Another PR2 deal from Cycle City

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Active member
Mar 18, 2007
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Cincinatti, OH
Junior from Cycle City called yesterday and offered this deal on PR2 Michelins. Looks like it's better than last year but may have already been beat by Derby from what I see in another post. Read the following and decide for yourself.

We have a great deal going on exclusively for the FJR forum members as a group buy.

Pilot Road 2 set- 180/55-17 & 120/70-17- $250 Shipped.

These are the standard PR2 tires, not the B model. However I can order the B model- $280/ set- shipped.

We will do a roll call via email for a two week period where anyone interested can email me and let me know the quantity and model that they want. The last week of February I will ship out all tires.

Payments will be available to be made by credit card over the phone or paypal.

Members MUST send an email during the period from Feb. 5th - Feb 20th to be included in the group buy. The prices on the tire sets will go up significantly from there and will not be available at the same price next month.

I spoke with Michelin today, and they informed me that they have no intention of introducing a new sport touring tire model nor do they have any intention of discontinuing the pilot road 2.

Thank you again for all of your help and support.

Any questions feel free to email me [email protected]


Parts Manager

Cycle City Motorsports


Cell -(949)463-6480

Check us out on the web!

Sounds like an excellent deal considering how the Derby Cycle debacle turned out!! :glare: If I remember correctly without checking my credit card statements, the last group buy was $275 shipped. I don't need tires for a while yet, but will be e-mailing Junior and getting a set since I will problably need them about the end of 2010 riding season.

I believe will also do $250 shipped, but give Tim a call to verify. If so, no group buy req'd.

Does this price involve a minimum number of people buying them? Or do we just give him a call & we get that price?

Sounds like an excellent deal considering how the Derby Cycle debacle turned out!! :glare: If I remember correctly without checking my credit card statements, the last group buy was $275 shipped.
What debacle? I've got 2 pairs in transit from them. Derby's short time best deal is the best I've seen on these tires, esp. for the "B" spec. I believe the last GB here would've been $280 shipped to Calif, for the non-B specs. I got a $270 per pair deal just before that off a similarly short lived Blackbird forum GB. Having said all that, I'd say that shipped prices of $250 for a set of PR2s or $280 for the B spec set is a heck of a deal I'd have jumped on if I hadn't gotten the previously unheard of $240 price for B spec sets from Derby.

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Hey guys, Hope all is well.

There isn't a minimum for this group buy, I figured it would just be easier for you to budget a couple weeks in advance.

I have the tires available now, but I also figured with the current weather most are experiencing, the wait would be fine.

Thank you again for all of your support, I enjoy doing business with your members as you all have been very supportive and positive to deal with in our past group buys.

If you are a member of other FJR forums, feel free to extend the invite as I do have the means of supporting all of your tire orders.

If you have questions please email me - [email protected]

Thanks again guys, keep it rubber side down.


Cycle City Motorsports

Junior has been good to the collective in the past, and good to deal with personally on the phone.

I just had a set mounted, and was reminded on a short 200 mile loop in 34 degree weather and fog, wet and sun how much I like these tires. I find out about a tax return on Saturday, and if there are no surprises I will be calling for another set -- for later in the season.

Hey guys!

Alot of you will be seeing your tires this week, I have been sending them out the last couple of days.

And for those who wanted to wait until after the deadline, I will be contacting you soon.

Thanks for all the emails, questions, and support.

Have fun out there!


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