Another windshield report

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Brian Ewell

Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
Centreville, VA
Rider vitals: 5'9 and 30" inseam

Experienced major noise issues in all positions with stock windshield. I've ridden for 12 years and thought about hearing protection a time or two, but the FJR made it a requirement.

I decided to try the two least expensive (non-destructive) options I read about here, and ordered the Skyway spacers and the Yamaha touring w/s, giving me three new combinations to try out.

Skyway spacers arrived first. For those unfamiliar, they fit on the lower w/s bracket, causing the w/s to angle slightly more into the rider. As others have mentioned, they seem a bit pricey for what you get -- two longer-than-stock bolts and thick "washers" -- but I've no doubt a fair bit of research went into the hardware choices, and I had no concerns about whether they'd fit, etc. Skyway's windshield removal instructions were also very helpful.

Result was smoother airflow with shield in lowest position, with appreciably less noise. However, in highest position helmet buffeting was painful, and I ended up hunched over while riding through rain with the shield in this position. Positions in-between seemed somewhat quieter, but I find I really only use the windshield at its highest and lowest positions.

Touring windshield arrived and I installed it with the spacers still in place. Result was not only quieter in all positions, but the lowest position still allowed plenty of air to keep me cool, and in full up position it was about perfect, with zero buffeting and less noise, and the height was such that I was looking just over the top of the shield. So I'm very pleased with this combination, and plan to leave it set up like this.

Given the success for me with the two products combined, I don't at this time plan to go back and try the touring windshield without the spacers, but if I do I'll post an update.


'06 FJR1300

'89 FJ1200 (for sale)

'90 K75S

'94 VFR750

'85 VF700C Magna

Thanks Brian for the report. I'm looking for the same "fix" for the windshield noise as well and your post pretty well makes up my mind as to what direction to go.

So Brain, who did you order the windshield from and how much was it? It appears the backorder on touring windscreens is finally clearing out - just in time for the weather to start cooling off and a bigger windscreen becoming more useful. ;)

I got the spacers as well to try and fix some bad stuff coming from my stock windscreen. It did smooth out the buffeting. I use hearing protection, so noise I can't comment on.

I moved to the CB short screen for summer, and the spacers don't make one iota of difference with that. In winter, I'll probably stick on a CB+2+2, and I'm sure with the spacers I'll be happy.

I've bought 2 of the smallest, most expensive items for this bike, Ian's spacers and the little thumbscrew for my Zumo. :)

So Brain, who did you order the windshield from and how much was it? It appears the backorder on touring windscreens is finally clearing out - just in time for the weather to start cooling off and a bigger windscreen becoming more useful. ;)
I ordered it from Rick Roush ( and it was $87.96 plus $14.44 for shipping.

I think the Cee Bailey, VStorm, and Rifle windshields were all around $150, plus somebody made the point that the genuine Yammy one fits perfect, so I decided to try it first.


I've been considering that windsheild. Is it clear or tinted like original? Looks clear in the photo.


I bought a '07 AE recently and love it! I took a hiatus from riding for about 10years.. I use a MP3, which can be hard to hear, so I'm sure I'm destroying my hearing..

Anyhoo, ordered the Yama Touring W/S, mostly for the buffeting.. Right now it's too damn hot here! Good to know about the spacers, I'm going to try the W/S by itself first??

Did you have any problems with the install, as far as screws are concerned??

I'm 6'2", 34in. inseam (hope she works)... :unsure:

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I've been considering that windsheild. Is it clear or tinted like original? Looks clear in the photo.
Looks clear to me.

Now can somebody explain to my why they felt it necessary to put a bright yellow and white CAUTION sticker on it so you didn't try cleaning it with steel wool or something?? Man, that thing was hard to get off. At least on my stock fairing the sticker is small and unobtrusive...


Now can somebody explain to my why they felt it necessary to put a bright yellow and white CAUTION sticker on it so you didn't try cleaning it with steel wool or something??
I think Yamaha was hoping that the sticker was so ugly you'd have to remove it and, in so doing, damage the windshield and buy another one. More sales for Yamaha that way. :)

Seeing as I'm probably going to order one of those windshields soon can you explain what method of sticker removal seem to work best? Heat/GooGone/small scraper?

I bought a '07 AE recently and love it! I took a hiatus from riding for about 10years.. I use a MP3, which can be hard to hear, so I'm sure I'm destroying my hearing.. Anyhoo, ordered the Yama Touring W/S, mostly for the buffeting.. Right now it's too damn hot here! Good to know about the spacers, I'm going to try the W/S by itself first??

