Another newbie question: riding position !

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Got my MRI results a few days ago -- three bulging disks in my lower back to go with the compressed disks in my neck. I told my doctor two weeks ago that it was wierd how my back and right leg killed me except in a recliner or on my bike. He asked what kind of motorcycle, nodded and said it made perfect sense -- then sent me for x-rays and MRI.

My VSTAR 1100 killed me after a few hundred miles, the FJR is fine up to 650 miles (the most in a day so far), but I need to get a new seat...... and I think I might remove pins and swing the handlebars out a bit.

My 2 cents.

I too am 50+ with a bad back. I use my bike for a commuter but could not even do this distance without the backrest shown.


Had back surgery last winter for a bulging disk (L5/S1). In the interim between injuring my back (mid-July) and surgery (mid-December), I was far more comfortable (very relative term - in truth, the agony was somewhat less unbearable) on the bike than in either the pickup or the wife's car; so, depending on your specific issue, you could be okay backwise. As to the other transition question, until you get used to using your abdominals and leg muscles to keep the weight off your wrists, you might keep the windshield lowered. At anything over about 40 mph, the wind will help take some load off.

I'm 55, my lower back is a mess. I have had neck surgery to repair/fuse vertabrae that were shattered in dirt bike adventures. I am at most comfort on my FJR. Get your bars raised to where you like them, the seat to where your ass doesn't cry too much, and the road will attend to your soul.

I had a FatBoy and a Road King before my FJR. Easy transition for seating. Difficult transition because of increased performance. :yahoo:

How does it feel to be trying to keep UNDER 65 mph speed limit, rather than trying to get UP to it!?

For you Harley guys, I'm just kidding.

Now was that other Harley joke about "If pigs could fly"

or "If Harley riders ate flys"?


Either way your going to love the FJR.


PS Some of my best friends ride Harleys.

