with databases and corp IT systems that capture and mine data, but the last thing folks want is some kind of repository of wrecks because, like any other data collection, it can later be wielded in a less-than-desireable way, especially since this is a public forum. Short of having God to give truly impartial info, it would be pretty questionable quality anyway.
Heal up quickly, rockwells!

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The bike came out pretty good, overall. just cosmetic, far as I can tell w/ my limited inspection. I'm a firm believer in sliders now!!! Bike went down on left side. scrapped the hell out of the slider and saddlebag. Couple minor scratches on the cowling, near the glovebox. some minor scraping on the engine case. Plan to have her throughly gone over before another ride. Yeah, I was pretty stupid trying to ride her home, in retrospect.
I think there's another lesson here, George, if I may be presumptuous--and that is that we are not qualified to conclude how seriously we are injured after an accident. We should presume the worst and insist on having professional attention right away.

After I had my crash, a couple months later I went to see my regular doctor (after seeing a doctor the next day). My doctor told me about a guy he knew who bought a bike, rode it home that day. Stopped at a light, his boot hit something slick, and he went over. Hit his head (no helmet(!)), rode himself home, and died that evening from internal bleeding.

As a further comment, I haven't accidentally downshifted twice, but I have accidently downshifted when I didn't intend to. Scary. I ride with my toes on the pegs (learned from my Reg Pridmore track school). Sometimes when I move my foot to UPSHIFT, I'll hit the damn thing prematurely and downshift. Clunk!

It's human error that crashes most jet liners, and we be susceptible on the bikes. God help us....

maybe with all this crashing we should start a database of crashes. keep dates personal stats road conditions and what happened kind of stuff. Maybe we find somthing out??
That would get a big "no" sentiment here. I'm a bit of a hypocrit as I work with databases and corp IT systems that capture and mine data, but the last thing folks want is some kind of repository of wrecks because, like any other data collection, it can later be wielded in a less-than-desireable way, especially since this is a public forum. Short of having God to give truly impartial info, it would be pretty questionable quality anyway.
Heal up quickly, rockwells!
On exactly that subject.... :) --I have entertained the thought of doing a random sample of Forum members and asking about their accident history, coupled of course with demographic info, history, classes taken, etc. Trouble is, you can't be sure the people you selected are active enough to participate in the survey. But if designed and executed correctly, we could gather good info about FJR riders and their relation to the broader (all bikes) population with regard to accidents. I have the latter on a disc from the CA CHP: 10 years and 100,000 records of statewide motorcycle accident reports. I've already analyzed and publish two articles in Friction Zone about the data. There's more there (but we have to keep evil people out of it so they don't use it for their nefarious purposes! :D )

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I think there's another lesson here, George, if I may be presumptuous--and that is that we are not qualified to conclude how seriously we are injured after an accident. We should presume the worst and insist on having professional attention right away.
After I had my crash, a couple months later I went to see my regular doctor (after seeing a doctor the next day). My doctor told me about a guy he knew who bought a bike, rode it home that day. Stopped at a light, his boot hit something slick, and he went over. Hit his head (no helmet(!)), rode himself home, and died that evening from internal bleeding.
That's VERY good advice. I've lost count of the number of children that I've taken care of in the ICU, who we were babysitting for the night. Each had had a bop on the head, usually involving a bicycle or skateboard without the use of a helmet. By far the majority of them went home in the morning, as good as new, with just a ringing in the ears about wearing a helmet next time.

BUT...... over the years there have been a few who weren't just fine. They developed bleeding in the brain, hours after the event. With sophisticated monitoring equipment and experience, we were able to identify these kids and get them off to surgery. Thanks to skilled surgeons, the kids all turned out pretty much OK.

If you're watching someone who has hit his/her head (they shouldn't be alone for the first 24hrs afterwards) the things to watch for at home are: mental changes, such as confusion, not being 'quite right', or unexplained lethargy. Don't give them alcohol, because this could cause those things anyway. Vomiting, blood or fluid draining from the ears or nose is another reason to get them to the ER. A flashlight shone into the eyes should show both pupils (the black dots in the middle) to be the same size, and shrink quickly in response to the light. Unequal, or unresponsive pupils are another reason to get to the ER.

The best advice, of course, is to get professionally checked out ASAP then hopefully none of the above will apply.


maybe with all this crashing we should start a database of crashes. keep dates personal stats road conditions and what happened kind of stuff. Maybe we find somthing out??
That would get a big "no" sentiment here. I'm a bit of a hypocrit as I work with databases and corp IT systems that capture and mine data, but the last thing folks want is some kind of repository of wrecks because, like any other data collection, it can later be wielded in a less-than-desireable way, especially since this is a public forum. Short of having God to give truly impartial info, it would be pretty questionable quality anyway.
Heal up quickly, rockwells!
Yeah, people will just use knowlege wrong, best not to even try to learn :dribble:

maybe with all this crashing we should start a database of crashes. keep dates personal stats road conditions and what happened kind of stuff. Maybe we find somthing out??
That would get a big "no" sentiment here. I'm a bit of a hypocrit as I work with databases and corp IT systems that capture and mine data, but the last thing folks want is some kind of repository of wrecks because, like any other data collection, it can later be wielded in a less-than-desireable way, especially since this is a public forum. Short of having God to give truly impartial info, it would be pretty questionable quality anyway.
Heal up quickly, rockwells!
On exactly that subject.... :) --I have entertained the thought of doing a random sample of Forum members and asking about their accident history, coupled of course with demographic info, history, classes taken, etc. Trouble is, you can't be sure the people you selected are active enough to participate in the survey. But if designed and executed correctly, we could gather good info about FJR riders and their relation to the broader (all bikes) population with regard to accidents. I have the latter on a disc from the CA CHP: 10 years and 100,000 records of statewide motorcycle accident reports. I've already analyzed and publish two articles in Friction Zone about the data. There's more there (but we have to keep evil people out of it so they don't use it for their nefarious purposes! :D )
A-men James! You are a doer! I havent thought about the best way to do it but it seems like the forum has a significant sample size.


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