Did you have any problems with the install, as far as screws are concerned??

I'm 6'2", 34in. inseam (hope she works)... :unsure:
Installation was a breeze. The only trick the first time is knowing that the "Batman" cover comes off with two little 3mm allen bolts -- you have to look up under the edge of the W to see 'em. And Skyway's recommendation to remove the center of the 7 plastic windshield screws last is a good one. If you search around a bit here you'll also learn that the heads of those plastic screws strip out real easy. They look like Philips (sp?) but they're actually something a little different. Somebody said that the driver in the toolkit is the right one to use. I ended up buying a whole new set -- replaced three of 'em immediately and kept the other four for spares.


'06 FJR1300

'89 FJ1200 (for sale)

'90 K75S

'94 VFR750

'85 VF700C Magna

I bought a '07 AE recently and love it! I took a hiatus from riding for about 10years.. I use a MP3, which can be hard to hear, so I'm sure I'm destroying my hearing.. Anyhoo, ordered the Yama Touring W/S, mostly for the buffeting.. Right now it's too damn hot here! Good to know about the spacers, I'm going to try the W/S by itself first??

Did you have any problems with the install, as far as screws are concerned??

I'm 6'2", 34in. inseam (hope she works)... :unsure:
Installation was a breeze. The only trick the first time is knowing that the "Batman" cover comes off with two little 3mm allen bolts -- you have to look up under the edge of the W to see 'em. And Skyway's recommendation to remove the center of the 7 plastic windshield screws last is a good one. If you search around a bit here you'll also learn that the heads of those plastic screws strip out real easy. They look like Philips (sp?) but they're actually something a little different. Somebody said that the driver in the toolkit is the right one to use. I ended up buying a whole new set -- replaced three of 'em immediately and kept the other four for spares.


'06 FJR1300

'89 FJ1200 (for sale)

'90 K75S

'94 VFR750

'85 VF700C Magna
Thanks Brian... Enjoy riding ur FJ, man I sure as hell do!

So Brain, who did you order the windshield from and how much was it? It appears the backorder on touring windscreens is finally clearing out - just in time for the weather to start cooling off and a bigger windscreen becoming more useful. ;)
I ordered it from Rick Roush ( and it was $87.96 plus $14.44 for shipping.

I think the Cee Bailey, VStorm, and Rifle windshields were all around $150, plus somebody made the point that the genuine Yammy one fits perfect, so I decided to try it first.

Brian I ordered one from them a couple of weeks ago and have not gotten it yet, how long ago did you order yours and when did you get it? Thanks, Bob

one more word from the sidelines about Skyway's spacers ..... excellent.

I know, I know, some folk are going to squawk and fart about the price, but I don't mind at all - they do exactly what they're supposed to do - and they do so beautifully. Nice work Ian. (besides, on the big picture scheme of things, it's definitely the least expensive farkle to the bike I've made)

I still get wind with the stock shield - but now it's clean, smooth wind (not the turbulent, buffeting sort) but at 6' 2", I do sit rather tall in the saddle. Come the winter, I'll replace the stocker with my +6, +6 rifle screen, and use Ian's brackets rather than the tuning blocks from rifle.

ride safe all, Bull

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Now can somebody explain to my why they felt it necessary to put a bright yellow and white CAUTION sticker on it so you didn't try cleaning it with steel wool or something??
Seeing as I'm probably going to order one of those windshields soon can you explain what method of sticker removal seem to work best? Heat/GooGone/small scraper?
I'd like to know the answer to that myself. I went with the 'scrape-with-your-fingernails-until-extreme-pain-makes-you-stop' method. Low-tech, requires minimal tools, but I don't zactly recommend it....


'06 FJR1300

'89 FJ1200 (for sale)

'90 K75S

'94 VFR750

'85 VF700C Magna

Skyway, If you read this, don't take it personally, but....

I ordered a pair for my 03, and they are super for the stock screen, but were really bad for my pillion, buffeting-wise.

I swapped over to the touring screen+spacers and that was awesome for her, but in full up position it felt like someone was drumming on top of my helmet.....the fix?

I went to home depot and found a pair of stainless 12mm nuts that are about 2/3 as think as the spacers. It made no difference to the pillion and the screen is *just* upright enough that I'm about 1 inch under the turbulent air.

They also 'crush' the front fairing down less when the arms contact the end of the tracks.

I still have the Skyway spacers around for solo days with the short screen.

I just installed my Yamaha Touring windshield yesterday and I think its perfect. No Buffeting and a huge improvment over the stock. I'm short, 5'7" and the stock wind shield didn't cut it even for a shorty like me.

